What Should We Name Our Sci-Fi Inspired Band for a $200 Prize?

  • Thread starter Caution Robot
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Band Sci-fi
Misc:The BannedSilly HatsTaco TuesdayNaked SingularityJust having fun here. :biggrin:In summary, a band is looking for a name and is holding a contest with a $200 prize for the chosen name. The band is inspired by sci-fi books, nature, astronomy, movies, dreams, and quantum physicist David Bohm. Some potential names suggested are "The Milliway's Cantina Band," "The Issacs," "Hal 9000 and the Heartbreakers," "Nuclear Whistles," and "The 1.21 "Jigga"Watt Electric Revolution." Other suggestions include "The Plutons," "The Johnny
  • #1
Caution Robot
We really need help naming our band, I just found this forum and it seems like an excellent place to try, so a little contest:

If we choose a name you come up with you will receive $200 usd by paypal.

The ideal name should grab people's attention.

If it helps: we’re inspired by sci-fi books, nature, astronomy, movies, dreams, even quantum physicist David Bohm has inspired one of the songs we wrote.

Here’s a link to a short sampler on YouTube:

Please PM or post your entries. Multi-forum contest, enter as often as you want.

Contest ends May 25 when we send the music off to a mastering engineer.

Thanks for playing and good luck...
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  • #3
How about The Milliway's Cantina Band?
  • #4
"The Issacs" or maybe "The Asimovs?"

"Hal 9000 and the Heartbreakers"

"Nuclear Whistles"

"The 1.21 "Jigga"Watt Electric Revolution!"

"The Plutons" (apropos tag line: "we're out of this world!")

"The Johnny Five"

  • #5
Dunno if any of these are already taken but hey it's worth a shot.
"The Parallax"
"Ursa Minor"
  • #6
"The (Second) Foundation"?
  • #7
There have been good suggestions in the past here, like Lisab's "P-branes", and
Hepth said:
Broken Symmetry
The Non-Abelian Gauge Group

or just be SU(2). It sounds so familiar...

  • #8
fuzzyfelt said:
There have been good suggestions in the past here, like Lisab's "P-branes", and


P-branes always makes me laugh...so goofy :smile:...
  • #9
"Uncertainty Principle" might be a good one.

One time, the owner of a popular night-spot was faced with a short-notice cancellation and asked if we would play at his place Saturday night. My sister (lead singer in a band) and I (ran weekly open mic jams at a local tavern) put together a one-night band by pulling in musicians from other bands in the area. We managed to get musicians from 4 other bands that weren't booked that night. When we showed up to play, placards said that the featured band was "To Be Announced", so that's what we called ourselves. We rustled up a big piece of poster-board and markers and made a sign with that name. It was fun.

We joked with the crowd that when some joint advertised that the entertainment was "To Be Announced", we'd just show up and play.

"Naked Singularity" might be more appropriate, in a science sense.
  • #10
True story.

My friend was in an unnamed startup band.
One day after practice someone asked: "So what's our band name going to be?"
Someone responded "Good question".

The name stuck.
  • #11
Caution Robot said:
If it helps: we’re inspired by sci-fi books, nature, astronomy, movies, dreams, even quantum physicist David Bohm has inspired one of the songs we wrote.
If you are inspired by David Bohm, then how about "Bohm Voyage"?
  • #12
Borg said:
If you are inspired by David Bohm, then how about "Bohm Voyage"?

Ah...good angle.

The Nuclear Bohms
Bohms Away
Carpet Bohms

...lots of Bohm possibilities.
  • #13
One more off-topic band name story. A good friend of mine was in a band that was forming from the remains of two others, and was looking for a band name. First I suggested "Crunchy Frog" (Monty Python reference). There was a very popular band around at the time called "Big Chief and the Continentals", so my friend jokingly asked if I thought they could get gigs if they called themselves "The Incontinentals" (every member was over 50). I said "depends". He couldn't talk for a few minutes, laughing so hard he was crying.
  • #14
If you like David Bohm:
The Aharanov-Bohm Effect

Or maybe just "Bohm Effect"
  • #15
Problem with Bohmian names is that, more than suggesting a mere inspiration, it might more likely suggest a tribute band.
  • #16
lisab said:
P-branes always makes me laugh...so goofy :smile:...

Me too!

Inequal Bells?
  • #17
Jimmy is a nice name. Also, you might like "The Energy Band". or "The Conduction Band".
  • #18
Quantum Cybermen
Cataclysm Zone
  • #19
You guys are killing me, this is fun.

Borg: "Bohm Voyage" good one! Or maybe Da Bohm - ha!

Turbo-1: "Depends" = hilarious
  • #20
Sci derivers?
  • #21
Quantum Pilots
Quantum Wave Pilots
Wave Pilots

Forbidden Region

The Probability Amplitudes
The Amplitudes
The Interference Experiment

  • #22
"The Quintessons."

"Hermans Hermitians."

"The Del Operators."
  • #23
The Bra kets

Da Bohmians

The Newtones (New tones) or The New Tone
  • #24
  • #25
Bohmian Rhapsody
  • #26
Zeta Sum 42


Quantum String Harmonics
  • #27
Andre said:
Sci derivers
robphy said:
These two are cool.
  • #28
The Octonions


There are exactly four normed division algebras: the real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions, and octonions. The real numbers are the dependable breadwinner of the family, the complete ordered field we all rely on. The complex numbers are a slightly flashier but still respectable younger brother: not ordered, but algebraically complete. The quaternions, being noncommutative, are the eccentric cousin who is shunned at important family gatherings. But the octonions are the crazy old uncle nobody let's out of the attic: they are nonassociative.

Right Angle to Reality / Ninety Degrees from Everything - from Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land
  • #29
Proton Soup said:
Ninety Degrees from Everything

That's cool. The Orthogonals.
  • #30
Poincare's Conjecture


  • #31
unification theory.
  • #32
One Stone.

(translate it to German :smile:)
  • #33
The Harmonic Oscillator(s)

stuff you can append/change with this name:
The 42 Harmonic Oscillators
Oscillators in Harmony

Another: Chaotic Feedback Loop
  • #34
lisab said:
One Stone.
(translate it to German :smile:)

As we are translating, why not Latin

"Lapidem unum"

I guess the pun of "Newtone" is not catchy enough?
  • #35
How abt "Temporal Space"...brings both ends of space and time together...

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