What sparked my journey into the world of complex systems and astrophysics?

  • Thread starter nichendrix
  • Start date
In summary, my journey into the world of complex systems and astrophysics was sparked by a deep fascination with the interconnectedness of the universe and a desire to understand the underlying principles that govern its complexity. This curiosity and passion led me to pursue a career in astrophysics, where I have been able to study and research the intricate systems and processes that shape our world and beyond. Through my studies and experiences, I have gained a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the universe, and continue to be driven by a thirst for knowledge and understanding of its inner workings.
  • #1
There isn't much to say about me, I've got a major in Business and Economics, started to take interest in non-linear dynamics in marketing and economic systems, which lead me to a take a Master's in Complex System Modeling, the contact with so many talented Physicists set on fire my life long interest on Physics, which lead me to get a BS in Physics and soon I'll start my doctoral studies in Computational Astrophysics.

Other than that I like to participate as a lecturer/instructor/facilitator in science education events for the wider audience specially in astronomy (star parties/lectures) and complex social and economic systems. When I have time to spare, I like to play guitar and saxophone and to do some amateur astrophotography work.
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