What temperature F does water freeze at 65 PSI ?

In summary: Water pressure in your house is 65 PSI. At this pressure, water will freeze at approximately 31 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • #1
What temperature F does water freeze at 65 PSI ?

I looked this up online but all I find is stuff I already know and lots of advertisements. It makes me mad to clink on a link that forces me to look at an advertisement and when I try to click to leave it will NOT let me leave. All I have learned so far is what I already know, water freezes at 32 deg F, highest density is 39 deg F, only substance know that can exist in all 3 states, gas, liquid, solid. A soft drink will freeze at 29 deg F. Water freezes at 2 bars. Water boils at 70 deg F in a vacuum. Flowing water will not freeze at 32. SO WHAT!

What I need to know is how does pressure effect the freezing point of water. There has to be a formula to calculate this?

Water pressure in my house is 65 PSI at what temperature F will water in the pipes freeze?
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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
only substance know that can exist in all 3 states, gas, liquid, solid.
Here is a site with the pressure/temperature phase diagrams of carbon dioxide, helium and water.

You will notice that all three have what is called a triple point, which is where all three phases ( gas, liquid, solid ) co-exist. Other substances behave similarly. Your statement is not accurate at all.

Water pressure in my house is 65 PSI at what temperature F will water in the pipes freeze?
A litle bit lower than 32 degrees F, but not much. Probably not even 31 degrees F.
  • #3

gary350 said:
I looked this up online but all I find is stuff I already know and lots of advertisements. It makes me mad to clink on a link that forces me to look at an advertisement and when I try to click to leave it will NOT let me leave. All I have learned so far is what I already know, water freezes at 32 deg F, highest density is 39 deg F, only substance know that can exist in all 3 states, gas, liquid, solid. A soft drink will freeze at 29 deg F. Water freezes at 2 bars. Water boils at 70 deg F in a vacuum. Flowing water will not freeze at 32. SO WHAT!

What I need to know is how does pressure effect the freezing point of water. There has to be a formula to calculate this?

Water pressure in my house is 65 PSI at what temperature F will water in the pipes freeze?
Some of the things that you found/know are not quite right or are somehow ambiguous. So is hard to answer the "SO WHAT!".

The change in melting point with pressure is very weak. For the pressure you are interested (65 psi) the answer in first approximation will be 0 Celsius (or 32 F). The correction due to the increased pressure (about 4 atm) is of the order of a few hundredths of degree.
Phase diagrams are available in many places, for example here:

An empiric formula is for example here:
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  • #4

I have been out of college too long 40 years, I have forgotten more than I ever knew. I clicked the links but I don't see anything about the exact temperature water will freeze under pressure.

There was a TV show a few days ago the guy was talking about winterizing a house. He said turn the heat down low but leave the water on because water under pressure is less likely to freeze.

If I put a soft drink in the freezer for about 1 hour then remove it, it is not frozen but when I open the bottle it will instantly freeze solid.

I remember in college class we put a glass of room temperature water in a vacuum and it boiled. I don't know what the exact temperature the tap water was.
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  • #5

I understand your frustration with finding relevant and accurate information online. It is important to critically evaluate sources and only trust information from reliable and reputable sources.

To answer your question, the freezing point of water does indeed change with pressure. This phenomenon is known as the freezing point depression. The formula to calculate this is:

ΔTf = Kf x m

ΔTf = freezing point depression
Kf = cryoscopic constant (1.86 °C/m for water)
m = molality (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent)

At a pressure of 65 PSI, the freezing point of water would be approximately 30.2°F or -1°C. This is assuming that the water is pure and not mixed with any other substances.

Additionally, as you mentioned, the freezing point of water can also be affected by flow and agitation. This is due to the fact that when water is flowing, it is constantly exposed to new surfaces and molecules, preventing the formation of ice crystals.

I hope this information helps answer your question. It is always important to seek out reliable sources and to continue learning and questioning in the pursuit of knowledge.

FAQ: What temperature F does water freeze at 65 PSI ?

1. What is the freezing point of water at 65 PSI?

The freezing point of water at 65 PSI is approximately -5.3 degrees Fahrenheit (-20.7 degrees Celsius).

2. Does the pressure affect the freezing point of water?

Yes, the freezing point of water does change with pressure. As pressure increases, the freezing point decreases, and vice versa.

3. How does water behave at 65 PSI?

At 65 PSI, water will remain in its liquid state until it reaches a temperature of -5.3 degrees Fahrenheit (-20.7 degrees Celsius), at which point it will freeze into a solid state.

4. Is 65 PSI a common pressure for water to freeze at?

No, 65 PSI is not a common pressure for water to freeze at. The standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 PSI, and water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) at this pressure.

5. How does the freezing point of water at 65 PSI compare to other pressures?

The freezing point of water at 65 PSI is significantly lower than at standard atmospheric pressure (14.7 PSI), where water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). However, it is higher than the freezing point of water at extremely high pressures, such as those found in deep ocean trenches or in outer space.
