What Textbooks Cover the Boltzmann Transport Equation in Statistical Mechanics?

In summary: North Holland, 1980In summary, there are several textbooks and lecture notes available that discuss the Boltzmann Transport Equation in the context of statistical mechanics and nonequilibrium processes. These include "Molecular Hydrodynamics" by Boon and Yip, "Principles of Condensed Matter Physics" by Chaikin and Lubensky, "Macrotransport Processes" by Brenner and Edwards, "Physical Kinetics" by Landau & Lifschitz, "Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics" by R. Balescu, "Quantum Statistical Mechanics" by L. Kadanoff and G. Baym, and "Quantum Theory of Nonequilibrium Processes" by P. Danielevic. Additionally
  • #1
go quantum!
Hello. Do you know any textbook about Statistical Mechanics that discusses Boltzmann Transport Equation? It is not discussed in the textbooks that I know.

Thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

It looks like a specific case of the Reynolds transport equation, but it also appears related to "detailed balance", the Langevin model, the Smoluchowski equation, the Fokker-Planck equation...

The context seems to be kinetic theory and correlation functions- I found brief discussions in Boon and Yip's "Molecular Hydrodynamics", and additional material in Chaikin and Lubensky's "Principles of Condensed Matter Physics" and Brenner and Edwards "Macrotransport Processes".
  • #3
Landau & Lifschitz' <Physical Kinetics> and R. Balescu's <Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics> are sources on this issue. Of course, basically any textbook on nonequlibrium statistical mechanics discusses the BBGKY hierarchy and Boltzmann's equation.
  • #4
One of the best books on the subject is

L. Kadanoff, G. Baym, Quantum Statistical Mechanics

An original paper, which however has textbook quality and uses the Schwinger-Keldysh real-time contour formulation of non-relativistic off-equilibrium quantum field theory is the publication of Pawel Danielevic's PhD-Thesis:

Danielewicz, P.: Quantum Theory of Nonequilibrium Processes. 1, Ann. Phys. 152, 239, 1984

For the relativistic case and with extensions to off-shell transport, see the lecture notes by Wolfgang Cassing

Cassing, W.: From Kadanoff-Baym dynamics to off-shell parton transport, Eur. Phys. J. ST 168, 3–87, 2009

For a more general approach also for the relativistic case:

S. R. de Groot, W. A. van Leeuwen, Ch. G. van Weert, Relativistic kinetic theory
  • #5

Hello there,

Yes, there are several textbooks that discuss the Boltzmann Transport Equation in the context of Statistical Mechanics. Some examples include "Statistical Mechanics: A Set of Lectures" by Richard P. Feynman, "Statistical Mechanics" by Kerson Huang, and "Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics" by David Chandler. Additionally, there are many online resources and lecture notes available that cover the Boltzmann Transport Equation in detail. I would recommend doing a quick search to find one that best suits your needs. I hope this helps!

Related to What Textbooks Cover the Boltzmann Transport Equation in Statistical Mechanics?

What is the Boltzmann Transport Equation?

The Boltzmann Transport Equation is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of a system of particles in thermal equilibrium. It is used to predict the movement and distribution of particles, such as molecules or electrons, based on their interactions with each other and their surroundings.

Who developed the Boltzmann Transport Equation?

The Boltzmann Transport Equation was developed by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann in the late 19th century. It was based on his work in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.

What is the significance of the Boltzmann Transport Equation?

The Boltzmann Transport Equation is a fundamental equation in the field of statistical mechanics and has a wide range of applications in physics, chemistry, and engineering. It allows scientists to understand and predict the behavior of particles in various systems, such as gases, plasmas, and semiconductors.

What are the assumptions made in the Boltzmann Transport Equation?

The Boltzmann Transport Equation is based on several assumptions, including that the system is in thermal equilibrium, the particles are non-interacting, and the collisions between particles are elastic. These assumptions make the equation simpler and more manageable, but they may not hold true in all real-world situations.

How is the Boltzmann Transport Equation solved?

The Boltzmann Transport Equation can be solved using various methods, such as the Monte Carlo method, the Chapman-Enskog method, and the relaxation time approximation. These methods use numerical and analytical techniques to solve the equation and obtain solutions for the particle distribution and transport properties.

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