What to do in case of a sun-burn?

  • Medical
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In summary: UVA. but UVB provides most of the useful spectrum for producing vitamin D and also (i think) tanning.There is no one answer to this question as it depends on your skin type and the time of year. However, it is generally recommended that people spend more time in the UVB range during the day.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've a very white skin. Yesterday I passed a few hours under a tree in shadows. When I went back home I was surprised UV rays passed through the leaves of the tree and reached my arms, nose and more. I had used a sun protector cream for my neck but nothing else.
My legs, arms and face are very red now. Yesterday my girlfriend put me some (feminine I guess) face cream (containing E vitamin) on the red parts of my body.
What should I do in case of skin burning by the Sun? Should I buy a special liquid? Or is it worthless since some DNA in my cells is already damaged and nothing can cure it? Or maybe it continues to damage itself and I can reduce the damages?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your body has a whole host of DNA repair enzymes and processes that can repair damage to DNA from normal exposure to the sun and environment. I am not aware of any products that can aid in the DNA repair process nor would I recommend using any products that advertise doing so. Your body should be able to repair the damage and it should not cause any adverse health effects (i.e. skin cancer) unless you are routinely getting sunburned.

However, to relieve the pain of a sunburn, creams containing aloe vera can be helpful. Medicated creams containing lidocaine (a pain-killing drug) can also help.
  • #3
Ok thanks Ygggdrasil. I better save my bucks then.
  • #4
My wife has pale skin, and she gets burned even when wearing sun-block. She relives the burn with aloe vera gel. It's not really expensive, like some skin creams can be.
  • #5
Aloe vera. There's not that much else you can do except let it heal on its own. Aloe has some antifungal and antibacterial properties, so it would be good to apply on raw broken skin. You can buy the cream or you can buy the plant and cut off the leaves.
  • #7
Getting sunburnt when most PFers freeze in inches if not feet of snow sounds like a cruel joke.
  • #8
Borek said:
Getting sunburnt when most PFers freeze in inches if not feet of snow sounds like a cruel joke.
I try to do my shoveling when the snow has stopped falling or at least has slowed a lot, and NOT when a cold front pushes through giving us lots of sunshine. Sunburns on days with snow-cover can be pretty bad, and if it's cold out, you may not feel it happening. I've had pretty bad sunburns on my face when working on ski-patrol. Even worse, back then sunglasses did not incorporate ANY UV protection - they just cut the brightness so that your pupils would dilate further, and let in even more UV. At 57, I have some mild cataracts starting, and I'm pretty sure why.
  • #9
Borek said:
Getting sunburnt when most PFers freeze in inches if not feet of snow sounds like a cruel joke.

lol! ahaahahahah! Sorry about that. I live in the South Hemisphere as you know. One can see snow once a century here. I prefer temperatures below -15°C to tell the truth. If I have time and money I'd like to visit Poland.

About the thread... ok. I don't really care to be red or if it hurts. I just care about not having any cancer. If those products can help reducing the DNA damage I'm glad. Otherwise... I don't really care. I have an aloe in my apartment. I might cut a branch.

Edit: I think I should post a photo somewhere on the forum of my yesterday's day. I visited a small city near Cordoba in Argentina and got burn-ed/t.
  • #10
turbo-1 said:
She relives the burn with aloe vera gel.
Wow. That's a bummer. Usually it makes the burning go away.

  • #11
DaveC426913 said:
Wow. That's a bummer. Usually it makes the burning go away.

It helps cut our heating bills.
  • #12
I think the worst problem with sun exposure is that it ages your skin. My face and arms look 20 years older than the rest of my body. Any given Asian my age in San Diego here also looks 20 years younger because they don't go out during the day without an umbrella.
  • #13
speaking of skin aging, from what i remember reading, most of the actual damage is done by UVA. but UVB provides most of the useful spectrum for producing vitamin D and also (i think) tanning.

anyone know if there is a time of day that maximizes UVB exposure while minimizing UVA? or a link to a graph the two versus time and maybe latitude or something?
  • #14
Proton Soup said:
speaking of skin aging, from what i remember reading, most of the actual damage is done by UVA. but UVB provides most of the useful spectrum for producing vitamin D and also (i think) tanning.
Not exactly. UVA messes up collagen, and that will make you look older, but UVB damages DNA which induces cancer (as well as inducing a tan and creating vitamin D).
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  • #15
You can get sunburned in the shadow. If your skin is fair you should wear a high-factor sunblock, that's the only way to prevent damage to your skin. There may be after-sun lotions that enhance cellular repair, but I am not aware of the proven effects.

Here is a paper from 2005 that puts forth a new application of DNA repair reagents:
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  • #16
Monique said:
Here is a paper from 2005 that puts forth a new application of DNA repair reagents:

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  • #17
zoobyshoe said:
I think the worst problem with sun exposure is that it ages your skin. My face and arms look 20 years older than the rest of my body. Any given Asian my age in San Diego here also looks 20 years younger because they don't go out during the day without an umbrella.

So it is true that "mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun".

I recall many years ago having a job on a railroad shoveling snow away from the switch gear. I was warned this would happen, but, of course in the brashness of youth, did not protect myself. I got a terrific sunburn under my chin and in places where the reflected light shone upon me.

FAQ: What to do in case of a sun-burn?

1. How can I treat a sunburn at home?

One of the best ways to treat a sunburn at home is to apply a cool compress or take a cool bath to help soothe the affected area. You can also apply aloe vera gel or moisturizing lotion to help ease the pain and redness. It is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your skin heal.

2. Is it safe to use over-the-counter medications for sunburn relief?

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin can help reduce inflammation and discomfort from a sunburn. However, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a doctor if you have any underlying health conditions.

3. How long does it take for a sunburn to heal?

The healing time for a sunburn can vary depending on the severity of the burn. Mild sunburns may heal within a few days, while more severe sunburns can take up to a week or longer to heal. It is important to protect the affected area from further sun exposure during the healing process.

4. Should I pop any blisters from a sunburn?

No, it is not recommended to pop blisters from a sunburn. Blisters are a sign of a second-degree burn and popping them can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process. It is best to let blisters heal on their own and keep them clean and covered with a bandage if needed.

5. How can I prevent sunburns in the future?

The best way to prevent sunburns is to limit your sun exposure, especially during peak hours when the sun's rays are strongest. Always wear sunscreen with a high SPF, protective clothing, and seek shade when possible. Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after swimming or sweating. It is also important to remember that even on cloudy days, the sun's UV rays can still cause damage to your skin.

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