What Truly Defines a Vacuum?

In summary, Vacuum is not a precisely defined term. A perfect vacuum could mean a space where the air pressure is 0 (That does not necessarily mean that it is empty of matter - just that there is no pressure (matter could have solidified, for example) - or it could mean a space devoid of all matter, although a better term would be "free space". Vacuum is not a precisely defined term. A perfect vacuum could mean a space where the air pressure is 0 (That does not necessarily mean that it is empty of matter - just that there is no pressure (matter could have solidified, for example) - or it could mean a space devoid of all matter, although a better term would be "free
  • #1
What is vaccum? Many say its "empty" space. But what does "empty" mean? Does it mean that there are no atoms (or protons/electrons, or quarks, or strings)?

Can anyone explain this?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Swapnil said:
What is vaccum? Many say its "empty" space. But what does "empty" mean? Does it mean that there are no atoms (or protons/electrons, or quarks, or strings)?

Can anyone explain this?
Vacuum is not a precisely defined term. A perfect vacuum could mean a space where the air pressure is 0 (That does not necessarily mean that it is empty of matter - just that there is no pressure (matter could have solidified, for example) - or it could mean a space devoid of all matter, although a better term would be "free space".

  • #3
classical idea of vacuum was that of a region in space that are devoid of any matter.. up to the late 19th century, an atom was considered to be the most fundamental particle that constitute the universe, so in classical term, the defination of vacuum was pretty clear and straight forward. But with the advent of quantum theories in early 20th century, the concept of a particle as a point like localised entity in space has been replaced by a more fussy picture of probability distribution in space.. so in essence a particle can no longer be thought of as a localised object in space, which means you cannot pin down the precise location of a particle, which by the was is also consistent with the uncertainty principle. so if you can't pin down a particle to a point how do you talk of a space without particle? and moreover from the field theory, there is always a field fluctuation in space, again thanks to uncertainity principle, which implies that you cannot pin down an energy at a given precise instant of time. so theoretically even if we take the classical case of vacuum there is always a field fluctuation which can lead to matter-antimatter pair production. thus vacuum in its real sense in not possible physically..

Related to What Truly Defines a Vacuum?

1. What is vacuum or empty space?

Vacuum or empty space is an area that contains no matter or particles. It is a volume of space that is devoid of any substance.

2. How is vacuum created?

Vacuum can be created by removing all particles from a specific area, either through physical means such as suction or through chemical reactions that eliminate particles.

3. Is vacuum truly empty?

While vacuum may appear empty, it is not completely devoid of energy. There are still trace amounts of energy present, such as electromagnetic radiation, which can be measured in a vacuum.

4. Can anything exist in vacuum?

Yes, certain particles and waves can exist in vacuum, such as photons and virtual particles. However, most matter cannot exist in a complete vacuum as it requires particles to interact and maintain its form.

5. What is the significance of vacuum in scientific research?

Vacuum is important in scientific research as it allows for the isolation and study of specific phenomena without interference from external particles. It also plays a crucial role in various technologies, such as vacuum tubes and semiconductors.
