What type of shoes are best for a casual and comfortable weekend look?

  • Thread starter _Mayday_
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In summary: I've seen some women going without any kind of sock or liner, but I can't bring myself to do that. My feet sweat way too much to not wear socks.In summary, the conversation revolved around various members discussing their preferred types of shoes based on comfort and practicality. They mentioned brands such as New Balance, Adidas, Puma, and Dunham. Some members also shared their dislike for enclosed dress shoes and the struggle of finding comfortable work shoes. There was no mention of following trends or fashion, with the general consensus being to wear what one likes and feels comfortable in. Some members even shared specific shoe recommendations for different occasions.
  • #36
mcknia07 said:
Pumas are pretty good shoes, that's coming from a girls perspective, so I hope that's ok. They go well with fitted jeans and a a nice preppy-ish shirt.

I've been wearing Pumas for years. My favourite for sure.
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  • #37
As a woman I like a leather shoe that can have the sole replaced, as this is better for the environment and less expensive. I have had the same shoes for about 6 years, and my boots are maybe 10 years old.


I like these shoes because they work with jeans or a skirt or whatever. They can be dressy or not. And they are comfy.

I try to keep it to just 3 pairs of shoes in my life: Running shoe, boot, normal shoe.

But, I was in a wedding and had to buy heels... my wedding. I don't know what to do with those white shoes so I'll just save them for my daughter if I ever have one.

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  • #38
Very cute shoes(the second ones, for sure). I have an abundance of shoes(about 40 pairs and still adding to the collection) :biggrin:
  • #39
Shoes? You want shose! I caught my daughter wearing these last week


Cyrus has some real troubles with shoes, I recommend a pair of these for real fashion


These will leave a foot print to confuse and confound


what do I wear?

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  • #40
Integral said:
These will leave a foot print to confuse and confound

Does she wear a blue dress with those?
  • #41
Integral said:
Shoes? You want shose! I caught my daughter wearing these last week...

Does your choice of a toilet tank as backdrop reflect your opinion of her shoes? :biggrin:

How does she walk in those things? They look like a sprained ankle waiting to happen as you take a step and there's no heel where you expect a heel to be. :bugeye: Though, the ones that would leave a footprint like a deer walking backward might be amusing to stomp through the woods with just before hunting season starts. :biggrin:
  • #42
Moonbear said:
Does your choice of a toilet tank as backdrop reflect your opinion of her shoes? :biggrin:

Who? ME? :redface:

How does she walk in those things? They look like a sprained ankle waiting to happen as you take a step and there's no heel where you expect a heel to be. :bugeye: Though, the ones that would leave a footprint like a deer walking backward might be amusing to stomp through the woods with just before hunting season starts. :biggrin:

Actually she says that they are not that bad, they looked like an accident waiting to happen to me also.

I don't think the "cloven hoof" shoes have been worn yet.
  • #43
Integral said:
Shoes? You want shose! I caught my daughter wearing these last week
:bugeye: those are quite some shoes!

I go with something more classic, but colorful: the bottom one is a suede shoe with a fluorescent pink rim (which doesn't come out in pictures), the back two are lacquer leather shoes of Italian make, very comfortable!


For the guys: wear nice shoes, not white sneakers.
  • #44
Those are sexy shoes Monique.
  • #45
I like those shoes, Monique. Those would suit my taste as well, if I could find ones like that around here. The "colorful" shoes around here are outrageously gaudy, or else very cheaply made and not very comfortable.
  • #46
Kurdt said:
Those are sexy shoes Monique.

Thanks :smile:

Moonbear said:
I like those shoes, Monique. Those would suit my taste as well, if I could find ones like that around here. The "colorful" shoes around here are outrageously gaudy, or else very cheaply made and not very comfortable.

You need to find the right store that really appreciates carrying good shoes. And, sometimes you just need to invest a little money into nice shoes (or find some good ones on sale).

I don't like the fashion trend right now with the heels, it looks incredibly trashy:

For men this is a nice basic shoe, or dare to be different:
http://www.invito.com/ml_privatedata/picupload/shop/product/7281/pic_large.jpg http://www.invito.com/ml_privatedata/picupload/shop/product/8486/pic_gigantic.jpg
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  • #47
I don't like those weird heels either (and apparently neither does Integral :smile:). Then again, I almost never wear heels at all..hurts my ankles and knees. My knee has only finally stopped hurting today after dancing in heels last weekend at the wedding I attended (at least they were my good dancing shoes, so my feet didn't hurt :smile:).

I think a guy would have to have a very outgoing sort of personality to wear a shoe with a bright pink toe. They look fun, though. I've always considered that shoes reflect people's personalities. Very reserved or conservative people will pick very basic, conservative shoes. People who are very outgoing or bubbly will pick ones that are stylish or colorful. People who like getting a lot of attention might pick something very outlandish.

Good stores that carry quality shoes are hard to find in the US outside of major cities. I do a lot of shoe shopping when I visit cities, because it's the only time I have a chance of finding such stores. This is why people just resort to sneakers. When someone doesn't come from near a big city, and all the shoes they try are uncomfortable or cheap, they're going to get sneakers for walking.

Then again, people also won't believe you just need to pay more for good shoes, because there are also a lot of overpriced bad shoes. I went into one store last weekend (there was a big, upscale mall across the street from the hotel) and the shoes looked cute, but when I looked closely, the soles were thin, the material cheap, and they were charging $50 for shoes on sale...it was obvious those shoes would hurt your feet if you walked more than 2 min in them, and would probably fall apart in a month, if they lasted that long.
  • #48
Integral said:
Shoes? You want shose! I caught my daughter wearing these last week


Cyrus has some real troubles with shoes, I recommend a pair of these for real fashion


These will leave a foot print to confuse and confound


I have to say Integral, your daughter has a good taste in shoes, where did she get them? I want some more pairs like them, they look awesome.
  • #49
mcknia07 said:
I have to say Integral, your daughter has a good taste in shoes, where did she get them? I want some more pairs like them, they look awesome.

Ebay! , I belieive that the red pair are http://www.fluevog.com/files_2/flue-seum.html" If you want an unusual shoe check them out. With careful shoping they can be found at somewhat reasonable prices.
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  • #50
Ebay is great, looks like I have some much needed shopping to do! :biggrin:
  • #51
I really like the black pair the best, what brand are those? and were those another Ebay find?
  • #52
So you need to get better at your shoe-shopping? I think you need to determine what is the kind of style, you're pursuing? What is the lasting first impression you like to transmit?

Take the advice from a ladyfriend. I did that and it worked wonders, she is really REALLY into shoes, so choosing her as an advice got me good into shoes as well.

My strategy is to pick shoes that I like and that women would approve of (hanging out with artsy hipster-chicks does that to you ;)). Because many women tend to look at the shoes of a male first before they look at anything else.

The style I would recommend, for being rather safe is classic leather shoes. And the colour should almost always be black or a combination of black and something else, with black as the dominant colour.

Typical good shoes for a newbie is the doc martens 'three-eye' without the steel toe. Very classy shoe, although maybe a bit expensive, but with a 50 quid budget, you should afford them.

Think classic, conservative, leather and black. The shape you should go for is totally up to you, but take round shapes over rectangular ones. The shoes futurebird are showing are right on spot. I would buy that for a dollar!
  • #53
Fearless said:
Because many women tend to look at the shoes of a male first before they look at anything else.

:confused: We do? Do you hang out with a lot of very shy women who spend all their time looking at people's feet? I'd say that most of the time, I do not even notice men's shoes. About the only time they're going to catch my attention is if he's wearing white sneakers with a business suit where it just stands out as horribly wrong (except if I'm walking in NYC, where it's very common to see people walking with sneakers and business suits on the sidewalks...their dress shoes are in their bag/briefcase to put on when they get to the office).

I don't like to suggest to other people what to wear in shoes unless they're asking about something for a very specific purpose to match a specific outfit. For example, if someone asks for help finding a pair of shoes to go with their interview suit, I can help with that. But, if they're just asking about a style to wear every day, I think it comes down much more to personal tastes. For example, Monique and I both enjoy classic styles with a splash of color (and some without the splash of color). But, clearly that's not going to suit Integral's daughter's personality...she's going with a much more daring, flashy shoe. Especially the red one has a very youthful look to it, perfect for an older teen or young adult, but way too young for me.

I would add another condition to Fearless' advice to ask someone else to help you shop. Find someone who YOU think looks well-dressed and ask that person to help you shop. Don't just pick any female because she's female...we don't all have the same tastes either and might steer you toward something that doesn't fit your style at all. If those crazy, outlandish styles appeal to you, but you just don't know how to put it together, ask someone who dresses that way for help. If it's the more conservative look that's appealing to you, ask someone who dresses that way for help. And, not all styles work with all feet either. If you have a wider foot, the shoes that a guy with a narrow foot can wear might not work for you. If you're shorter, the shoes a taller guy might look good in might not work for you.
  • #54
Moonbear said:
:confused: We do?
I have heard this before. I rank it with the common opinion that a woman has already decided if she will consider sleeping with you with in five minutes of meeting you.

Don't just pick any female because she's female...we don't all have the same tastes either and might steer you toward something that doesn't fit your style at all.
My ex went with me shopping once. She was rather critical of my choices and for the hell of it I went along with her suggestions. She was rather disappointed when she saw me wearing the clothes she had picked out. lol
Women don't necessarily know how to shop for mens clothes.
  • #55
TheStatutoryApe said:
I have heard this before. I rank it with the common opinion that a woman has already decided if she will consider sleeping with you with in five minutes of meeting you.

Um, no, not even close :rolleyes: !
  • #56
  • #57
TheStatutoryApe said:
I rank it with the common opinion that a woman has already decided if she will consider sleeping with you with in five minutes of meeting you.
:smile: that's funny
  • #58
lisab said:
Um, no, not even close :rolleyes: !
I think that the idea is that a woman will have catagorized you as a potential interest or not in that time frame. Particular emphasis on the 'potential' part. There are though women that I met that did not seem to have any interest in me what so ever that seemed to change their minds at a later time.
Saladsamurai said:
I really like Docs. They have a very nice cut and design.
  • #59
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think that the idea is that a woman will have catagorized you as a potential interest or not in that time frame. Particular emphasis on the 'potential' part. There are though women that I met that did not seem to have any interest in me what so ever that seemed to change their minds at a later time.

I really like Docs. They have a very nice cut and design.

I think that for some guys, the decision is made before they even approach and say "hello." For women, the decision process begins with "hello."

At least that's how I remember it from my dating days...a long time ago!
  • #60
TheStatutoryApe said:
I have heard this before. I rank it with the common opinion that a woman has already decided if she will consider sleeping with you with in five minutes of meeting you.
:smile: Within 5 min of dating a guy, I haven't even decided if I like his shoes yet. :biggrin:

TheStatutoryApe said:
I think that the idea is that a woman will have catagorized you as a potential interest or not in that time frame. Particular emphasis on the 'potential' part. There are though women that I met that did not seem to have any interest in me what so ever that seemed to change their minds at a later time.

Most of the guys I've dated, I had no interest in dating at all when I first met them, let alone considering sleeping with them. Heck, some I didn't even like when I first met them, but they sort of grew on me with time as I ran into them more and more and got to know their personalities better (on the other hand, since they're all ex's, maybe I should have followed my first impressions?). Even the current boyfriend took the better part of a night to be identified as worth dating...when I first met him, I thought he was more interested in one of the other women I was with that night, and also thought he was terribly arrogant. (I've mellowed him :devil:)
  • #61
mcknia07 said:
I really like the black pair the best, what brand are those? and were those another Ebay find?

Those are also Fluevogs, they appear in the Flueseum I linked to, about 3/4 the way down, the Grand Nationals.
  • #62
Integral said:
Those are also Fluevogs, they appear in the Flueseum I linked to, about 3/4 the way down, the Grand Nationals.

That page seems broken, in a perpetual reloading loop, so it's hard to scroll. Gawrsh, those are expensive shoes though! Your daughter is going to need 3 jobs just to support her shoe habit! :bugeye:
  • #63
Just went out and bought another pair of Docs. They are a deep brown:

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