What was the first object you saw through a telescope?

  • Stargazing
  • Thread starter whydoyouwanttoknow
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In summary, the conversation revolved around different experiences with viewing astronomical objects. Some people shared their first experiences with the moon, while others mentioned the first time they saw planets like Saturn and Jupiter. There was also discussion about the ideal conditions for viewing celestial objects and the impact of the moon's brightness on viewing. Overall, the conversation emphasized the awe and inspiration that comes with viewing the vastness of the universe through a telescope.
  • #1
The first object I ever viewed was Saturn back in about 1990 at a Field Night at a school set up by an Astronomy Club.

I later joined that club for about 10 years.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
The first thing I remember looking at was Mars. Tiny, fuzzy and red.
  • #3
The moon. Easiest thing to find.

I remember my first visit to a planetarium. The show blew me away. I knew from that point I wanted to be an astronomer. My dad wouldn't let me. :frown:
  • #4
The Christmas tree. :smile:
First astronomical object - the moon.
  • #5
Saturn, on what I now know to be a far from ideal night, through my uncle's home-built 6" reflector. It is one of the most intense memories I have from my early childhood.
  • #6
The Moon, back around late 1960s, through my first telescope, an Edmund Scientific 2.75" reflector (actually not a bad size for viewing the moon). I was so in awe to think I was looking at mountains on another world.
  • #7
Actually, the moon was the first astronomical object I saw.

The first object I saw was probably the electric pole at the end of my street. I needed to aim at something definite in the daytime to adjust my finderscope. It was still really cool. :cool:
  • #8
Not the first object, but Saturn was the most eye-opening for me. In a small telescope, most other objects in the sky amount to points of light or fuzzy smudges. However, Saturn has real geometry. You can actually see the oblate shape of the rings, the planet itself, and the blackness that separates those structures. Truly amazing. All of a sudden, the solar system seems more real -- more physical.

Jupiter was also fascinating for the first time. I could faintly make out a few bands of clouds -- surface features of another world, in my telescope. Identifying Callisto, Ganymede, Io, and Europa was also profound -- here are these other worlds, and I could track their orbits from night to night.

Saturn and Jupiter are truly something everyone should see in a telescope. It should be a gradeschool requirement, like a zoo field trip or dissecting frogs.
  • #9
TALewis said:
Saturn and Jupiter are truly something everyone should see in a telescope. It should be a gradeschool requirement, like a zoo field trip or dissecting frogs.

I agree completely. The experience can be very thought provoking and inspirational if taken in the proper frame of mind.
  • #10
First significant object was the cross on a steeple a mile from my house, through my brother's and my Edmund Scientific 4 and 1/2 inch reflector. We later found which church the cross belonged to (the cross had a circle embedded in it). We three kings from Orient are...

To view the Moon we had to use a "Moon filter"!
  • #11
Full Moon

Full Moon winter time, not long after Christmas Chicago CST 10:00 PM it was
-30, WOW was that cold. I believe about 1964.
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  • #12
the moon thru a 60mm refractor lol ;)
  • #13
The girl next door.
  • #14
Entropy said:
The girl next door.

Women aren't objects! :-p
  • #15
I find the moon to be in the way now.
  • #16
whydoyouwanttoknow said:
I find the moon to be in the way now.

It only bothers me when it is nearly full. Then it is too bright to be interesting and too bright to allow other objects to be interesting.
  • #17
my dad had a telescope when i was young, but we barely ever got to use it, and we only ever looked at a few stars. A few weeks ago though i saw Jupiter for my first time through a very good telescope at a star party. I was honestly so amazed that what to my eye appeared to be on tiny star in the sky was, through a telescope, this magnificent huge planted with large stripes and 4 moons. i couldn't believe how much it looked like the pictures and just knowing that i was actually viewing the real thing was so inspiring. i also so a few binary star pairs that night, which were neat, but Jupiter definately stands out in my mind.
  • #18
Artman said:
It only bothers me when it is nearly full. Then it is too bright to be interesting and too bright to allow other objects to be interesting.

Yea...its best viewed i'd say when about 1/2 full ...the detail along the terminator with the shadows and everything is awesome...my fav nebula is the Orion Neb. and during the winter the moon loves to kill it...and just about every other deep space object...even the planets don't look as nice. Weirdly enough I've looked at Uranus thru a psycho-light polluted part of the sky once and was still able to make out the blueish-green sphere at moderate magnification...haven't got a nice night recently so i can bump it up on the 16" SCT

FAQ: What was the first object you saw through a telescope?

1. What is the first object that can be seen through a telescope?

The first object that can be seen through a telescope is the moon. Galileo Galilei was the first person to use a telescope to observe the moon in 1609.

2. Can you see other planets through a telescope?

Yes, with a telescope you can see other planets in our solar system such as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. You can also see the moons of these planets.

3. Is it possible to see stars through a telescope?

Yes, you can see stars through a telescope. However, stars appear as tiny points of light even with the most powerful telescopes due to their extreme distance from Earth.

4. What about galaxies? Can they be seen through a telescope?

Yes, you can see galaxies through a telescope. With more powerful telescopes, you can see distant galaxies that are not visible to the naked eye. The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the closest galaxies to Earth and can be seen through a telescope.

5. How has technology improved the objects we can see through a telescope?

Technology has greatly improved the objects we can see through a telescope. With advancements in telescope design and technology, we are now able to see objects that were previously unknown or invisible to the naked eye. This includes distant galaxies, exoplanets, and even black holes.

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