What was the greatest date in world history?

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  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary, my brother said that the most important date in world history is May 29, 1453, the Fall of Constantinople. This date led to the (re-)discovery of the New World and a massive colonization push which substantially changed the racial distribution of the world.
  • #1
Loren Booda
I asked my brother "What was the greatest date in world history?" He responded:

Well, if I had to pick one, certainly the most important date in recorded
history for most of the world would be May 29, 1453, the Fall of Constantinople.
Much more than just the conquest of the greatest city in the western world, and
the doom of an ancient empire, it also sealed off Europe from its trade sources
in the Far East. This forced enterprising explorers, initially from Portugal,
then from Spain, Holland, England, France and Russia, to make an "end-around" to
find alternate routes to those sources. This in turn led to the (re-)discovery
of the New World and a massive colonization push which substantially changed the
racial distribution of the world and caused huge growth in economic and cultural
exchange. Eventually this stimulated scientific inquiry as well.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'd probably pick 0, as in Time = 0. I seem to remember, it started with a bang - a big one - a very big one. :biggrin:
  • #3
The day Gutenberg started up his first press.
  • #4
I guess it would be going from BC to AD, the zero year.
  • #5
Some 10K years ago when we first learned agriculture.
  • #6
July 1, 1863.
  • #7
I don't think so dude. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves. And it's hardly an event that shall be remembered for millennia.
  • #8
And, you don't know much US history, do you, dude? The emancipation proclamation freed many slaves, but it occurred on January 1, 1863 not July 1, 1863.
  • #9
March 13, 1964.

I'm just sayin'
  • #10
DaveC426913 said:
March 13, 1964.

I'm just sayin'

The notorious incident where 38 of her neighbors in Queens, New York City fail to respond to the cries of Kitty Genovese, 28, as she is being stabbed to death?
  • #11
Moridin said:
The notorious incident where 38 of her neighbors in Queens, New York City fail to respond to the cries of Kitty Genovese, 28, as she is being stabbed to death?
It wasn't their fault. They were distracted by a glorious light shining in the North.
  • #12
DaveC426913 said:
March 13, 1964.

I'm just sayin'

Now that's arcane. Gotta love it, though. Makes me wanta toast your answer with a pony bottle of Rolling Rock.:cool:
  • #13
TVP45 said:
And, you don't know much US history, do you, dude? The emancipation proclamation freed many slaves, but it occurred on January 1, 1863 not July 1, 1863.

TVP45, why is July 1, 1863, the greatest date in world history, because it was the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg?
  • #14
My birthday.
  • #15
If we go with people and birthdays then we have lists of influential people historians to examine. Thus we have, after Vanesch of course, Muhammand, Newton, and Jesus Christ as the most influential historical figures of all time, in that order.
Michael Hart's list:
I'm personally inclined to elevate the historical Jesus to the top as I mainly credit his philosophy as the origin of the rights and worth of the individual; no such philosophy then no democracy, etc. So: 7 BC or there abouts.
  • #16
Loren Booda said:
I asked my brother "What was the greatest date in world history?" He responded:

Well, if I had to pick one, certainly the most important date in recorded
history for most of the world would be May 29, 1453, the Fall of Constantinople.
Actually, that's according to the Julian calendar.
According to the Gregorian calendar, it happened on the 14th of June, and since that's my birthday, I happen to agree with you. :smile:
  • #17
Adam and Eve's first night out together seems to have had lasting effects.
Unfortunately they didn't post the video on uTube so we can't say how great it was.

FAQ: What was the greatest date in world history?

1. What criteria do you use to determine the greatest date in world history?

As a scientist, I use a variety of factors to determine the greatest date in world history. These factors include significant events, cultural and societal impacts, and the opinions of experts and historians.

2. Is there a consensus on what the greatest date in world history is?

There is no definitive consensus on what the greatest date in world history is. Different individuals and groups may have different opinions based on their own beliefs and perspectives.

3. Can you provide some examples of dates that are often considered to be the greatest in world history?

Some dates that are commonly considered to be the greatest in world history include July 4, 1776 (American Independence Day), November 9, 1989 (fall of the Berlin Wall), and April 12, 1961 (first human spaceflight).

4. How do you account for the subjectivity of determining the greatest date in world history?

As a scientist, I recognize that determining the greatest date in world history is subjective and can vary based on personal opinions. That is why I use a combination of objective criteria and expert opinions to reach a conclusion.

5. Are there any recent dates that have the potential to be considered the greatest in world history in the future?

There are certainly recent dates that have the potential to be considered the greatest in world history in the future. These could include significant events such as the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change in 2015 or the successful completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003.

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