What Was the Initial Speed of the Shot Put in Randy Barnes' World Record Throw?

In summary, the men's world record for the shot put, 23.12m, was set by Randy Barnes of the United States on May 20, 1999. If the shot was launched from 6 ft above the ground at an initial angle of 42 degrees, what was its initial speed?
  • #1
The men's world record for the shot put, 23.12m, was set by Randy Barnes of the United States on May 20, 1999. If the shot was launched from 6 ft above the ground at an initial angle of 42 degrees, what was its initial speed?

Known Data Is Height, angle of where it was shot, and how far it will land.

Thinking about using R = (Vo²/g)sin2θ but if only i can modify it so I can use it

anyone can help? suggestions? answer is 14.5 m/s from the back of book

this is from the physics book by james walker.

probably one of the annoying things I don't like is not knowing how to do it but knowing how to approach it -_-
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think you'll have to bite the bullet and write the appropriate equations of motion and solve for the initial velocity; essentially that's how you modify the range equation!
  • #3
ughh i don't think i have to but isn't there some way to modify the range equation so i can find the initial velocity?
  • #4
godkills said:
ughh i don't think i have to but isn't there some way to modify the range equation so i can find the initial velocity?

The equations of motion are:

x = v_{0} \, \cos{\theta} \, t

y = v_{0} \, \sin{\theta} \, t - \frac{g \, t^{2}}{2}

assuming that the initial position of the projectile (at [itex]t = 0[/itex]) is the origin, the y-axis is directed opposite of the acceleration of free fall and the initial speed is [itex]v_{0}[/itex] and builds an angle with the horizontal is [itex]\theta[/itex].

One can get an equation for the trajectory by eliminating t. Solve the first equation for t:

t = \frac{x}{v_{0} \, \cos{\theta}}

and substitute in the second equation. We get:

y = v_{0} \, \sin{\theta} \, \frac{x}{v_{0} \, \cos{\theta}} - \frac{g}{2} \left(\frac{x}{v_{0} \, \cos{\theta}}\right)^{2}

This can be simplified with the use of the trigonometric identity:

\frac{1}{\cos^{2}{\theta}} = 1 + \tan^{2}{\theta}


y = x \, \tan{\theta} - \frac{g \, x^{2}}{2 \, v^{2}_{0}} \, (1 + \tan^{2}{\theta})

This equation involves 4 quantities: the final position coordinates [itex](x, y)[/itex], the initial speed [itex]v_{0}[/itex] and the angle of the initial velocity vector with the horizontal [itex]\theta[/itex] (assuming acceleration of free fall [itex]g[/itex] is known). If you know 3 of them, as in your problem you can solve for the fourth one (it is a quadratic equation though).
  • #5
Why are you going in such a manner? Just use basic equations of motion, that is all
  • #6
interesting, but i have no yet learned using the trigonometry in physics. I only know pythagoream therom tan cost but not the ones that you mentioned.

FAQ: What Was the Initial Speed of the Shot Put in Randy Barnes' World Record Throw?

What is Two Dimensional Analysis?

Two Dimensional Analysis is a scientific method used to analyze and interpret data that has two independent variables, also known as dimensions. It involves graphing the data on a two dimensional plane and examining the relationship between the two variables.

What is the purpose of Two Dimensional Analysis?

The purpose of Two Dimensional Analysis is to visually represent and understand the relationship between two variables in a dataset. It allows scientists to identify patterns, trends, and correlations between the two variables.

What types of data are suitable for Two Dimensional Analysis?

Two Dimensional Analysis is suitable for data that has two independent variables, such as time and temperature, height and weight, or concentration and reaction rate. It can also be used to analyze data with one independent variable and one dependent variable.

What are the advantages of using Two Dimensional Analysis?

Two Dimensional Analysis allows for a quick and easy way to visualize and interpret data. It also helps to identify any outliers or anomalies in the data. Additionally, it can show the relationship between two variables more clearly than just looking at a table of numbers.

What are the limitations of Two Dimensional Analysis?

Two Dimensional Analysis is limited in its ability to analyze complex relationships between variables. It also does not account for any potential confounding variables that may affect the relationship between the two variables. Additionally, it may not be suitable for analyzing data with more than two independent variables.
