What was the significance of the pale arm in my dream?

  • Thread starter moe darklight
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In summary, the conversation revolved around dreams and the various recurring themes and characters in them. The participants also shared their own strange and funny dreams, such as dreams involving toilets and aliens. One person even shared an eerie experience of waking up during a dream and witnessing it fade away in real time. Overall, the conversation highlighted the fascination and importance of dreams in our lives.
  • #36
I fly in dreams and I'm always alone. I point my arms in front of me and lift up my legs, as if I had been standing in water at chest level and was just laying upon the water. I just float and can move forward slowly, just hovering at about 5-6 feet off the ground, I make no movements with any part of my body. No thrill, no excitement, it's just something as natural as walking.
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  • #37

1. One dream when I was 14 or so, I was flying about six or ten feet off the gound outside in the front yard. My family was there and my oldest sister shouted "look he's flying again!". I felt my dad's hand grab my ankle and try to pull me down. I escaped and he chased me jumping up at me, that is when I woke up.

2. 30 years later I dream that I'm flying but I'm much better at it. Can fly over tops of trees and telephone poles. However when flying over and down a road at 15-20 feet a large semi truck is headed for me, instead of going higher, I panic and lose altitude, a narrow miss. I keep flying or wake up somewhat exhausted from all the flying.
  • #38
I slept for four hours last night (wow), i dreamt about a woman holding a rifle in the shooting position, and she turned to liquid from the waste down, her top half as if nothing had happened.

And about driving a car ( a nice one not mine) at 120mph, then driving to a police station
and asking the cops if the number plates are to small, one cop opens the bonnet and
start pulling fuel pipes off reconnecting them, then tells me i have a fuel leak.

  • #39
I went to a party last night, where a gag gift was a Chia head. I don't recall what my dream was about, but it had the background Chia song in it. Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia! I woke up laughing.
  • #40
I don't dream often at all. Most of the time, the moment something nice or interesting is about to happen, it's time to wake up. Sometimes I even try sleeping a few minutes more after waking, just to finish the dream. But it never resumes from where it left off
Oh, and I also wake up when I fall down the bottomless abyss, just in case you were wondering :smile:
  • #41
arunbg said:
Oh, and I also wake up when I fall down the bottomless abyss, just in case you were wondering :smile:

If you ever get to the bottom of course you wake up dead.
  • #42
If you ever get to the bottom of course you wake up dead.
:smile: And at the bottom there is a guy with horns and a spear-like tail, waiting with your morning coffee.
  • #43
kach22i said:
8. I wake up fall back to sleep and pick up where I left off in the dream. If it's a bad dream I'll just watch "Adult Swim" on TV or something.

Oh ya. I really hate those. I remember once (I can't remember the dream itself, just that it was very disturbing), I had a real bad dream, and woke up at about midnight, then fell back asleep again only to have the same dream, then wake up at 2 AM, fall asleep and have the same dream, wake up at 5 AM, fall asleep and have the same dream, then stay up all night because I'm really irritated.

On another note. The other night I dreamed about not getting my Chinese homework turned in. SCARY
  • #44
I had a dream I was with a bunch of people I knew traveling down in Mexico or South America somewhere. There were 6 or 7 of us all crammed into a car. I was crowded in the back seat so I decided to crawl out the window and ride on the back. When I crawled out of the car I realized it was actually a forklift and there was only one person driving it inside the cage, but I knew that the others were still in there somewhere.

So we arrive at this restaurant/bar type place and the driver yells "We're here!" The driver starts lifting the forks as people start appearing from out of the forklift. Suddenly I realize that I'm on the forks and will soon have my legs crushed when the forks reach the edge of the overhanging roof of the building. I try to manuever but lose my balance and don't make it off in time. Fortunately the driver stopped raising the forks after my leg became pinned to the roof. He laughs at me.

We all go inside and start looking for a table. I didn't see any waiter. My friends push some tables together and start taking condiment holders and silverware from other people's tables. Someone must have told a joke because they are laughing and generally being loud and boisterous. I don't know what is so funny, but I find myself laughing also. I think it is rude for them to take those things from other people's tables without asking.

There is one young boy staring at me from the bar. I go outside and I see him there also. We start talking. I don't remember the conversation, but I remember finding it odd that this boy knew English. He also seemed to be unusually mature for his age, though he couldn't have been more than ten. Things seemed clearer after we spoke and I felt that he had helped me somehow and I owed him a kindness in return. Then he was gone.

I see another boy running down the street in fear. One of my friends is chasing him. He yells at me, "Get him!" The boy runs past me and I turn to chase him. My friend runs back the other way. I chase this boy through some alleys and then into a building and through some hallways. Finally he runs into a restroom and has nowhere else to go. He sits on a counter with his back against the wall and his knees and arms over his face. I ask him, "Are you alright?" He says nothing, but I notice he has a three inch folding pocket knife in this hand. He puts out his palm and offers me the knife. I take it and leave to find my friends and figure out what is going on.

I don't get far before I can hear them inside a building. I walk inside another restroom and my friends are there. There are 4 of them. The first one I notice is the driver. His chest and waist are indistinguishable from each other. He looks round and bloated with long spindly legs and short stubby arms that can barely touch his head. His chins wobble like a trashbag full of soggy, soiled diapers on his neckless shoulders. His face is dripping with greasy sweat and covered in red splotches. The sweat makes his sprse white-haired combeover look all slick and shiny. In his hands is a small caliber snub-nosed revolver that he is currently reloading with his stubby, sweaty little fingers. He pants with exhaustion and his labored breath makes his chins wobble. He wears blue jeans and a texan style collared shirt. I remember he didn't look so vile to me before now and I was afraid of the gun that he held.

Next I notice two younger men. One is standing by the stall looking into it intently and cheering. It might not have looked out of place if he was sitting at home watching his favorite sports team make a winning play, but in the restroom I found it disturbing. The other guy was a little to the side kind of half-heartedly smiling. I had the impression that he didn't really want to be there.

So I take a few steps in and look into the stall. There is the friend that told me to chase the other boy. He is wearing a white shirt. He looks like a big, lumpy turd. His whole body looks like the driver's chins stuffed into a white shirt. His pants are around his ankles and he has a boy pinned against the urinal at the back of the stall.

I see what he is doing and I try to yell at them to stop. My voice seems very weak no matter how hard I try to yell. I know they heard me because they all stop laughing. The driver glares at me and clenches his pistol. The one guy that was standing back takes another step back. I realize he is no threat. The other two just look at me as if waiting for me to join them. I realize that these people are not my friends. I make a decision not to join them and scream as loud as I can for them to stop, but it comes out no louder than a whisper. I am filled with rage, but am waiting for them to either stop or attack me. I am terrified for my own safety, but I am also preparing to stab the driver with the tiny knife that the boy gave me, right under his disgusting chins.

Then I woke up. I felt disturbed and unsettled and still very angry.
  • #45
I bet you really wanted to stab that guy.
  • #46
I mostly wanted to get the hell out of there any way possible. Although I wasn't going anywhere without the kid, I really wasn't thinking about his safety at the time. It was more about how I would live with myself if I left him with those people. There is no running away from a situation like that.
  • #47
that was an intense dream. crazy.
  • #48
When I was around 8 there was this kid (about 3 years older than me) who was huge UFO nut that convinced me aliens were visiting Earth and abducting people and implanting things in people. Just about every night I would have dreams about aliens abducting me. I'd wake up in the middle of the night absolutely terrified. I'd check my body for scar or bumps that would suggest I was implanted with something. Even the faintest blemish freaked me out, and I'd go running into my parent's room. I don't think my parents got a chance to sleep alone for 4 years straight. :rolleyes:

P.S. I don't actually believe in alien abductions.
  • #49
I recently had a dream where I saw a friend of mine that past away 2 years ago. It was so vivid and my friend behaved and acted exactly the way he used to when he was alive. The eeriest part of it was when he asked me when I would come and see him instead of him coming to me. I replied that I won't be visiting him for a long time about 90 or so years. It was as though he was asking me when I am going to passover and be with him. Thats when the dream ended. Has anyone had a dream about someone who was close that has passed away?
  • #50
I had a dream while I was half asleep recently. I was laying in bed and I knew on some level that I was there and my head was on the pillow, but I was also experiencing that I was sitting in a recliner in another room. It was dark except from a flashing light, perhaps a television or something. Whatever it was I was staring at it. Then from behind the chair a woman's arm goes slowly over my left arm on the rest. The arm is pale and ashen like a bloodless corpse. It meshes it's fingers with mine while my palm is still face down. It is cold and I can feel it absorbing the heat from my arm. I feel simultaneously afraid and soothed by it's touch, like it feels good now but I wonder what the consequences will be later. I notice a gold band on it's ring finger before I forget the dream and am asleep.

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