What was the speed of the second car when it hit the first one?

In summary, the conversation discusses a scenario where a car with a mass of 1875kg stops to avoid hitting a deer on a country road, while another car with a mass of 2135kg is unable to stop in time and collides with the first car. The cars skid a distance of 4.58m due to the coefficient of friction between the tires and the asphalt being 0.750. The question is then posed about the speed of the second car when it hit the first one, which can be found by using the equation for momentum and considering the different masses and velocities involved. The coefficient of friction must also be taken into account to find the frictional force.
  • #1
A car with mass of 1875kg is traveling along a country road when the driver sees a deer dart out unto a road. The driver slams on the brakes and manages to stop before hitting the deer. The driver of second car (mass 2135kg) is driving too close and doesn't see the deer. When the driver realizes car before him stopping he slams the brake to stop but isn't able to. The cars locks together and skid another 4.58 m. All of the motion is along straight line. If coefficeint of friction between tire andasphalt is 0.750, what was speed of seconf car when it hit the first one?

I am not very sure at all, but I think that this is wut I should do:

since momentum is equal mv + mv =v (m+m)

Then E=f*d

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Should work. Plug and chug.
  • #3
Doesn't Work!
  • #4
samdiah said:
A car with mass of 1875kg is traveling along a country road when the driver sees a deer dart out unto a road. The driver slams on the brakes and manages to stop before hitting the deer. The driver of second car (mass 2135kg) is driving too close and doesn't see the deer. When the driver realizes car before him stopping he slams the brake to stop but isn't able to. The cars locks together and skid another 4.58 m. All of the motion is along straight line. If coefficeint of friction between tire andasphalt is 0.750, what was speed of seconf car when it hit the first one?

I am not very sure at all, but I think that this is wut I should do:

since momentum is equal mv + mv =v (m+m)

Then E=f*d

You have different m and different v all represented by the same letter. You need to distiquish between two different masses and three different velocities. You also need to use the coefficient of friction to find the frictional force.

FAQ: What was the speed of the second car when it hit the first one?

What is a "deer saved car collision"?

A deer saved car collision refers to a situation where a deer unexpectedly enters the road and causes a driver to swerve or brake, resulting in a collision with the deer instead of another vehicle or object. In this scenario, the deer essentially "saves" the driver from a potentially more serious accident.

How common are deer saved car collisions?

Deer saved car collisions are not very common, but they do occur. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there were an estimated 1.5 million animal-vehicle collisions in the United States in 2019, with deer being the most commonly struck animal. However, it is difficult to determine how many of these collisions were actually "saved" by the presence of a deer.

Can deer saved car collisions cause injuries?

Yes, deer saved car collisions can cause injuries. While the deer may serve as a buffer and prevent the driver from hitting another vehicle or object, the collision with the deer itself can still result in injuries to the driver and passengers. It is important for drivers to always stay alert and aware of their surroundings while driving, especially in areas where deer are known to be present.

How can drivers avoid deer saved car collisions?

There are several ways drivers can reduce their risk of a deer saved car collision. First, they should pay attention to road signs warning of deer crossing areas and adjust their speed accordingly. They should also stay alert and scan the sides of the road for any signs of deer. If a deer does enter the road, drivers should brake firmly and avoid swerving, as this can cause them to lose control of the vehicle.

Are there any measures in place to prevent deer saved car collisions?

Some states have implemented measures such as deer crossing signs, increased speed limits in areas with high deer populations, and deer population control through hunting to reduce the number of deer saved car collisions. However, these measures may not completely eliminate the risk, and it is ultimately up to drivers to stay vigilant and cautious on the road.

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