What will stop me from going at the speed of light?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Newton's 2nd law and the equation V=U+AT to calculate the time it would take to achieve the speed of light. However, this calculation is not valid due to the principles of Einstein's Special Relativity. The concept of force being the fundamental quantity in determining motion is challenged, and alternative formulations of mechanics are proposed. Ultimately, experimental evidence supports the conclusion that relativity is the correct framework for understanding motion at high velocities.
  • #1
Using Newton's 2nd law F=ma,
If you provide a constant force of 1mil Newtons then an object will accelerate at 100m/s.
Using V = U + AT
I can say that (speed of light) 299,792,458 = 0 + 100T thus T = 2997924.58 seconds or I can achieve speed of light in 35 days or so.
Why is this not possible?or what's wrong with the math?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sas_TP123 said:
Using Newton's 2nd law F=ma,
If you provide a constant force of 1mil Newtons then an object will accelerate at 100m/s.
Using V = U + AT
I can say that (speed of light) 299,792,458 = 0 + 100T thus T = 2997924.58 seconds or I can achieve speed of light in 35 days or so.
Why is this not possible?or what's wrong with the math?
Have you read anything about Einstein's Special Relativity? The short answer is that that math just doesn't apply at high speed.
  • #4
Sas_TP123 said:
Using Newton's 2nd law F=ma
F=ma is not valid in special relativity.
  • #5
olgerm said:
F=ma is not valid in special relativity.
Actually it is if F is the 4D force vector and a is the 4D acceleration vector.
  • #6
I think the real question here is "why is Newton's second law invalid at high velocities?" Indeed, it seems arbitrary to declare that a rule like F = ma is valid at low velocities, but not when v becomes large relative to c. In fact, this seems to violate the principle of relativity itself, giving mathematically "preferential treatment" to objects traveling at certain velocities. However, this is not the case. In my opinion, the best way to understand why is to think carefully about which of the foundational concepts one learns about in mechanics (i.e., force, mass, energy, momentum, etc.) are the most "fundamental".

For example, in the Newtonian picture of mechanics, "force" is the fundamental quantity that determines the motion of all bodies relative to one another. However, even from a classical point of view, this is not necessarily the most convenient mathematical formulation. As is well-known to anyone who's taken kinematics, conservation laws frequently provide a vastly more efficient approach to solving problems than a direct application of Newton's second law.

Now, in the classical world, these conservation laws can be shown to follow from F = ma, and are thus "subsidiary" in some sense--in other words, you will never get the wrong answer by just applying F = ma (assuming you can successfully carry out the math). However, the utility of concepts like "energy" and "momentum" led physicists to wonder if perhaps these quantities are actually more "fundamental" than force. Classically, this line of thinking led to re-formulations of mechanics in terms of Lagrangians, Hamiltonians, and fields, each of which have their own "domains of utility" in which they're useful descriptions of nature.

All of the alternative schemes mentioned so far can be shown to be equivalent to Newton's original formulation of mechanics. However, when combined with a careful examination of Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field, taking a "momentum-first" approach to physics leads to a point of departure from Newton's second law (the three-dimensional version, that is). Maxwell's equations respect certain symmetries (called Lorentz transformations), and requiring the equations to apply unmodified in every inertial frame of reference implies that momentum transformations between frames must also respect these symmetries.

In other words, it's a question of where we "begin" mathematically--do we postulate that F = ma is always true and work from there, or do we take conservation of momentum, the electromagnetic field, and the principle of relativity to be fundamental and derive consequences from these? If we choose the former, then there's nothing preventing me from accelerating to the speed of light. If we take the latter approach, the speed of light naturally emerges as a strict upper bound on the relative speeds of any two observers.

Ultimately, the question can only be settled by experiment. At this point, the verdict is pretty much in.

Relativity wins.
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  • #7
VKint said:
... it seems arbitrary to declare that a rule like F = ma is valid at low velocities, but not when v becomes large relative to c.
You're missing the point. F=ma is a simplification of the actual formula, which is valid at ALL velocities. You're just getting hung up on the fact that for low speeds we can use the F=ma simplification. That is, you are actually ALWAYS using the full equation, you just automatically use the simplification F=ma at low velocities because that gives the right answer out to a large number of decimal places. You could use the full equation at low speeds but it would be a waste of time to do so.
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FAQ: What will stop me from going at the speed of light?

1. What is the speed of light and why is it considered the fastest speed?

The speed of light, denoted by the symbol c, is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. This means that light travels at this speed in a vacuum and nothing can travel faster. It is considered the fastest speed because according to Einstein's theory of relativity, it is the maximum speed at which all matter and information can travel.

2. Can anything ever reach the speed of light?

No, according to our current understanding of physics, nothing with mass can reach the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases and it requires an infinite amount of energy to reach the speed of light. This makes it physically impossible for anything with mass to reach or exceed the speed of light.

3. What would happen if an object did travel at the speed of light?

If an object were to somehow reach the speed of light, it would experience time dilation, meaning time would slow down for the object. This is due to the fact that as an object approaches the speed of light, its relative velocity to other objects approaches infinity. Additionally, the object would experience an increase in mass, making it more difficult to accelerate further.

4. Are there any exceptions to the speed of light limit?

There are currently no known exceptions to the speed of light limit. However, some theories suggest that certain particles such as neutrinos may travel faster than light, but these claims have not been proven and are still being studied.

5. Is it possible to travel close to the speed of light?

With current technology, it is not possible for humans to travel anywhere close to the speed of light. However, scientists are constantly researching and developing new technologies such as spacecrafts and particle accelerators that can achieve higher speeds. It is also possible for subatomic particles, such as protons, to be accelerated to very high speeds in particle accelerators, reaching a fraction of the speed of light.
