What Would a Nebula Look Like Close Up?

  • Thread starter dodo
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In summary, a nebula would probably not look like the TV space shows depict it. It would be much more immense and dense than shown on TV. There are violent processes happening within nebulae, which may make them appear in movement from a close distance, but from further away they would appear more like a foggy day.
  • #1
Merry christmas, and the stupid question of the day:
How would, reallistically, a nebula look like from a close distance, say, within a fraction of an AU?

I mention this because, in too many TV space shows, some spaceship hides into a nebula, as it would in a big cloud, which seems to me severely unrealistic.

First, we see nebulas from an enormous distance. I see no reason to believe they would look just like that at a close range, just as the blur in a foggy day looks denser the farther. For all we know, we could be in the middle of one. Or not? Is there an estimate of the density of ions within a nebula?

Second, there are violent processes associated with nebulas. Shouldn't we perceive them in movement, much as solar wind? Then again, the enourmity of the distances could cancel out the notion of movement, since, in order to be close to (some part of) something, you will probably be moving along with it. That is, if there is some "it" to be seen at a close range, in the first place.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
The Ring Nebula (M57) is about a light-year in diameter and is located some 2,000 light-years (3,500 ly according to UWashigton page) from Earth in the direction of the constellation Lyra.


Nebulae are Big, really BIG!

NGC 3132 is nearly half a light year in diameter, and at a distance of about 2000 light years is one of the nearer known planetary nebulae. The gases are expanding away from the central star at a speed of 9 miles per second.

http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/nebulae/ngc2237.html - According to this - NGC2237 125 ly for size!

Particle densities vary throughout a give nebula and among nebulae.
  • #3
Thanks for your answer, Astronuc.

The links mention very little about particle density, thought a figure for mass density of the Ring nebula (for the entire nebula as an average, I guess) is given in the third link: 1.7 x 10^-10 kg/km3. which is, if I'm correct, 1.7 x 10^-25 kg/cm3; and given the mass of a proton as 1.67262158 x 10^-27 kg, this is around a hundred protons/cm3 in average, compared to (google-google) 7 protons/cm3 on our solar wind. Stormy weather!

However, the figure given for the expansion speed of the nebula, 20 km/s, is way lower than the 300-900 km/s of the solar wind. Please correct me where I'm wrong.
  • #4
Yes the 20 km/s is quite low compared to solar wind velocities.

Solar Wind Data





Don't know if this will help, but it might have some useful numbers or references.

Material Enhancement In Protoplanetary Nebulae By Particle Drift
Through Evaporation Fronts

See - http://www.physics.hku.hk/~nature/CD/regular_e/lectures/chap13.html (bottom of page)
In most region of space, the particle density is about 1 atom per cubic centimeter, however, in some region of space, the density is over 1000 atom/cm3. (This is about the best vacuum made by human, while the density of air is about 1019 atom/cm3.) These regions are called nebulae. The typical size of a nebula is about hundred light years. Nebulae are made up of gases and dusts. An example is M42 in Orion.

Lecture 9 : HII regions and planetary nebulae

On the Reliability of Planetary Nebulae as Extragalactic Probes

I saw a number for IDP, but I'm not sure if it's relevant to nebulae.
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  • #5
The nebula would not affect vision significantly over AU scales. Over light year scales, yes. The presentation of nebula in scifi is entirely unrealistic.

FAQ: What Would a Nebula Look Like Close Up?

1. What exactly is a nebula?

A nebula is a cloud of dust and gas in outer space. It is formed from the remnants of stars that have died and can range in size from a few light years to hundreds of light years across.

2. How do we know what a nebula looks like close up?

We know what a nebula looks like close up through images captured by telescopes and space probes. These images use various wavelengths of light to create a composite image that shows the structure and composition of the nebula.

3. What are the different types of nebulae?

There are four main types of nebulae: emission nebulae, reflection nebulae, planetary nebulae, and dark nebulae. Emission nebulae are glowing clouds of gas and are often sites of star formation. Reflection nebulae are clouds of dust that reflect light from nearby stars. Planetary nebulae are the remnants of dying stars, and dark nebulae are dense clouds of dust that block out light from behind them.

4. How close do we need to be to see a nebula?

The distance required to see a nebula depends on its size and brightness. Some nebulae can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night, while others require a telescope or space probe to see them up close.

5. Are all nebulae colorful like the ones we see in images?

No, not all nebulae are colorful. The colors we see in images of nebulae are a result of the different elements present in the nebula and the wavelengths of light they emit or reflect. In reality, most nebulae appear as faint, colorless clouds in the night sky.

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