What would cause a black hole to explode?

In summary, Smolin's theory suggests that the big bang might have been a creation event from the viewpoint of a theoretical universe on the "other side" of a black hole singularity.
  • #1
Some physicists have suggested that the big bang might have been a black hole. Lee Smolin for instance has speculated that instead of a singularity, black holes produce new universes. Has Smolin or anyone else for that matter given a process by which a black hole may explode? Apart from evaporation that is.
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  • #2
If I recall correctly, the only thing that can make a black hole explode is another black hole.

I am unsure of the parameters, or the variables involved, but I'd guess they would have to be around the same size. Hmm.

I'm wondering if 1-dimensional singularities (cosmic string) will do the same.
  • #3
Vast said:
Some physicists have suggested that the big bang might have been a black hole. Lee Smolin for instance has speculated that instead of a singularity, black holes produce new universes. Has Smolin or anyone else for that matter given a process by which a black hole may explode? Apart from evaporation that is.
I don't think that Smolin's model requires any black holes to explode (at least from our perspective). As I read his paper, I got the impression that what we consider a singularity in our universe (BH) might be viewed as a creation event from the viewpoint of a theoretical universe on the "other side" of that singularity. A variation on the multiverse theme, with multitudes of universes nested within, yet isolated from, each other by virtue of the BH singularities.
  • #4
Lord Flasheart said:
If I recall correctly, the only thing that can make a black hole explode is another black hole.

I am unsure of the parameters, or the variables involved, but I'd guess they would have to be around the same size. Hmm.

Lord, interesting idea, however as I’ve read the most likely outcome of two black holes colliding will be a new black hole with a larger event horizon. Perhaps gravitational waves produced in such a collision would generate powerful enough distortions to tear apart both holes?
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
I don't think that Smolin's model requires any black holes to explode (at least from our perspective). As I read his paper, I got the impression that what we consider a singularity in our universe (BH) might be viewed as a creation event from the viewpoint of a theoretical universe on the "other side" of that singularity. A variation on the multiverse theme, with multitudes of universes nested within, yet isolated from, each other by virtue of the BH singularities.
Turbo, your right. Smolin’s theory was probably a bad example as it implies that the big bang singularity in our universe is a black hole singularity in another universe, I was thinking along an alternative path where the universe is simply confined to within a black hole at its origin, or something similar such as would be produced if the universe were to collapse. What physical processes then would cause exponential inflation?
  • #6
'IF' the final state of our Universe is a collapse, then all Black Holes will meet and in the final instant of the last ones meeting, our universe will dissappear into a giant Black Hole. With no effect from our universe left, a new Big Bang might occure, until then the interior of a presently existing Black Hole is not a new Big Bang of a new universe, nor a new universe at all. There is one (UNI) universe and although its features might be amazing, they are still part of the unity.

FAQ: What would cause a black hole to explode?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses under its own gravity.

2. Can a black hole explode?

Yes, a black hole can theoretically explode, but it is not a common occurrence. This explosion, also known as a supernova, would happen when a black hole consumes a large amount of matter, causing it to release an enormous amount of energy.

3. What could cause a black hole to explode?

A black hole can potentially explode due to the process of accretion, where it absorbs large amounts of matter, or if two black holes merge together. The explosion would occur as a result of the intense gravitational forces and the release of energy.

4. Would an exploding black hole be dangerous to Earth?

No, an exploding black hole would not pose a threat to Earth as they are typically located far away from our planet. However, the explosion itself would release a huge amount of radiation and could potentially affect any nearby planets or objects.

5. Can we observe an exploding black hole?

It is possible to observe a black hole explosion through various means, such as detecting the release of energy and radiation. However, it is not easy to predict when and where a black hole explosion will occur, so it is a rare event to witness.

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