What Would Happen if a White Hole Collided with a Black Hole?

In summary, a white hole is a hypothetical antithesis to a black hole that spews matter out instead of sucking it in. It is believed that if a white hole were to collide with a black hole, they would neutralize each other, similar to a matter-antimatter reaction. However, there is no evidence that white holes actually exist in the physical universe. The concept of white holes is still purely speculative and it is not known if they can contain mass or merge with black holes.
  • #1
This probably could never happen but hypathetically speaking what would happen if a White Hole Collided with a Black Hole?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is hard to say, particularly since the concept of white hole is very hypothetical. For ordinary stuff, black holes would simply swallow it.
  • #3
Stricktly speaking...

Its not likely to happen. A present a white hole is only hypothetical, but since a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole, then if they collided it is likely they would nutralize each other. Kinda like when matter and anti-matter come togather.
  • #4
can someone tell me what white hole is?
  • #5
Right now white holes are practically make believe so it can do whatever you want.
  • #6
i know~! When a white hole and a black hole collides it will form a grey hole! lolz just kidding.Black holes would be too vast for the white hole, in hypothesis, the white hole would be sucked up.
  • #7
Tom, in theory, a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole. Therefore, whereas black holes 'suck things in', a white hole will 'spit things out' that had originally entered the black hole. However, white holes are almost definitely hypothetical only.

  • #8
are you saying they are the place that the things crushed into a singulatiry would emit from... which would require wormhole or alt univerese?
  • #9
Tom McCurdy said:
are you saying they are the place that the things crushed into a singulatiry would emit from... which would require wormhole or alt univerese?

yes... welcome to star trek...
  • #10
Schwarzschild Scheme...

The hypothetical antithesis of a black hole, a white hole spews matter out. No antigravitational field has been discovered that actually produces this effect, however, so white holes remain purely speculative. One way wormholes could feasibly be generated is as a black hole that is attached to a white hole if they are found to exist.

Some speculation exists that quasars are actually white holes instead of supermassive black holes, but this is not widely accepted within the astronomical community.

Another strange solution is the "white hole," which in many respects is the mirror image of the black hole; rather than matter disappearing into the hole, matter appears at a white hole, and nothing can remain in the white hole. However, there is no evidence that white holes could form in the physical universe. Black holes are created when massive stars collapse, or perhaps by the collapse of extremely dense star clusters at the center of galaxies, but white holes would have to be placed ab initio into the universe.

The Schwarzschild metric admits negative square root as well as positive square root solutions for the geometry.

The complete Schwarzschild geometry consists of a black hole, a white hole, and two Universes connected at their horizons by a wormhole.

White holes cannot exist, since they violate the second law of thermodynamics.
what would happen if a White Hole Collided with a Black Hole?

Given that their masses are equivalent [tex]dm_b = dm_w[/tex] and their Schwarzschild metrics and Schwarzschild geometries are mirror images, [tex]ds_b^2 = -ds_w^2[/tex], they would annihilate each other similarly to a matter-antimatter reaction. However, there would still be a remnant energy product, because energy is always conserved.

  • #11

If nothing can remain inside a white hole, then it cannot have mass. I'd say that the white hole bounces of the black hole. They could never merge.
  • #12
hmm... matter and antimatter is being generated all the time in this universe... perhaps this originates from white holes, on the other end of black holes? ... it's worth considering anyway ... :D
  • #13
The hypothetical antithesis of a black hole, a white hole spews matter out. No antigravitational field has been discovered that actually produces this effect, however, so white holes remain purely speculative. One way wormholes could feasibly be generated is as a black hole that is attached to a white hole if they are found to exist.

Dose this mean that if they collided that perhaps the energy remmant would be a star.
  • #14
white holes

Mistic said:
A present a white hole is only hypothetical, but since a white hole is the exact opposite of a black hole, then if they collided it is likely they would nutralize each other. Kinda like when matter and anti-matter come togather.

Where has it been said that matter and anti-matter neutralize each other? When matter and anti-matter collide they do not neutralize, rather they annhilate each other.

Yes, not only are white holes hypothetical, but black holes are hypothetical also. Even Einstein had disbelief in his mathematical equations proving a black hole much less a white hole.

Yet Einstein himself vigorously denied their reality, believing, as did most of his contemporaries, that black holes were a mere mathematical curiosity.

Oh, is it even hypothesized that black holes and white holes are even in the same universe?
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  • #15
I will ponder the existence of 'white holes' right after the anti-graviton is detected.
  • #16
Aren't there some theories out there that say a white hole is simply a black hole? A white hole does everything exactly the opposite of a black hole. Therefore, a white hole would run backward in time. Now what is something that is constantly spitting out matter in reverse time? A black hole in forward time. Kinda like how an anti-photon is a photon.
  • #17
Maybe the big-bang is a white hole.
  • #18

If nothing can remain inside a white hole, then it cannot have mass. I'd say that the white hole bounces of the black hole. They could never merge.

I have not found anything in the metrics which states that white holes cannot contain mass or cannot merge. It is certainly possible for the metrics to annihilate each other through simple addition. White holes can only exist by being fed matter and energy from a black hole through a wormhole, however note that the white hole metric geometry for this type of mathematical object is still purely hypothetical. According the the negative Schwarzschild metric solution in general relativity, white holes are based upon mass, however such a mass is probably reflected as hypothetical 'negative mass'.

Dose this mean that if they collided that perhaps the energy remmant would be a star.

Negative, an explosion this energic and powerful would not produce any known cohesive structure, such an explosion is probably similar to, or more energtic than, a hypernova.

The following reference is an excellent source for examining the metrics for black hole, white holes and wormholes geometries.


FAQ: What Would Happen if a White Hole Collided with a Black Hole?

1. What is a white hole and how is it different from a black hole?

A white hole is a theoretical object in space that is the opposite of a black hole. While a black hole has a strong gravitational pull that nothing, not even light, can escape from it, a white hole is said to have an extremely powerful outward force, repelling all matter and energy away from it. This makes it impossible for anything to enter a white hole, in contrast to a black hole where nothing can escape.

2. Are white holes and black holes related?

Yes, white holes and black holes are believed to be different parts of the same object. According to the theory of relativity, a black hole is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself, creating a strong gravitational pull. It is thought that at the other end of this black hole, there may be a white hole, which is constantly spewing out matter and energy that is being pulled into the black hole.

3. Can we observe white holes or black holes?

Currently, there is no direct evidence of the existence of white holes or black holes. However, scientists have observed the effects of black holes, such as the way they bend light and alter the motion of objects around them. These observations support the theory of black holes and indirectly suggest the existence of white holes as well.

4. Can anything escape from a black hole or enter a white hole?

No, according to our current understanding of physics, nothing can escape from a black hole or enter a white hole. The strong gravitational pull of a black hole makes it impossible for anything to break free, while the powerful repulsive force of a white hole prevents anything from entering it.

5. Could a white hole be a source of new matter and energy in the universe?

It is a possibility that a white hole could be a source of new matter and energy in the universe. If the theory of black holes and white holes being connected is correct, then the matter and energy being spewed out of a white hole could potentially be recycled and used to create new stars and galaxies. However, this is still just a theory and has yet to be proven.

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