What would happen if the speed of light were different?

In summary, the speed of light is a fundamental physical constant and changing its value would also change the value of other related constants, such as the fine structure constant. However, experiments have shown that the speed of light does not change with time, and any apparent changes can usually be explained by changes in units or other factors. The fine structure constant is of particular interest to physicists as it relates to the strength of electromagnetic interactions and has been extensively studied for any potential variations over time.
  • #36
PeterDonis said:
if you are thinking of experimental results changing with the fine structure constant remaining unchanged, you are doing it wrong and need to stop

PeterDonis said:
Uncertainties in measurement are a different issue and you should ignore them for this discussion

Please note that the first statement is made with the second statement in mind. We are assuming that experimental results are not changing due to mundane factors like the temperature of the apparatus changed or a tectonic shift changed the length of a tunnel, or anything like that. As I said, all those things are a different issue and you should ignore them for this discussion.
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  • #37
PeterDonis said:
We are assuming that experimental results are not changing due to mundane factors like the temperature of the apparatus changed or a tectonic shift changed the length of a tunnel, or anything like that. As I said, all those things are a different issue and you should ignore them for this discussion.

PeterDonis said:
And how do you know you are detecting all possible disturbances? You can't.

This is why I said that physical constants like ##\alpha## tell you about the relationships between different measurements made in different ways. You can't tell if ##\alpha## changed just from a single kind of measurement, because you can't distinguish changes in the physical constant from changes in the measuring apparatus.

And to further clarify, while you can assume, to simplify your thinking about the issue, that experimental results are not changing due to mundane factors, that doesn't mean you can ignore mundane factors when thinking about what counts as "experimental results changing" in the first place.

For example, consider the "light bouncing off a mirror inside a tunnel" experiment. Basically the "result" of this experiment is the number of periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the cesium atom that it takes for the light to return after bouncing off the mirror. But, as I said, if this number changes with repeated measurements over time, that by itself does not tell you that ##\alpha## changed; it's also possible that the tunnel could have changed due to some mundane factor. When thinking about how a change in ##\alpha## would affect this number, you can (and should) ignore the possibility of some other mundane factor affecting the number; but when thinking about how you would know if ##\alpha## changed in the real world, you can't ignore that possibility, because that possibility is what tells you that, to really know if ##\alpha## changed, you have to combine numbers obtained from multiple experiments, that involve different phenomena, so that any change in ##\alpha## will change the relationship between the numbers obtained from those multiple experiments (whereas changes in mundane factors would not).
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  • #38
PeterDonis said:
Uncertainties in measurement are a different issue and you should ignore them for this discussion. Trying to include them will only confuse you further.
Hi Peter:

The reason I raised the "uncertainties" question was because of the response you gave regarding my effort to explain how to detect a change in the speed of liight in responses to your question about that.
PeterDonis said:
Why would you assume that? It seems obvious that the length of the tunnel could change for all sorts of reasons. (Maybe the temperature was slightly different; maybe there was a small tectonic shift; etc., etc.) If this is the only measuring device you have, you have no way of telling whether changes in your readings are due to an actual change in a physical constant, or just to changes in the tunnel.
PeterDonis said:
This is why I said that physical constants like α\alpha tell you about the relationships between different measurements made in different ways. You can't tell if α\alpha changed just from a single kind of measurement, because you can't distinguish changes in the physical constant from changes in the measuring apparatus.

PeterDonis said:
So if you are thinking of experimental results changing with the fine structure constant remaining unchanged, you are doing it wrong and need to stop.
This is not what I assume. I assume for the purpose of discussing the OP's question that that the speed of light changes, and also the fine structure constant changes correspondingly based on
α = 2π e2 / h c,​
that is, c and α vary reciprocally assuming no changes in e and h.

PeterDonis said:
And to further clarify, while you can assume, to simplify your thinking about the issue, that experimental results are not changing due to mundane factors, that doesn't mean you can ignore mundane factors when thinking about what counts as "experimental results changing" in the first place.
I understand that the influence of mundane factors will affect experimental results. I may be mistaken about the vocabulary, but I believe these factors are generally referred to as "experimental errors". This point reminds me of an incident my wife experienced when she was an undergraduate at MIT. She was thinking of majoring in physics, but the incident while performing a measurement of the speed of light in the physics lab changed her mind, and she instead majored in math. The incident was that after one effort of measurement she obtained a result that was not reasonably close enough to the known value, so she looked for a problem with the set uo and made some changes, and then repeated the measurement. After several iterations of this process, she obtained a result that was "satisfactory". Then she stopped looking for problems in the set up. She realized that if she had not known the "right" answer in advance, she would not know when to stop experimenting.

Suppose I made multiple measurements as I described for the speed of light, and over a period of time I found small changes which averaged close to zero, threby suggesting a small distribution range of "experimental errors" with the set up. After a while, on one occasion, an anomalous value was measured. Subsequently, all measurements were distributed by small amounts close to this anomalous value, with a distribution similar to the original "experimental errors" measured values were all close to this new value with a significant change only once, afterwards, the this new value was measured every subsequent time
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  • #39
PeterDonis said:
Uncertainties in measurement are a different issue and you should ignore them for this discussion. Trying to include them will only confuse you further.
Hi Peter:

The reason I raised the "uncertainties" question was because of the response you gave regarding my effort to explain how to detect a change in the speed of liight in responses to your question about that.
PeterDonis said:
Why would you assume that? It seems obvious that the length of the tunnel could change for all sorts of reasons. (Maybe the temperature was slightly different; maybe there was a small tectonic shift; etc., etc.) If this is the only measuring device you have, you have no way of telling whether changes in your readings are due to an actual change in a physical constant, or just to changes in the tunnel.
PeterDonis said:
This is why I said that physical constants like α\alpha tell you about the relationships between different measurements made in different ways. You can't tell if α\alpha changed just from a single kind of measurement, because you can't distinguish changes in the physical constant from changes in the measuring apparatus.

The following is not what I assume.
PeterDonis said:
So if you are thinking of experimental results changing with the fine structure constant remaining unchanged, you are doing it wrong and need to stop.
I assume for the purpose of discussing the OP's question that that the speed of light changes, and also the fine structure constant changes correspondingly based on
α = 2π e2 / h c,​
that is, c and α vary reciprocally assuming no changes in e and h.

PeterDonis said:
And to further clarify, while you can assume, to simplify your thinking about the issue, that experimental results are not changing due to mundane factors, that doesn't mean you can ignore mundane factors when thinking about what counts as "experimental results changing" in the first place.
I understand that the influence of mundane factors will affect experimental results. I may be mistaken about the vocabulary, but I believe these factors are generally referred to as "experimental errors". This point reminds me of an incident my wife experienced when she was an undergraduate at MIT. She was thinking of majoring in physics, but the incident while performing a measurement of the speed of light in the physics lab changed her mind, and she instead majored in math. The incident was that after one effort of measurement she obtained a result that was not reasonably close enough to the known value, so she looked for a problem with the set uo and made some changes, and then repeated the measurement. After several iterations of this process, she obtained a result that was "satisfactory". Then she stopped looking for problems in the set up. She realized that if she had not known the "right" answer in advance, she would not know when to stop experimenting.

Suppose I made multiple measurements as I described for the speed of light, and over a period of time I found small changes which were distributed with an average close to the known value, and with a small standard deviation. variance. It seems reasonable that this would suggest that the range of values shows small "experimental errors" with the set up. After a while, on one occasion, an anomalous value was measured with a value significantly different from the previous mean (and known correct) value. Subsequently, all measurements were distributed by small amounts close to this anomalous value, with a standard deviation similar to the original "experimental errors" previously found before the anomaly. One would of course do a search for an explanation involving some failure in the measuring apparatus, but assume nothing of this kind was found.

Parallel with this activity, suppose measurements were "directly" made of the fine-structure constant with apparatus not depending in any way on the speed of light. Suppose that at the same time (more or less) the the speed of light anomaly was found, a similar anomaly is found with the measurement of α. Furthermore. the product of the new mean values for α and c was approximately (with a small error) equal to the former known value for
2π e2 / h.
What could one conclude from this? Would a reasonable interpretation be that the value of α had changed, and that this change was due specifically to a corresponding change in the speed of light, or vice versa.

  • #40
Buzz Bloom said:
I assume for the purpose of discussing the OP's question that that the speed of light changes, and also the fine structure constant changes

And these two assumptions embody, not only a change in physics, but a change in the choice of units. What we are trying to get you to do is separate these two choices. You cannot say that ##\alpha## changes and ##c## changes, but ##e## and ##h## do not, without making a particular choice of units, whether you realize it or not. But you can say that ##\alpha## changes without making any choice of units at all. See further comments below.

Buzz Bloom said:
After several iterations of this process, she obtained a result that was "satisfactory". Then she stopped looking for problems in the set up. She realized that if she had not known the "right" answer in advance, she would not know when to stop experimenting.

This happened in at least one significant case historically. Millikan's original oil drop experiment gave a result for ##e## that was different (though not by a lot) from the current value. Other experimenters that tried to replicate his results ended up looking for issues to fix until they got a result that was close enough to his, and then stopping. It took decades for physicists to realize that they should have continued looking for issues to fix because Millikan's value was not quite right.

Buzz Bloom said:
Suppose I made multiple measurements as I described for the speed of light, and over a period of time I found small changes which averaged close to zero, threby suggesting a small distribution range of "experimental errors" with the set up. After a while, on one occasion, an anomalous value was measured. tSubsequently, all measurements were distributed by small amounts close to this anomalous value, with a distribution similar to the original "expeimental errorhe measured values were all close to this new value with a significant change only once, afterwards, the this new value was measured every subsequent time

Then you would have some interesting data which you would need to investigate further. The way to investigate further would be look at other measurements of ##\alpha## using different phenomena that were made over the same time period, to see if they changed, and if so, how. Ultimately you would look for changes in the relationships between the different measurements that could not be explained by mundane factors.

However, there is another aspect of your proposed measurement method that I haven't yet mentioned. When you say that your scheme measures "the speed of light", that is not correct in terms of SI units. As I said before, what it actually measures--the raw number that comes out of the process, before any interpretation is applied to it--is the number of periods of the cesium hyperfine transition that it takes for the light to return after bouncing off the mirror. By the definition of SI units, this is not a measurement of the speed of light, because the speed of light is not measured, it is defined to be the number 299,792,458. So what you are actually measuring, in SI units, is the length of the tunnel in meters. So if the number that comes out of your measurement changes, according to SI units, your hypothesis should not be that the speed of light changed, but that the length of the tunnel changed.

Now suppose that you also have a very long rod that is attached at both ends of the tunnel when you start taking measurements. You attach a very sensitive strain gauge to the rod, so that you can measure very precisely the stress on it; at the start of measurements, the strain gauge reads zero, indicating that, at that instant of time, the rod's unstressed length is exactly equal to the length of the tunnel.

Now consider some possibilities when you find, later on, that the output of your light-mirror setup has changed. If the rod registers a change that corresponds to the change in light-mirror output (for example, the number of periods output by the light-mirror setup increases, and the rod registers tension, indicating that it is being stretched), then you would conclude that the change is due to a change in the tunnel (in the case just described, that the tunnel length is increased). But if the rod strain gauge output does not correspond to the change in light-mirror output (for example, zero stress, or compression, but the number of periods output by the light-mirror setup increases), then you would conclude that ##\alpha## might have changed.

But in the latter case, could you conclude, more specifically, that ##c## had changed, while ##e## and ##h## did not? No, you can't. The internal stresses in the rod depend on ##\alpha##, and they involve interactions between electrons and nuclei in the rod, and quantum energy levels in the rod's atoms, and there is no way, in general, to disentangle all that and say, of the change in ##\alpha##, this much was due to a change in ##e##, this much was due to a change in ##h##, this much was due to a change in ##c##. They are all tangled together, and how you separate them is a choice of units. As I've already said, in SI units ##c## is defined to be constant, so by definition it can't change; so in those units any change in the relationship between the rod strain gauge output and the light-mirror setup output must be due to a change in ##e## or ##h## or both. But if, for example, we took the rod as our standard of length--our unit of length is defined to be whatever the length of the rod is--then any change in the ratio of rod length (as determined by strain gauge output) to light-mirror number of periods would be by definition a change in ##c## (assuming we keep the SI second as our unit of time). And that change in choice of units would have to also change how much ##e## or ##h## changed given the change in rod strain gauge output and light-mirror setup output. But in all of this, the change in ##\alpha## would be the same--a given change in the relationship between rod strain gauge output and light-mirror setup output means a given change in ##\alpha##, regardless of our choice of units. That is what it means to say that the physics is all in ##\alpha##: the change in ##\alpha## is what tells you how much the stuff you actually observed changed.
  • #41
PeterDonis said:
And these two assumptions embody, not only a change in physics, but a change in the choice of units.
Hi Peter:

I was careful to say the speed of light changed, not that c changed. Using SI units, c cannot change, but why does this imply that the speed of light has not changed. I tried to explain an experimental sequence at the end of my post #39 (last 3 paragraphs) to clarify the meaning of these assumptions. The explanation assumes repeated experiments. In the context of these paragraphs, what could have changed other than the speed of light along with α.

  • #42
Buzz Bloom said:
I was careful to say the speed of light changed, not that c changed.

Um, these are the same thing. There is no such thing as "the speed of light" independent of your choice of units. If you think there is, go back and read my italicized statements again. And again.

Buzz Bloom said:
In the context of these paragraphs, what could have changed other than the speed of light along with α.

Sigh. You are still not thinking clearly.

If you have not read and considered in detail the extended example I gave in post #40, go do that now. I'll wait.

Ok, ready? Here we go. Consider the case where you have the following combination of measurements: at the start of taking measurements, the light clock-mirror setup gave an output of ( 9192631770 / 299792458 ) * 100. I.e., the tunnel is 100 SI meters long. And the rod strain gauge reads zero.

After some time, the light clock-mirror setup output changes to ( 9192631770 / 299792458 ) * 100.001 (i.e., the tunnel is now 100.001 SI meters long, i.e., its SI length has increased by 1 millimeter). But the rod strain gauge still reads zero.

Now two physicists are arguing about what these results mean.

Physicist #1: Since ##c## is unchanged, the increase in the light clock-mirror output means the tunnel's length must have increased. Since the rod strain gauge still reads zero, that means ##e## and ##h## must have changed to make the physical properties of the rod different, such that its unstressed length is now 1 millimeter longer than it was before.

Physicist #2: Since the rod strain gauge still reads zero, the physical properties of the rod must be the same. That means ##e## and ##h## must be unchanged, and the rod's length, and hence the tunnel's length, must be unchanged. So the increase in light clock-mirror output means ##c## must have decreased.

Now, first of all, these two physicists are obviously using different units; #1 is using SI units, while #2 is using units in which the rod is the standard of length (or at least in which unstressed objects are assumed to have constant length no matter what else happens).

Second, note that you can substitute "speed of light" for ##c## in the above and it changes nothing. "Speed of light" and ##c## are the same thing.

Third: you are probably bursting to ask me, so, ok, which of these physicists is right? (And that might be the fundamental question you have been groping towards in this discussion.) The correct answer to that question is "mu". The question assumes that there is a "right" answer to the issue they are arguing about; but in fact, both of them are just confused. There is no "right" answer to the issue they are arguing about, because there is no "right" answer to the question of which system of units you should choose. Physically, what has happened in this hypothetical scenario is that ##\alpha## has changed; but, as I said before, how you divide up that change into changes in ##c##, ##e##, and ##h## depends on your choice of units. Physicists #1 and #2 are not (though they think they are) making different claims about "what really happened". They are just choosing different units. What "really happened" is the same either way: the light clock-mirror output number increased while the rod strain gauge stayed at zero. Describing this as a change in ##\alpha## relates that "real" change to the physically meaningful dimensionless constant in our models.
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  • #43
  • #44
Buzz Bloom said:
This means that by definition the value of c (using any units) cannot change.
Almost. It means that the value of c cannot change in the current SI units. I could make a different system of units whose unit of length in meters is a function of time and c would change in those units.

Buzz Bloom said:
If it should (hypothetically) happen that the number of seconds (or picoseconds) it takes light to travel (in vacuum) over an actual specific physical distance is measured to have changed, c would not change. What would then change is the actually physical distance corresponding to a meter.

Buzz Bloom said:
Assuming α changes due to the change in c, but no other "constants" change (e and h), would this change in α change the time measured by the cesium clock which would make the measured time for light to travel the physical distance to be unchanged?
If the fine structure constant is changed then the measurements will be physically different. A pulse of light from a Cesium clock would take a different number of oscillations to cross the same number of atoms in a rod.

Buzz Bloom said:
I was assuming that any alternate system of defining units would relate to SI units by constants.
This is incorrect, even with commonly used unit systems. Take, for example, SI units and CGS units. The SI unit of charge, the coulomb, is not a constant multiple of the CGS unit, the statcoulomb. The SI system treats the coulomb as a base unit with its own dimensionality while CGS treats the statcoulomb as a derived unit based only on the gram, centimeter, and second.

Buzz Bloom said:
I assume a suitable device which measures ...
The raw measurements obtained from this device depend only on the value of the fine structure constant

Buzz Bloom said:
What comes to mind from this is that α represents something that has meaning in the field of physics (i.e., physical reality) while c does not.
What I would mean by it is that the outcome of a physical measurement depends on the fine structure constant, not the speed of light. That includes measurements purportedly designed to measure the speed of light.
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  • #45
Buzz Bloom said:
I am now curious as to whether this phenomenon also applies to other unitless constants.

The same reasoning I described would apply to any unitless constant.

Buzz Bloom said:
αG = (me/mP)

Note that, while this ratio is indeed dimensionless, the Planck mass itself is not; and if you try to construct a field theory for gravitation, the coupling constant you end up with in that field theory, the analogue of ##\alpha## for electromagnetism, is not dimensionless; it is in fact the inverse Planck mass squared (in "natural" QFT units, in which ##c = \hbar = 1##). Many physicists have speculated that this indicates that what we know of as gravitation is not really a fundamental interaction; that it "emerges" from some other underlying theory, in which there is a coupling constant that is dimensionless.

This same sort of issue appears in the Standard Model of particle physics, where (in the low energy version that we use to analyze experiments we can actually do) there has to be at least one constant with units of mass. This is usually taken to be the Higgs mass, and the other masses are given as dimensionless numbers times the Higgs mass. The currently accepted explanation for this is that the Higgs mass is emergent from spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking; at high enough energies (as in the very early universe, before electroweak symmetry breaking occurred), all of the Standard Model fields are massless.
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  • #46
PeterDonis said:
The currently accepted explanation for this is that the Higgs mass is emergent from spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking; at high enough energies (as in the very early universe, before electroweak symmetry breaking occurred), all of the Standard Model fields are massless.

This does not explain why there is one dimensionful parameter in SM.
However you slice it, there is one explicitly dimensionful constant in SM Lagrangian: the constant coefficient at Higgs quadratic term. Its value is ~88.45 GeV squared (= Higgs mass squared / 2)
  • #47
nikkkom said:
there is one explicitly dimensionful constant in SM Lagrangian

Yes, there is, but it's not correct to just say it's the Higgs quadratic term.

In the low energy Lagrangian (the one that describes the SM at energies well below the electroweak symmetry breaking energy), yes, there is a Higgs quadratic term with coefficient ##m_H^2##. Here ##m_H## is based on the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field.

In the high energy SM Lagrangian, however, the Higgs boson does not have a mass; electroweak symmetry is not broken and the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field is zero. In this Lagrangian, there are no mass terms anywhere; all the fields, including the Higgs (which has four degrees of freedom in this Lagrangian, not just one), only have kinetic terms, not quadratic mass terms.

What the SM cannot explain is why the Higgs field well below the electroweak symmetry breaking energy takes the particular vacuum expectation value it does. That is really the dimensionful parameter that the theory cannot derive from something else but has to put in by hand.
  • #48
PeterDonis said:
In the high energy SM Lagrangian, however, the Higgs boson does not have a mass
In that regime all of the coupling constants are dimensionless?
  • #49
Dale said:
In that regime all of the coupling constants are dimensionless?

As I understand it, yes, that's the case.
  • #50
PeterDonis said:
In the high energy SM Lagrangian, however, the Higgs boson does not have a mass; electroweak symmetry is not broken and the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field is zero. In this Lagrangian, there are no mass terms anywhere.

I never saw it. Where can I see the high energy SM Lagrangian?

IIRC in general Lagrangian should contain all terms compatible with postulated symmetries of the theory. A quadratic term of Higgs field is allowed. Why is it absent in high energy Lagrangian?
  • #51
nikkkom said:
Where can I see the high energy SM Lagrangian?

See, for example, here:


nikkkom said:
A quadratic term of Higgs field is allowed.

As I understand it, it isn't, because before EW symmetry breaking, the Higgs field is not a single scalar field. It's a complex SU(2) doublet, and a direct quadratic mass term would break SU(2) gauge invariance.
  • #52
PeterDonis said:
See, for example, here:


As I understand it, it isn't, because before EW symmetry breaking, the Higgs field is not a single scalar field. It's a complex SU(2) doublet, and a direct quadratic mass term would break SU(2) gauge invariance.

In that article, Lh actually has a term quadratic in Higgs field h, with ##\lambda v^2## dimensionful coefficient. THAT is exactly the coefficient I was talking about, (88.45 GeV)2.
  • #53
nikkkom said:
In that article, Lh actually has a term quadratic in Higgs field h, with λv2\lambda v^2 dimensionful coefficient.

No, ##\lambda v^2## is not a Higgs quadratic mass term. ##v## is not the Higgs scalar, it's a constant in the potential for the Higgs field. The value of ##\lambda## is not the Higgs mass squared; the "after electroweak symmetry breaking" shows the Higgs mass term with ##m_H##.
  • #54
PeterDonis said:
No, ##\lambda v^2## is not a Higgs quadratic mass term. ##v## is not the Higgs scalar, it's a constant in the potential for the Higgs field.

Indeed, ##\lambda v^2## is not the full Higgs quadratic mass term. It's a part of it - its constant coefficient.
Please do follow the link in question and see how Lh is defined there:


Expand the squared parentheses, and you'll get a quartic term, a quadratic term, and a constant one. Quadratic one ends up with dimensionful coefficient.
  • #55
nikkkom said:
Quadratic one ends up with dimensionful coefficient.

Ah, I see. Yes, this is correct. This dimensionful coefficient ends up determining the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field after spontaneous symmetry breaking. But the value of this coefficient is not the same as the mass ##m_H## that we observe for the Higgs boson now; the field ##h## in the high energy Lagrangian is not the same as the field ##H## in the low energy Lagrangian.
  • #56
PeterDonis said:
This dimensionful coefficient ends up determining the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field after spontaneous symmetry breaking. But the value of this coefficient is not the same as the mass ##m_H## that we observe for the Higgs boson now

Sure. They are related via ##\mu^2 = m_H^2/2 = \lambda v^2##. My point is that SM has one *dimensionful* parameter (while other 18+ parameters are all dimensionless).
  • #57
nikkkom said:
My point is that SM has one *dimensionful* parameter

Yes, I agree. How it appears in the Lagrangian differs depending on whether you are in the high energy or low energy regime. I'm not sure I would call it a "coupling constant" in either regime, since ##v## is a term in the potential and ##m_H## is a mass, which appears in a quadratic term that involves only one field, not multiple fields. But there is a dimensionful parameter, yes. By the reasoning I gave earlier in the thread, this would be an indication that the SM is not fundamental, but emergent from a lower level theory.
  • #58
That's different from this post:

PeterDonis said:
The currently accepted explanation for this is that the Higgs mass is emergent from spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking; at high enough energies (as in the very early universe, before electroweak symmetry breaking occurred), all of the Standard Model fields are massless.

Here, you said that Higgs mass is emergent *in SM*. It is not. Higgs mass is a direct consequence of ##\mu^2## coefficient.

I agree that SM may be supplanted by an extended theory without dimensionful parameters. Koide rule and other mass relations are signs of it.
  • #59
nikkkom said:
Higgs mass is a direct consequence of μ2 coefficient.
Hi nikkkom:

I would much appreciate seeing a generally accessible reference which explains the above quote.

The closest discussion I can find on the Internet regarding μ2 is
However, this seems to be completely unrelated to the Higgs mass.

  • #60
nikkkom said:
Here, you said that Higgs mass is emergent *in SM*. It is not.

I think this is a matter of terminology. The dimensionful coefficient that appears in the SM Lagrangian at high energy is not called the "Higgs mass" and is not described as a "mass" of the Higgs field; descriptions of the SM at those energies typically say, as I said, that all of the fields are massless there. But you are correct that there is still a dimensionful coefficient at those energies, with units of mass, that does appear in a quadratic term, so the usual terminology is sloppy.
  • #61
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  • #62
PeterDonis said:
I think this is a matter of terminology. The dimensionful coefficient that appears in the SM Lagrangian at high energy is not called the "Higgs mass" and is not described as a "mass" of the Higgs field; descriptions of the SM at those energies typically say, as I said, that all of the fields are massless there. But you are correct that there is still a dimensionful coefficient at those energies, with units of mass, that does appear in a quadratic term, so the usual terminology is sloppy.

You are right. ##\mu## is not the Higgs mass. Higgs mass is ##\sqrt {2}\mu##.
  • #63
PeterDonis said:
if the fine structure constant changes, it is not "due to" a change in c, e, or h. Which of c, e, and h change if the fine structure constant changes is a matter of choice of units, not physics. The physics is all in the fine structure constant.

Buzz Bloom said:
I would very much like to understand the meaning of this quote. I do not want to introduce philosophy, so I will just mention briefly what I perceive to be the problem with my mental ability to understand this quote. It seems to have logical implications that contradict my philosophical view of reality.

Buzz Bloom said:
I assume for the purpose of discussing the OP's question that that the speed of light changes, and also the fine structure constant changes correspondingly based on
α = 2π e2 / h c,that is, c and α vary reciprocally assuming no changes in e and h.

I think I might be able to help here. (or I must just screw things up...we'll see)

The secret to resolving this difficulty is to keep in mind is that the fine structure constant being dimensionless, is a specific value in all units. i.e. it is 1/137 in CGS and in SI units. Therefore your selection of units will change the value in different ways if you change the value of one single constant (such as c). In other words, in one system if you double the value of c then the fine structure constant would let's say double, but in another system if you double c then the fine constant value might triple because it has no units.

To make this even clearer. Image you have the equation c=c in SI units. Now in this case both the left side and the right side have units. c is not dimensionless. So if you change the units from SI to CGS then c=c is still true. now take another equation, one where the left side has no units (just like a dimensionless constant) such as 1=c. Now you have a problem. if you use units of c=1 light second per second, then the equation is true. However if you use CGS units for the value of c, then the equation is no longer true since 1 does not equal 299,792,458.

(this statement might need correcting) What this implies is that in a dimensionless constant, changing one value would give different results depending on the units of measurement when measuring that one constant such as c or h or e. Since any units of measurement is arbitrary (you can make up any system of units you want just by changing the definition of a second or a meter for example) you can arbitrarily change the value of the fine structure constant for any given change in one of the constant values rendering the exercise completely useless.

I hope that helps. And if so I'm glad to be able to help instead of always being the one to ask the question.
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  • #64
Buckethead said:
The secret to resolving this difficulty is to keep in mind is that the fine structure constant being dimensionless, is a specific value in all units. i.e. it is 1/137 in CGS and in SI units.


Buckethead said:
Therefore your selection of units will change the value in different ways

You realize this contradicts what you just said, right? If the value is the same in all units, your selection of units can't change the value.

The correct thing to say is that, because the fine structure constant is 1/137 in any system of units, if you change units such that the value of ##c## changes (say from 299,792,458 to 1, because you're switching from SI units to "natural" relativity units), the values of ##e## and/or ##h## must also change, so as to keep the fine structure constant's value the same, 1/137. In other words, it's impossible to take some system of units, and from it construct another system of units where the value of ##c## is different but everything else is the same.

Buckethead said:
now take another equation, one where the left side has no units (just like a dimensionless constant) such as 1=c

This is not correct. ##c## is a speed, not a dimensionless number. The fact that we can choose units where ##c = 1## does not mean ##c## is dimensionless in those units. A dimensionless number, like the fine structure constant, is dimensionless in all systems of units.

Buckethead said:
this statement might need correcting

Your instincts here are sound, unlike in the rest of your post. See above.

Buckethead said:
I hope that helps. And if so I'm glad to be able to help instead of always being the one to ask the question.

Unfortunately, I don't think your comments are helping because you're confused about the actual issue. See above.
  • #65
PeterDonis said:
You realize this contradicts what you just said, right? If the value is the same in all units, your selection of units can't change the value.

That was sloppy of me. I meant to say, "Therefore your selection of units will change the value (of the fine structure constant) if you change the value of a constant on the right side of the equation". But your way of saying it is much better.

PeterDonis said:
The correct thing to say is that, because the fine structure constant is 1/137 in any system of units, if you change units such that the value of cc changes (say from 299,792,458 to 1, because you're switching from SI units to "natural" relativity units), the values of ee and/or hh must also change, so as to keep the fine structure constant's value the same, 1/137. In other words, it's impossible to take some system of units, and from it construct another system of units where the value of cc is different but everything else is the same.

Buckethead said:
now take another equation, one where the left side has no units (just like a dimensionless constant) such as 1=c.

PeterDonis said:
This is not correct. c is a speed, not a dimensionless number. The fact that we can choose units where c=1 does not mean c is dimensionless in those units. A dimensionless number, like the fine structure constant, is dimensionless in all systems of units.

I said "one where the left side has no units (just like a dimensionless constant) ". I did not say the equation was a "dimensionless number". I admit this was a bad example because the equation is not dimensionless on both sides. But I was making clear the fact that if an equation results in a dimensionless number then changing units can make the equation invalid if one were to change the value of one of the constants that is not dimensionless, and this is where I think Buzz was finding difficulty.

PeterDonis said:
Unfortunately, I don't think your comments are helping because you're confused about the actual issue.

Back to the drawing board.
  • #66
Buckethead said:
I meant to say, "Therefore your selection of units will change the value (of the fine structure constant)

Still wrong. Go back and read what I said again, carefully.

Buckethead said:
one where the left side has no units (just like a dimensionless constant)

The number "1" does not necessarily have no units. Go back and read what I said again, carefully.

Buckethead said:
the equation is not dimensionless on both sides

An equation has to be either dimensionless on both sides or have the same dimensions on both sides. Otherwise it's not a valid equation.

Buckethead said:
Back to the drawing board.

Yes. And I strongly suggest not posting again until you have improved your understanding.
  • #67
PeterDonis said:
The number "1" does not necessarily have no units. Go back and read what I said again, carefully.
I disagree with this (I agree with the rest). The number 1 does not have units, but some people may be sloppy and not write the units explicitly if they are understood.

This can be important in understanding e.g. the difference between Planck units and geometrized units. In both sets of units c is unity, but in Planck units it should be a dimensionful 1 Lp/Tp and in geometrized units it is a dimensionless 1.
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