What would the "correct" way of doing this integral be?

In summary, we discussed the equation v dv/dx = 20x + 5 and how to correctly solve for velocity. We learned that integrating both sides with respect to a variable, in this case x, and changing the integral parametrisation is the correct approach. We also discussed the change of variables method and clarified that in this case, it is more analogous to ∫ g(f(x)) df/dx dx = ∫ g(u) du rather than ∫ g(f(x)) dg/df df.
  • #1
v(x(t)), where v represents velocity and is a function of position which is a function of time.

I have the equation: v dv/dx = 20x + 5 and want to solve for velocity. The way our professor solved it was by multiplying both sides by dx and integrating => ∫v dv = ∫20x+5 dx. I know doing this is non-rigorous since dv/dx can't be treated as a fraction. So how would I "correctly" do this?

Generally ∫ ƒ(y) dy/dx dx = ∫ f(u) du by substitution or the "reverse" chain rule since dy/dx is the derivative of the composite function y inside f In my case however, ∫ v dv/dx , dv/dx is not the derivative of the composite inside v. How would I solve for v without doing something like multiplying both sides by dx?
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  • #2
You are just intrgrating over t. Note that v dt = (dx/dt) dt = dx so you can just apply substitution of variables to x instead of t.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
You are just intrgrating over t. Note that v dt = (dx/dt) dt = dx so you can just apply substitution of variables to x instead of t.
I made a few mistakes initially sorry. Corrected them. Please look at the post again.
  • #4
This does not really change the principle, it is still just integrating both sides with respect to a variable, in this case x, and changing the integral parametrisation.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
This does not really change the principle, it is still just integrating both sides with respect to a variable, in this case x, and changing the integral parametrisation.

v dv/dx = 20x + 5 If I want to integrate both sides with respect to x, how do I do it?
The RHS would be pretty straightforward.

But how do I integrate this:
∫ v(x) dv/dx dx without "cancelling" the dx's
  • #6
You are not "cancelling" the dx. You are using the normal form for a change of variables.
  • #7
Orodruin said:
You are not "cancelling" the dx. You are using the normal form for a change of variables.

But for change of variables, the "inner" or composite function's derivative has to be present outside like: ∫f(x(t)) dx/dt dx = ∫f(y) dy.
In this case ∫ v(x) dv/dx dx, dv/dx is not the derivative of the composite function but it is the derivative of v(x)
  • #8
You are changing variables to v ... Also, your expression for change of variables is wrong. Fix it with replacing dx by dt and it is exactly what you have.
  • #9
Of course, you could also just note that v dv/dx = d(v^2)/dx / 2 and integrate a total derivative.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
You are changing variables to v ... Also, your expression for change of variables is wrong. Fix it with replacing dx by dt and it is exactly what you have.

In the change of variable, ∫ g(f(x)) df/dx dx = ∫ g(u) du. But my case is more analogous to ∫ g(f(x)) dg/df df since I have ∫ v(x(t)) dv/dx dx
  • #11
EddiePhys said:
In the change of variable, ∫ g(f(x)) df/dx dx = ∫ g(u) du. But my case is more analogous to ∫ g(f(x)) dg/df df since I have ∫ v(x(t)) dv/dx dx
No it is not. You just have g(f) = f.
The fact that v and x generally depend on t here is irrelevant.
  • #12
Orodruin said:
No it is not. You just have g(f) = f.
The fact that v and x generally depend on t here is irrelevant.

Alright got it thanks

Related to What would the "correct" way of doing this integral be?

1. What is the correct way to find the integral of a function?

The correct way to find the integral of a function is to use the fundamental theorem of calculus, which states that the integral of a function f(x) can be found by taking the anti-derivative of the function.

2. Can I use any method to find the integral of a function?

While there are multiple methods to find the integral of a function, such as substitution, integration by parts, or partial fractions, the most commonly used and generally accepted method is the fundamental theorem of calculus.

3. Is it necessary to show all the steps when solving an integral?

It is not always necessary to show all the steps when solving an integral, but it is recommended in order to ensure accuracy and to help understand the process. However, if you are confident in your ability to solve the integral and can justify your answer, showing all the steps may not be necessary.

4. What should I do if I get a different answer than the textbook or solution key?

If you get a different answer than the textbook or solution key, it could be due to a mistake in your calculations or a different method used to solve the integral. Double check your work and try using a different method to see if you get the same answer.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for solving integrals?

There are certain techniques and patterns that can help make solving integrals easier, such as recognizing common functions and their derivatives, using symmetry to simplify the integral, or using trigonometric identities. However, there is no one-size-fits-all shortcut for solving integrals and it is important to have a strong understanding of the fundamental theorem of calculus and integration techniques.

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