What’s Dispersion got to do with Schroedinger?

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In summary, The conversation discusses the speaker's lack of understanding of quantum mechanics and their attempt to better understand the wave-particle duality of photons and electrons. They question whether the classical wave equation is still valid for light and whether there is a different Schrödinger's wave equation for photons. They also discuss the interpretation of the dispersion relationship for a free particle and ask if mass is subject to relativistic effects. The other person in the conversation points out a mistake in the speaker's calculations and explains that the Schrödinger equation cannot be used to describe photons. They suggest studying quantum optics for a better understanding. Additionally, they mention that the Schrödinger equation should be derived from first principles, rather than using
  • #1
Gold Member
In my ignorance of quantum mechanics, which I am trying to address, I had initially assumed that any resolution of the wave-particle duality of photon and electrons led to some sort of common probability equation. Therefore, I am trying to better understand how different dispersion relationships seem to lead to lead to different wave equations and how to interpret the implications. Up to now I had only understood dispersion as a wave attribute within optics, e.g. spectrum spread through a prism due to different propagation velocities, within a given media, associated with each frequency.

[1] [tex] A = A_0sin(kx-wt) [/tex]

Citing equation [1] as a classical starting point for a wave function, which leads to the following equation based on the 2nd derivative and the relationship [tex][c=w/k = f \lambda ] [/tex], where [c] is the speed of light.

[2] [tex] \frac { \delta^2 \Psi}{ \delta t^2} = c^2 \frac { \delta^2 \Psi}{ \delta x^2} [/tex]

So my first question is whether equation [2] is still a valid baseline for light, when being described as a wave and a photon particle within quantum mechanics?

The reason for asking this question is based on the apparent fact that a photon [c=w/k] and a particle have different dispersion relationships. In a pseudo-derivation of Schroedinger’s wave equation, which I won’t detail here, you are led to the dispersive relationship for a free particle of mass [m] that originates with deBroglie’s wavelength equation:

[3] [tex] w = \frac {\hbar k^2}{2m}[/tex]

This is also described as a dispersion relationship, but one which then seems to prevent the previous method, as used for light, of equating the 2nd derivatives with respect to [x] and [t]. However, the equivalent solution to equation [2] has the following form and was described as Schroedinger’s wave equation for a free particle, ignoring the issue of potential energy [V] for the moment.

[4] [tex] -\frac { \hbar ^2}{2m} \frac { \delta^2 \Psi}{ \delta x^2} = i \hbar \frac { \delta \Psi}{ \delta t} = E \Psi [/tex]

As such, I am assuming that equation [4] only applies to particles with rest mass [m] and therefore cannot be applied to a photon. So:

Is there another Schroedinger’s wave equation for photons?
How do I interpret the meaning of equation [3]?

Here is my current assumption, not a statement of fact:
In the case of a photon, the dispersion relationship [c=w/k] corresponds to the propagation velocity equalling the phase velocity [vp], while by re-arranging equation [3], the propagation velocity seems to correspond to the group velocity [vg]:

[5] [tex] v_g = \frac {dw}{dk} = \frac {\hbar k}{2m} [/tex]

On the basis of deBroglie’s wavelength [tex] \lambda = h/mv [/tex] being substituted back into [5]

[6] [tex] v_g = \frac {\hbar k}{2m} = \frac {h}{2m \lambda} = \frac {mv}{2m} [/tex]

I am slightly confused by the 2 in the denominator of [6], which comes from [3] and suggests that [vg =v/2] after the mass [m] is cancelled:

Does the 2 have anything to do with kinetic energy E=mv/2?
Have I just made a mistake?
Is mass [m] subject to relativistic effects, e.g
[tex]E^2=p^2c^2+m_0^2c^4[/tex] ?

Would appreciate correction of any wrong assumptions on my part. Thanks
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  • #2
That 2 comes from a mistake doing the derivative in [5] :P
What you should get is Vg = V, the velocity of the particle. Mind you, I'm also trying to understand this whole thing as well...
  • #3
The Schrödinger equation is non-relativistic and photons are as relativistic as a particle can get. So it simply can't be used at all to describe them.

However, if you forget about photons and work with a classical electromagnetic field, you can calculate optical properties of matter by studying a system with a varying electromagnetic field (=light) as a time-dependent perturbation. So we're talking about the S.E. + Maxwell's equations, and it's a pretty difficult subject. See a textbook on quantum optics.

A proper (and modern) derivation of the Schrödinger equation (e.g. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathem...um_mechanics#Postulates_of_quantum_mechanics") doesn't make use of de Broglie's semi-empirical result, etc. The latter becomes a result of the former, not vice-versa.
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Related to What’s Dispersion got to do with Schroedinger?

What is dispersion?

Dispersion is the phenomenon where light is separated into its component colors as it passes through a medium, such as a prism or a diffraction grating. This is due to the different wavelengths of light having different refractive indices within the medium.

What is the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the quantum state of a physical system evolves over time. It is named after Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger.

How is dispersion related to the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation includes a term for potential energy, which can be affected by the dispersion of light through a medium. This is because the potential energy is dependent on the refractive index, which is affected by the dispersion of light.

What are some real-world applications of dispersion and the Schrödinger equation?

Dispersion and the Schrödinger equation have many practical applications, including in the design of optical instruments such as telescopes and microscopes. The principles of dispersion and quantum mechanics are also used in various technologies such as lasers, transistors, and MRI machines.

How can I learn more about dispersion and the Schrödinger equation?

If you are interested in learning more about dispersion and the Schrödinger equation, you can study physics, particularly in the fields of optics and quantum mechanics. There are also many online resources available, such as textbooks, articles, and videos, that can help you deepen your understanding of these concepts.

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