What's for Dinner Tonight? Join the Tea-obsessed Craze!

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary: I had a sandwich, cheese and pickles, and a piece of fruit.Tonight, I am cooking a ham. It smells so good in here. :!) I was just thinking about how great it would be to have some blueberry poundcake for desert, but alas, I have none. I see all these great recipies posted by other members, so, I was wondering, what are you having for dinner tonight?Tonite mi mama cooked one of my best favorites: Beefy noodles. Which had with it mashed potatoes 'n gravy and some succulent steamed veggietables that I like and plus
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
I eat alone every night. (the Child of Evo works after school and weekends) and honestly after working all day, a long drive home, not getting home until after 9pm most nights, I either skip dinner because I'm too tired, or had a late snack at the office or eat whatever is at hand. Last night, dinner was velveeta cheese dip. :redface:

Tonight I am cooking a ham. It smells so good in here. :!) I was just thinking about how great it would be to have some blueberry poundcake for desert, but alas, I have none.

I see all these great recipies posted by other members, so, I was wondering, what are you having for dinner tonight?
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  • #2
Tonite mi mama cooked one of my best favorites: Beefy noodles. Which had with it mashed potatoes 'n gravy and some succulent steamed veggietables that I like and plus some black bread. :-p I also wish there was Ben And Jerry's for dessert but we don't got any. :confused:

"todo lo que se mueva es calne y la calne es placer"
  • #3
Barbeque baby!

We probably ate about seven chickens, two pigs, and half a cow this evening.

There's nothing quite like throwing a couple of animals on the fire...
  • #4
I have no idea yet. It's already after 9 and I'm still at the office, just thinking about whether I want to pick up take-out on the way home, or if I'll really cook once home. There are chicken breasts defrosting in my fridge, so that's always an option (if not tonight, then it will be for tomorrow).
  • #5
:rolleyes: french fries with sweet chilli sauce, after that rice with tofu and peanut butter :biggrin:
  • #6
Calzones :D
  • #7
nothing arrrg me mum doesn't believe in cooking or grocery shopping... so its a saturday night, and I'm the coolest 17 yr old ever... so I'm about to go buy groceries for the family! woot! then i'll probably grab a bite to eat while I'm out. woooo
  • #8
brewnog said:
Barbeque baby!

We probably ate about seven chickens, two pigs, and half a cow this evening.

There's nothing quite like throwing a couple of animals on the fire...
:!) My kind of guy! :-p
  • #9
Gale17 said:
nothing arrrg me mum doesn't believe in cooking or grocery shopping... so its a saturday night, and I'm the coolest 17 yr old ever... so I'm about to go buy groceries for the family! woot! then i'll probably grab a bite to eat while I'm out. woooo
Gale, that's sad. :frown: If you like ham (I was craving something salty) come on over!
  • #10
Zoobie food. You don't want to know.
  • #11
Evo said:
:!) My kind of guy! :-p

Wow, so behaving like a caveman really does pay off then?

I'll have to get the leopardskin thong out more often...

Here's a small sample of what it's like to attend a Manchester Fire-be-que. Please ignore the socks.


  • firebeque.JPG
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  • #12
brewnog said:
Wow, so behaving like a caveman really does pay off then?

I'll have to get the leopardskin thong out more often...

Here's a small sample of what it's like to attend a Manchester Fire-be-que. Please ignore the socks.
Socks? Where's the thong? :shy:
  • #13
Evo said:
Gale, that's sad. :frown: If you like ham (I was craving something salty) come on over!

heh, its not so bad. i actually don't mind grocery shopping, could be worse. At any rate, i swang... er, swung... hmm... i hit up mcdonalds on the way home. nothing like a $1 mcchicken for dinner... mmmmm...
  • #14
I eat alone every night.
Sorry to hear that Evo. :frown:

I cook just about every night - most times, nothing fancy - but quick stuff, since I have to cook for 4. After a days work, I don't want to get too involved in cooking. On the weekends, maybe something fancier if we don't get something from some place like Subway.

Today was a heavy day of gardening. I enlarged one of the plots. The ground is a mix of clay and rock, and even my new 7hp rototiller was just getting the grass and one inch (2 cm) of soil. So it break out the pick and pitchfork, and hack away at the rocks and hard clay soil. That lasted a few hours in the morning and early afternoon. Then it was up the hill, where I am terracing the hill side (upper garden). The tiller had an easier time, but I still had to use the pick and pitchfork in places.

Then there was mulching and watering. Working like that I consumed 2 20-oz bottles of Gatorade and a couple of pints of Cranberry juice mixed with berry selzter. When I work like that, I don't eat, just drink.

This evening, I scarfed a hotdog while heading out the door to by more mulch and 4 boards of 2x10-10ft to make a border around one of the plots. We have another plot that will become a raised bed for an herb garden, just as soon as I remove the old tree stump and till it.

I had a bowl of granola cereal about an hour ago.

Another big day of gardening later today. :biggrin:
  • #15
Lamb Korma with almond slivers over Basmati Rice. Dahl soup. Fresh cucumber and onion and carrot salad with plain organic yogart dressing. And least we forget the samosa and Naan. Mmmmmmmmm. Dabble some mint and/or mango chutney over everything! God my belly is about to burst just thinking about the yummy Indian food. I ate too much already but I want more... My sweetie and I dine out on the weekends.
  • #16
The final dinner selection wound up being salad out of a bag (that I added some sliced mushrooms and onion to), cheese spread on crackers, and a half pint of ice cream. I think I'd starve if I ever became lactose intolerant! I'm still waiting for cronxeh to deliver me some pizza from NY!
  • #17
It's Saturday, so it was BBQ ribeye night.
  • #18
Half a bag of Chips Ahoy and a glass of milk.
  • #19
tribdog said:
Half a bag of Chips Ahoy and a glass of milk.
Look what the cat dragged in.
  • #20
Wow tribdog, where the heck have you been?

Oh my God; Tribdog, Danger, and Zooby, all at one time!
  • #21
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I figured if I stayed away long enough I could get some lovin' when I returned.
  • #22
speaking of dinner... I've just discovered those little microwavable burrittos.

Ivan Seeking said:
Wow tribdog, where the heck have you been?

Oh my God; Tribdog, Danger, and Zooby, all at one time!

ya, hey there bub! should we all be on the look out for trouble now?
  • #23
lol, you are the only trouble around here. I've been gone for the last few months hoping that you would finally become Gale18 so I wouldn't have to keep averting my eyes and crossing my legs everytime you went on one of your sexcapades.
  • #24
Gale17 said:
speaking of dinner... I've just discovered those little microwavable burrittos.

Hey, me too! They - in my case, a relabel by Resers - also have taquitos, flautas, and enchiladas. I just started eating these a couple of months ago.
  • #25
PSSSSH! I'm no trouble at all! I've matured a lot in the erm... month or so you've been away! I'm not the immature, sex driven 17.5 year old girl that i was when you left... i am now a matured, well behaved, mild mannered 17.6 year old woman!

(by the way, you've got just under 5 months of leg crossing to go..)
  • #26
Gale17 said:
PSSSSH! I'm no trouble at all! I've matured a lot in the erm... month or so you've been away! I'm not the immature, sex driven 17.5 year old girl that i was when you left... i am now a matured, well behaved, mild mannered 17.6 year old woman!

(by the way, you've got just under 5 months of leg crossing to go..)
and I wouldn't even have to worry about it if you ever crossed yours. BTW have you ever introduced your knees to each other?
  • #27
Gale17 said:
(by the way, you've got just under 5 months of leg crossing to go..)
Yet another advantage to being a Canuk. 16 is legal up here (for sex, not drinking or smoking).
  • #28
of course, you got to have priorities.
  • #29
tribdog said:
and I wouldn't even have to worry about it if you ever crossed yours. BTW have you ever introduced your knees to each other?

BAD DOG! I'm sooooooo going to beat you! ooooh man! you... you're... you... i... I'm going to stay 17 forever! just to make you suffer! take that you! AUGH... oh you... I'm going to get you!
  • #30
Gale17 said:
BAD DOG! I'm sooooooo going to beat you! ooooh man! you... you're... you... i... I'm going to stay 17 forever! just to make you suffer! take that you! AUGH... oh you... I'm going to get you!
no, you are going to keep trying to get me and I'm going to keep dodging and try not to leave any marks with my 10 ft pole.
  • #31
tribdog said:
no, you are going to keep trying to get me and I'm going to keep dodging and try not to leave any marks with my 10 ft pole.

10 foot pole... pssh... obviously someone's compensating for something eh? is that why you've been gone so long? searching for your manhood again? oh trib, its a lost cause... I'm sorry dear.
  • #32
Gale17 said:
10 foot pole... pssh... obviously someone's compensating for something eh? is that why you've been gone so long? searching for your manhood again? oh trib, its a lost cause... I'm sorry dear.
And Pillowhead grinds the dogs face in the mud! Oh this is some action here, folks!
  • #33
Gale17 said:
10 foot pole... pssh... obviously someone's compensating for something eh? is that why you've been gone so long? searching for your manhood again? oh trib, its a lost cause... I'm sorry dear.

Oh, he doesn't have to search too far. We still have that jar of nuts he left up next to the pickled onions at the Suggestion Box bar.
  • #34
I skip dinner :redface:.
  • #35
Because I don't have a busy life, I have supper every night :)
Although I do only cook for 3 days a week and my brother cooks for 3 days.
Unfortunately tonight is one of my nights :(
It's amazing how we have a full deep-freeze but hardly any of the stuff is useful.
But it looks like it's going to be a BBQ chicken stir fry.
The BBQ chicken will obvisouly be cut into strips and will have a honey and soy marinade.
Anyway this isn't the recipe thread haha and I'm sure you can guess what will be in the rice :)
I just sometimes wish I didn't have to cook...especially when I have assignments due :(

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