What's on Your Fall 2010 Science Schedule?

In summary, Joe is taking the following courses this upcoming semester: Physics 2 with lab, Gen Chem 2 with lab, Engineering Calc 2, Archeo Astronomy, and General Chemistry 1. He is also taking 20 hours of work per week and is hoping to have completed research with his calc professor by the fall.
  • #1
Apologies if this is a little early. I don't know what other universities are doing, but mine just opened up Fall 2010 registration to the masses (Honors college could do it earlier).

Anyway, here's mine:

Modern Physics
Intermediate Lab Physics
Mechanics (the upper-division version)
General Chemistry 1
Directed Readings (working one-on-one with a professor that wants me to help him with research, they recommend "getting our feet wet" with the directed readings before jumping into research)

How about you guys?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I am taking the following, it is going to be rough...

Physics 2 with lab
Gen Chem 2 with lab
Engineering Calc 2
Archeo Astronomy

Will begin research with my calc professor on wavelet transforms during the fall as well at around 10 hours per week. It is going to be tough, but I am excited!

  • #3
Classical Mechanics 1
Survey of Multivariable Calculus (junior level stuff)
  • #4
I won't know for sure until classes begin, but it'll be something like

Advanced Abstract Algebra (tensor algebra, representation theory of finite groups, and Galois theory)
Algebraic Number Theory
Topology (algebraic)
One of these: representation theory, knot theory, Riemann surfaces
Last edited:
  • #5
Honors Analysis I
Honors Abstract Algebra I
Graduate-level Complex Analysis.
2-credit Piano Class, for fun.

My adviser is concerned. xD.
  • #6
Modern Physics II (QM undergrad)
Intermediate Mechanics
Work 20 hours/week
  • #7
We don't have the fall schedule up yet because we are on the quarter system and not even halfway done with the spring quarter yet, but assuming none of the courses I want to take conflict:

Real Analysis
Graduate Abstract Algebra
Graduate Topology
  • #8
Classical Mechanics 1
Calc 3
Linear Algebra
Introductory Computer Programming
Computer science ethics
  • #9
Calculus II
Calc-Based Physics I w/ Lab
Writing for Engineers

for Summer I'm doing
Calculus I
Computer Science I (intro to C)
  • #10
Differential Equations II
Mechanics (Junior level)
Electromagnetism (Junior level)
Ancient Med Science
Tutoring Work
  • #11
Waves and Optics (with lab)
Electromagnetic Theory 1
Applied Real Analysis
War and the Military

and possibly Intro German
  • #12
I'll be taking surprisingly few physics related courses this upcoming semester as I've completed almost all of my core requirements.

Computational Physics
Modern Optics Lab
Medical Instrumentation & Imaging
Modern Philosophy
Science, Faith & American Imagination
Senior Design Project

I'll likely also continue working in the nano-photonics lab here. As long as this current semester ends, I'll be happy.
  • #13
A putnam prep course
Real Analysis I
Graduate Algebra I
Graduate Complex Variables I
Graduate Multilinear Algebra/Tensor Geometry (seminar course with my research advisor in the same subject)
Oceanography with lab
Aerobic Walking - seriously. I have to have a PE credit to graduate...am I in college or 4th grade?
  • #14
1. Quantum Mechanics (Undergrad level)
2. Probability and Stats
3. Independent Study in Math
4. Math Electives ?
5. Crap (Sth from dimension studies)
6. Crap(similar nonsense)
  • #15
Advanced Calculus
Waves and Optics
Mathematical Physics

The mathematical physics course is a 6000 level course that I got special permission to take, so I'm very excited about it.
  • #16
I'm taking:
Multivariable Calculus
Differential Equations
Linguistics II (sounds of language)
  • #17
Troponin said:
Advanced Calculus
Waves and Optics
Mathematical Physics

The mathematical physics course is a 6000 level course that I got special permission to take, so I'm very excited about it.

That's great to hear--I'm excited for you!

If all goes well during the summer sessions (precalc I and II), it will be:

Calculus I
Physics I
  • #18
Newtime said:
A putnam prep course
Real Analysis I
Graduate Algebra I
Graduate Complex Variables I
Graduate Multilinear Algebra/Tensor Geometry (seminar course with my research advisor in the same subject)
Oceanography with lab
Aerobic Walking - seriously. I have to have a PE credit to graduate...am I in college or 4th grade?

My school requires us to take two P.E. style classes--and they are worth zero credit hours.

But they're not that bad, and it is nice to have a formal obligation to exercise, actually.
  • #19
Intro Discrete Math
Linear Algebra I
Multivariate Calculus
Calcphysics I + lab
Calcphysics II + lab

Not sure if taking Calcphysics I and II is a good idea, but I'll manage.
  • #20
y0tsubato said:
That's great to hear--I'm excited for you!

If all goes well during the summer sessions (precalc I and II), it will be:

Calculus I
Physics I

Hope you enjoy the courses!
Especially the C++. I'm doing two research projects this summer where I'm expected to program...I really wish I had taken C++...or any programming course. lol
  • #21
Fall 2010:

*Quantum Mechanics I
*Electro & Magnetostatics (upper level)
*Abstract Vector Spaces
*Modern Physics (Physics Majors section)

very exciting stuff

Summer 2010:
*C++ Programming for Engineers
And least important and much hated...:
*Art Appreciation
  • #22
Fall 2010:
Math Methods in Physics
Physics Advanced Lab
Vector Calculus
Chem II Lab

Summer 2010:
Linear Algebra
Chem II
Exit Requirement class
  • #23
Agent M27 said:
I am taking the following, it is going to be rough...

Physics 2 with lab
Gen Chem 2 with lab
Engineering Calc 2
Archeo Astronomy

Will begin research with my calc professor on wavelet transforms during the fall as well at around 10 hours per week. It is going to be tough, but I am excited!


Hey! Maybe we'll have Chem II Lab together?
  • #24
Transferring into the junior year of a nuclear engineering program from a community college...

Radiation Interaction I
Introduction to Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
Computer Programming and Lab (Fortran)
Nuclear Engineering Analysis I

It's only 15 credits but some of these things look pretty crazy and I'm not too sure what to expect from any of these classes...
  • #25
Graduate inorganic chemistry
Graduate intro to QM (Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics through the chem department)
Biological structure determination (using nmr and x-ray crystal to find out the structure of biological molecules. not interesting in bio, but still good to learn structure determination and the theory behind it i guess)
Classical Mechanics (upper div physics)

all you crazy engineers/math/physics majors. good to see another discipline represented.
  • #26
Advanced Introductory physics 2 with lab
Intro Linear Algebra
Multivariable Calculus
Elementary Differential Equations
  • #27
Pretty full schedule:

Summer 2010:
Calc III (Multivariate Calculus)

Fall 2010:
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Classical Mechanics (senior level)
Intro to Modern Physics (Junior level)

I may change the cosmochemistry to something like biological physics, but the others are pretty much definite. I am scared about two upper level math classes and mechanics in the same semester though!

This is my first post on PF after a long time of lurking! Hello all!
  • #28
Nothing personal, but I don't understand some of these schools pre-reqs if what you guys are saying have actually been checked by an advisor.
Taking Calc II concurrently with Cal III??
Classical mechanics without/concurrent with differential equations?!?
  • #29
whoa , you guys are already picking Fall 2010 courses :| ?
  • #30
Yay sophomore year! No more gen ed requirements!

real analysis
general topology
graduate algebra
graduate quantum mechanics
graduate stat mech

When I say graduate I mean what 1st year grad students take to pass their quals.

I love this place. :]
  • #31
Honors Physics III (Modern Physics)
Diff Eqs
Computer Based Experimentation

And a music theory class lol. I wanted to take Geometry or Number Theory, but neither fit in my schedule. Fine by me though, I can take them later on instead.
  • #32
Don't know yet for sure, but I'm thinking of:

Algebraic Topology
Representation Theory
Symplectic Geometry
Functional Analysis

Still in doubt about physics...general relativity and quantum field theory are tempting courses!
  • #33
Mathematics 3 (partial derivatives, multiple integrals, ordinary differential equations)
Analogue Electronics
Digital Electronics
Circuit Analysis
Heat & Flow 2
Engineering Design & Manufacture
Labs in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

If timetable allows, electromagnetism and QM from the physics department

This is in UK, not the states.
  • #34
Summer 2010:
1st Half
Calc I
General Chemistry II
2nd Half
European Politics

Fall 2010:

University Physics I (physics majors section) + Lab
Intro Astronomy + Lab (Really excited about this one, even though it probably won't be too difficult. I've been interested in astronomy since like 2nd grade)
Computer Science I + Lab (I've never heard of a comp sci lab class before...)
Multivariate Calc/Matrices

Summer is 16 total credits and Fall is 17. I've a pretty sweet setup with my summer job. I ride a desk in the computer lab on campus, which equals me getting paid to do homework in the summer time.

Anyone have any experiences with Computer Science Labs? It's 1 day a week, out of the three a week that the class meets. I assume it's something like actually working on computers during lab day and then in some lecture hall the other two days. I'm not sure where the rooms are yet as I'm just transferring to this school.
  • #35
Let's see here . . .

Summer 2010
English 2 (finally will be done with that crap)

Fall 2010 - Transferring from Com. College
Calculus I
Intro to Physics
Eng. Design
Gen. Chem II + Lab

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