Whats so new and innovative about UG competitions?

  • Thread starter cosmonov
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about the speaker's interests in robotics, aerospace, defense research, psychology, physiology, warfare tactics, and practical medical surgery. They are contemplating what describes them best and have participated in some undergraduate competitions but have not found any that truly test their skills and require design innovation. They are wondering if they are being delusional or not searching for the right competitions. They mention the Higgs-Boson and receive advice from other participants in the conversation.
  • #1
I don't know where to start exactly , but i will give it a shot anyways. I am a man of many interests including robotics, aerospace, defence research, psychology, physiology,warfare tactics,practical medical surgery, well enough of that!
So I was contemplating about what can describe me best..."Leonardo of 21st century"? =D
or perhaps .."Jack of all trades and master of none" ? =\.. well that got me thinking about what I have done that is most innovative? and the answer was well , barely one or two things, if you consider being a finalist for int'l olympiad a success.

Since I am a sophomore in Mechanical( that's one field which branches out to many of my interests) I decided to stand up and participate in some extra curricular activity like my seniors.
I mean I do dream of a hot shot website filled with life time of megalomaniac projects, sports letters, and boasting of a planned MIT Phd. =)

I did a round up of under grad competitions , the ones which would challenge my dormant grey matter.And to my surprise I couldn't find a single one.(from the ones which I saw)

I mean take the BAJA for e.g. you have specific engines , specific dimensions, and that's it. I have seen so many designs having everything same, except the team name! Even some similarity among the top wheels.

The AUVSI seemed to be an awesome challenge, till I found out all you need is an rc control lotsa bl motors,high end fpv cam and some slick chow-wang programming(no offense).
and there's plenty more where that came from.

All in all I am left wondering, am I being delusional about these competitions because I am too lazy? or am I not searching for the right ones?

I have heard of MIT robotics and stuff, but never heard of a really global challenge for undergrads. Boy, previewing this post does make me look like a sad little psychopath +D.

But seriously , all my friends who are reading this post and have participated in competitions which truly test what i am presumably looking for..let me know.

NOTE:-All observations stated above are personal and mean no damage physical,financial or legal to any persons or Organizations mentioned in the post.


Whats up on the Higgs-Boson?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Maybe you could view the lack of innovation as the competition? If these projects are so simple and common, then you should have no problem entering and defeating your competition in innovation.
  • #3
Hmm.. never thought of it that way. Thanks DragonPetter
  • #4
You are being delusional. From what I understand baja is essentially a manufacturing competition, so you're attacking a strawman. Saying a competition only requires a lot of fancy coding is garbage - the algorithm design is highly non-trivial.

it sounds like you are really complaining that the competitions you listed do not require design innovation from a mechanical aspect - a claim which I can't confirm or deny but send to be what you see getting at. One example of a competition that I know requires that is solar car racing, but it is really hard to get a team started on that
  • #5

I am constantly intrigued by the latest developments in the field of particle physics, and the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle is definitely one of the most exciting and groundbreaking discoveries in recent times.

The Higgs-Boson, also known as the "God Particle," is a fundamental particle that gives mass to all other particles in the universe. Its existence was first predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics, but it took decades of research and the construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to finally confirm its existence in 2012.

What makes the discovery of the Higgs-Boson so significant is that it completes the Standard Model, which is the most successful theory we have to describe the fundamental particles and their interactions. This discovery not only validates the Standard Model, but it also opens up new possibilities for further research and understanding of the fundamental building blocks of our universe.

Furthermore, the discovery of the Higgs-Boson has also led to the development of new technologies and techniques in particle physics research, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible.

In conclusion, the discovery of the Higgs-Boson is a testament to the perseverance and dedication of scientists and researchers around the world. It is a truly remarkable and innovative achievement that will shape our understanding of the universe for years to come.

FAQ: Whats so new and innovative about UG competitions?

What makes UG competitions different from traditional competitions?

UG competitions focus on promoting innovative ideas and solutions, rather than just rewarding the winner based on traditional criteria such as speed or accuracy. They also often involve collaboration and teamwork, rather than individual performance.

Are UG competitions only for scientific fields?

No, UG competitions can cover a wide range of fields, including technology, engineering, social sciences, and more. The main focus is on creativity and innovation, so anyone with a fresh and unique idea can participate.

How do UG competitions benefit the participants?

UG competitions provide a platform for individuals to showcase their ideas and talents, gain recognition, and even receive funding or resources to further develop their projects. They also offer opportunities for networking and learning from other participants.

What is the role of judges in UG competitions?

Judges in UG competitions are typically experts in their respective fields and evaluate submissions based on the criteria set by the competition organizers. Their role is to provide feedback and select the most innovative and promising ideas or solutions.

Can anyone participate in UG competitions?

Yes, most UG competitions are open to anyone who meets the eligibility criteria set by the organizers. This can vary from competition to competition, but generally, anyone with a unique and innovative idea is welcome to participate.
