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What's the average aspect ratio of human vision as we perceive it?
The total binocular field of view is 200 deg (w) x 135 deg (h).
The aspect ratio of human vision is approximately 5:4. This means that for every 5 units of width, there are 4 units of height in our field of view.
The aspect ratio of human vision is similar to that of other primates, but different from many other animals. For example, cats and dogs have a much wider aspect ratio of around 16:9, while birds have a more elongated aspect ratio of 6:1.
Yes, the aspect ratio of human vision can change based on the size and shape of our eyes. For example, people with longer and narrower eyes may have a slightly different aspect ratio compared to those with rounder eyes.
The aspect ratio of human vision can affect our perception in terms of how we perceive and process visual information. For example, a wider aspect ratio may allow for a broader visual field, while a more elongated aspect ratio may give a narrower but more detailed view.
No, the aspect ratio of human vision can vary slightly from person to person based on factors such as eye shape, distance between eyes, and even age. However, the general ratio of 5:4 remains consistent among most individuals.