What's the Best Path for Combining Software and Hardware Development?

  • Thread starter Jordan Joab
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In summary, when deciding between a computer science or computer engineering program, it is important to consider one's interests and goals. A "pure" undergraduate degree in a field such as math can provide a strong foundation, but may lead to a career in teaching. Imagination is an important aspect of engineering and can lead to success in the field. While there may be concerns about outsourcing, government statistics show that jobs in software and computer fields are expected to grow at a faster than average rate.
  • #1
Jordan Joab
I'm interested in software development as well as hardware development. A computer engineering program might satisfy my initial needs but my concern is how to properly branch off from there. My desire is to be able to switch seamlessly between the two fields, let's say working for Microsoft on web video software or working for Cisco on wireless networks projects.

I want flexibility and efficiency. What's the optimal approach here?

CS --> EE OR CE --> Dual EE/CS?

Thank you.

Jordan Joab.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Wether the course is called Computer science, Computer engineering, software engineering, electrical engineering or IT is pretty decoupled to what is actualy taught.

In general, my advice is to do as 'pure' a ugrad degree as possible so you have a good grasp of the core stuff and then specialise in the area you are interested in either in a final year project, a masters, or in industry.

The actual title of your ugrad degree is generally irrelelvant - except perhaps in countries where 'engineer' is licenced and you have to have an accredited degree to work in the field.
  • #3
Pardon my ignorance, what would be a "pure" ugrad degree? Math?

  • #4
If you want to write code for Microsoft or Cisco, CS would probably be preferable.

If you want to write code for Microsoft and design antennas or other hardware for Cisco... well, good luck. An EE would be more suited for the Cisco position, while as I said, if you want to write code, CS.

People specialize. I'm afraid that these two are just a bit too far apart, and you'll have to make a choice.
  • #5
TMFKAN64 said:
If you want to write code for Microsoft or Cisco, CS would probably be preferable.

If you want to write code for Microsoft and design antennas or other hardware for Cisco... well, good luck. An EE would be more suited for the Cisco position, while as I said, if you want to write code, CS.

People specialize. I'm afraid that these two are just a bit too far apart, and you'll have to make a choice.

You are correct. You have also reached the root of my problem. This is the very reason why I still can't reach a final decision. The truth is very annoying.

Jordan Joab.
  • #6
The world is full of possibilities. This is both a feature and a bug. :smile:
  • #7
Is more of a bug for me! :cry:

I dislike specialization.

Jordan Joab.
  • #8
Jordan Joab said:
Pardon my ignorance, what would be a "pure" ugrad degree? Math?
Ideally yes!
It wasn't meant in any elitist sense.
There is a scale of theory vs application - from some CS courses which are basically maths degrees through to ones where the textbook is "Learn MicroSoft XYZ in 21days"
Tradiationally the top CS dept do not teach any 'industry standard' languages - instead using specialist languages to illustrate specific aspects of CS.

You want to use the opportunity at college - surrounded by peoplewho understand these things and want to teach you, together with the freedom from project deadlines, to learn the hard stuff.
You can pick up the latest in demand language of the day when you are in a job - it's much harder to learn CS on the job only knowing a specific language.
  • #9
mgb_phys said:
Ideally yes!
It wasn't meant in any elitist sense.
There is a scale of theory vs application - from some CS courses which are basically maths degrees through to ones where the textbook is "Learn MicroSoft XYZ in 21days"
Tradiationally the top CS dept do not teach any 'industry standard' languages - instead using specialist languages to illustrate specific aspects of CS.

You want to use the opportunity at college - surrounded by peoplewho understand these things and want to teach you, together with the freedom from project deadlines, to learn the hard stuff.
You can pick up the latest in demand language of the day when you are in a job - it's much harder to learn CS on the job only knowing a specific language.

I see. I don't believe I can obtain a pure undergrad degree. I'm not particularly bright or smart but a normal person with an active imagination. I don't think imagination gets anyone but writers anywhere. One of my concerns is that a CS degree has a higher risk of being outsourced than most Engineering degrees. And if I somehow end up with a Math, Physics, Chemistry, etc. degree I feel those would push me to a teaching career and that is something I'm not particularly looking for. Technology is what interests me the most but then, what path to purse and how to tread it? :confused:

My only real option is to go to class and see what I like but I'm not sure that's going to help me decide. I think I'll probably end up choosing CS out of frustration and confusion. Here are a few links to the college programs I'm interested in:



Jordan Joab.
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  • #10
Jordan Joab said:
I don't think imagination gets anyone but writers anywhere.

Well, that's not true at all. Imagination is a large part of engineering. You have to not only imagine what you want to do, you have to imagine how things could go wrong.
  • #11
TMFKAN64 said:
[...]you have to imagine how things could go wrong.

I seem to be an expert in this particular sub-field.:cry:

TMFKAN64, you are a CS guy, no? Would it be a bother to check out the 1st link I provided and tell me how good that CS program is, please? Thank you sir.

Jordan Joab.
  • #12
forgive my ignorance, but arent these software and computer jobs in GREAT DANGER of outsourcing? isn't it too risky to decide to go into this field?
  • #13
RasslinGod said:
forgive my ignorance, but arent these software and computer jobs in GREAT DANGER of outsourcing? isn't it too risky to decide to go into this field?

That's what I keep hearing however we have little gems like:



That tell us this field will "grow much faster than the average." The Gov says so. Right. Makes me wonder how many of those positions will end up in China, India, Russia, and elsewhere. I don't want to spend 4 years in school just to end up with an outsourced degree.

Jordan Joab.
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  • #14
wow that's SUPRISING info from the government's website. Locally, from what I've been hearing isn't good. I've been hearing on the news that silicon valley companies like Yahoo and Google, which is in California, laid of hundreds of employees. Now, hoenstly, i don't know if that's exclusively like janitors or the service jobs, but i don't doubt there's a lot of computer scientists and engineers getting laid off. My moms reads newspapers and they tell me all those CS and engineering jobs are all going overseas...My uncles friendwho went into engineering like a decade ago actually went backto shcool to be a dentist. with this trend, i just won't believe the BLS report. Like I've been hearing about outsourcing for years now...so yeah, if i were you, i would probably do somethign else. But thatys just me.

I Hope you figure thigns out!
  • #15
Your uncle's friend is more data than that examined by the bureau of labor statistics?

I'm sorry, but it seems like everyone on here has some story about their ex-roommate's neighbor's cousin not being able to hold an engineering job, like that indicates the workplace rather than the worker. I'm not inclined to call B.S. on the BLS study until I see an actual, statistically sound study that points the other way.
  • #16
Jordan Joab said:
TMFKAN64, you are a CS guy, no? Would it be a bother to check out the 1st link I provided and tell me how good that CS program is, please?

Well, I'm a CS guy working on becoming a physics guy. :smile:

The curriculum looks reasonable, but then they all do. It's almost impossible to really evaluate a school based on a list of required courses. This program seems pretty standard to me, both in terms of the distribution requirements outside of the major and the depth and breadth of the CS courses required.

As for outsourcing... every company I know regardless of size has an overseas operation as well as their Silicon Valley organization. I'm told startup funding is scarce if you don't have plans to outsource... the VCs will assume that you aren't serious and don't know anything about business if you plan on doing all of your development in America.

That said, outsourcing is an economic phenomenon... I think it will probably put downwards pressure on CS salaries, but I really doubt that all of the programming jobs are suddenly going to go overseas. After all, things have already gotten so expensive in Bangalore that it's hardly worth it to outsource jobs there any more.
  • #17
Well, this is really frustrating.

Jordan Joab.

FAQ: What's the Best Path for Combining Software and Hardware Development?

1. How do I determine the best approach for my research project?

The first step in determining the best approach for your research project is to clearly define your research question or objective. This will help guide your approach and ensure that you are addressing the most important aspects of your project. Next, consider the resources and data available to you, as well as any constraints or limitations. Finally, consult with other experts in your field or conduct a literature review to see what approaches have been successful in similar studies.

2. Should I use a quantitative or qualitative approach for my research?

The decision to use a quantitative or qualitative approach will depend on your research question and the type of data you are collecting. Quantitative research involves collecting numerical data and analyzing it with statistical methods, while qualitative research involves collecting non-numerical data and analyzing it through interpretation and narrative. In some cases, using a combination of both approaches may be most appropriate.

3. How do I determine the sample size for my study?

The sample size for your study will depend on the type of research you are conducting, the population you are studying, and the level of confidence you want in your results. There are various statistical formulas and online calculators that can help you determine an appropriate sample size for your study. It is important to ensure that your sample size is large enough to accurately represent the population, but not too large that it becomes unmanageable.

4. What are the ethical considerations when approaching research?

Ethical considerations are an important aspect of any research project. Researchers must ensure that their study adheres to ethical principles such as informed consent, confidentiality, and protection of participants from harm. It is also important to consider any potential biases or conflicts of interest that may impact the research. Researchers should consult with ethical review boards or follow established guidelines to ensure their study is ethically sound.

5. How can I ensure the validity and reliability of my research approach?

Validity refers to the extent to which a study measures what it is intended to measure, while reliability refers to the consistency of results over time and across different settings. To ensure the validity and reliability of your research approach, it is important to use established and validated methods, carefully design your study, and collect and analyze data carefully. It is also important to consider potential sources of bias and take steps to minimize their impact on your results.
