What's the Difference B/n Applied vs. Pure Maths?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between "applied" and "pure" math and the distinction between the two. It is mentioned that applied math is used for real-life purposes while pure math is not. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of each and the potential degree names for a math major. The reason for the distinction is explained as the different priorities and goals of pure and applied mathematicians.
  • #1
What's the Difference B/n Applied vs. "Pure" Maths?

Hello. I'm a soon-to-be new university student and am taking this summer to learn all I can about various subjects, majors, and career opportunities.

I've been reading up a little bit this week on math majors and have come across what seems to be a distinction between "applied" and "pure" math. I'm wondering if anyone might know what these two terms are referring to and why there is this distinction?

And, lastly, if a person goes to college to study math, would their degree literally say "pure math" or "applied math," or would it just be a math degree? I never realized there was this difference until now.

Oh, and one last thing. Is there any difference in terms of which is harder and also which one is best for using in real life?
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  • #2
Hey AAAmelia and welcome to the forums.

It is hard to pin-point the exact differences but in general applied mathematics is stuff that is used for applied purposes (science, engineering, modeling, prediction/fore-casting) while pure is not used for applied purposes.

Typically what happens is that pure mathematicians prove things and the applied people take the proofs and use the results to do whatever it is they need to do.

In short, pure mathematicians build the tools and the applied people use them for real life purposes.

The distinction though is not as clear cut because there is over-lap and applied mathematicians do create new mathematics out of the needs of their work and this is why I say it isn't as clear cut as this.

In terms of what is harder, I would learn towards pure mathematics but it depends on you as well.

In my country, you have to study pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics in a math degree. You can specialize in either (or get a double major), but you still need familiarity of all three areas at some level.

The degree name depends on the university: some may call it a science degree, others a math degree. This doesn't matter though because names are names.

The reason for the distinction is just the use: pure mathematicians and applied mathematicians focus on different things and have different priorities and goals in mind.

The pure mathematician cares more about the mathematics being right and working: the applied mathematician is going to care more about the ability to predict/fore-cast or explain some real life phenomena.

The person that makes the hammer doesn't care about building the house: that's the carpenters job and as long as the hammer works, the carpenter doesn't care about how the hammer was made either.

FAQ: What's the Difference B/n Applied vs. Pure Maths?

What is applied mathematics?

Applied mathematics is the use of mathematical concepts and techniques to solve real-world problems in various fields such as engineering, physics, economics, and computer science.

What is pure mathematics?

Pure mathematics, also known as theoretical mathematics, is the study of mathematical concepts for their own sake, without any immediate application or use in the real world. It focuses on abstract structures and the development of mathematical theories and proofs.

What is the main difference between applied and pure mathematics?

The main difference between applied and pure mathematics is their focus. Applied mathematics is concerned with using mathematical tools to solve practical problems, while pure mathematics is more theoretical and focuses on developing and understanding abstract mathematical concepts.

What are some examples of applied mathematics?

Examples of applied mathematics include statistical analysis, optimization, cryptography, and mathematical modeling in fields such as physics, economics, and computer science.

What are some examples of pure mathematics?

Examples of pure mathematics include number theory, algebra, geometry, and topology. These fields focus on developing mathematical theories and proofs without any immediate real-world application.

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