What's the Difference Between Ax and i-Hat in Vector Notation?

In summary, the difference between ax and i(hat) is that i(hat) is a unit vector in the x direction and j(hat) is a unit vector in the y direction. The magnitude of i, j, or k is always 1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So this isn't really a specific homework question, it's more of a general one. What is the difference between ax and i(hat)? I thought they were the same thing. Can someone please explain the difference?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
By ax, are you referring to a coordinate basis vector? Please provide more context.
  • #3
Sorry, yes that's what I meant. Like the x component of a vector a.
  • #4
jdawg said:
Sorry, yes that's what I meant. Like the x component of a vector a.
It still isn't clear to me. Please provide a specific example or two.

  • #5
Hmm... I don't know if I understand this well enough to even formulate a proper question... In my textbook it says vector a=a_x*i(hat)+a_y*j(hat). I get that the x component and the y component make up vector a, but I'm confused about the i(hat) and j(hat). I don't understand why the i and j are there :(
  • #6
i(hat) is commonly used as the unit vector in the x direction
j(hat) idem in the y direction.

So if for example vector a=[5,3] they mean 5 units in the x-direction and 3 units in the y direction, in other words 5 * i(hat) + 3 * j(hat).

a is then the sum of two vectors: one is 5* i(hat), it points in the x-direction and has length 5, the second is 3* j(hat), it points in the y-direction and has length 3

the length of the x-component of a is then ax = 5 and
the length of the y-component of a is then ay = 3

Often, vectors are printed in bold, as I did with the a to distinguish them from numbers.
Because they are vectors too, I should also have used [itex]\bf\hat i[/itex] and [itex]\bf\hat j[/itex] or better, bold versions of [itex]\bf\hat \imath[/itex] and [itex]\bf\hat \jmath[/itex] without the dot, and perhaps upright but I can't find them...
  • #7
Oh ok, I kind of had a vague understanding that i(hat) was along the x axis, j along the y axis, and k along the z axis but I don't really get why they're there. Can't you tell that a component is on a certain axis by just looking at the sub letter? Like ax is on the x axis, ect... So is using i the same as using ax? By the way, where did you find the hat symbol? I don't see it on here.
  • #8
It's different notations for different things. The i, j, k are unit vectors which are parallel to the x, y, and z axes, respectively. ax, ay, az can be the scalar magnitudes of the components of a vector, they can be component vectors, whatever. It depends on the particular usage. The magnitude of i, j, or k is always 1 (since they are unit vectors), while ax, ay, az can be anything.
  • #9
Ohhh so i, j, and k aren't actually on the axes?
  • #10
The unit vectors i, j, and k have the following 3-D representation:

i = (1, 0, 0)
j = (0, 1, 0)
k = (0, 0, 1)

with the origin at (0, 0, 0)

These three vectors are mutually perpendicular to one another and are aligned and coincident with the three cartesian coordinate axes.
  • #11
jdawg said:
Ohhh so i, j, and k aren't actually on the axes?
No. They are directions parallel to the axes. You express vectors as the sum of scalar components times the unit vectors so that you add and subtract the individual terms like vectors (so they automatically satisfy the parallelogram rule for adding and subtracting vectors). It makes it very convenient to handle them mathematically. In physics problems, you are often resolving vectors into their components perpendicular and tangent to surfaces. In such cases, the unit vectors perpendicular and tangent to the surfaces come in particularly handy, and they are often not parallel to the coordinate axes.


FAQ: What's the Difference Between Ax and i-Hat in Vector Notation?

What are unit vectors and why are they important?

Unit vectors are vectors that have a magnitude of 1 and are used to represent direction. They are important because they simplify complex vector calculations by eliminating the need to consider magnitude and direction separately.

How do you find the components of a vector?

The components of a vector can be found using trigonometry. The x-component is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the vector by the cosine of the angle between the vector and the x-axis. The y-component is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the vector by the sine of the angle between the vector and the y-axis.

What is the difference between a vector and its components?

A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, while its components are the parts of the vector that represent its magnitude and direction in the x and y directions. A vector can be represented by its components, but its components cannot fully represent the vector.

Can unit vectors have negative components?

Yes, unit vectors can have negative components. A negative component indicates that the vector is pointing in the opposite direction of the positive component. However, the magnitude of a unit vector will always be 1, regardless of the sign of its components.

How do you add and subtract vectors using their components?

To add or subtract vectors using their components, simply add or subtract the corresponding components of each vector. For example, to add two vectors with components (3,2) and (1,4), the result would be (4,6). To subtract, the components would be subtracted instead of added.

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