What's the Flaw in De Broglie's Derivation of Wave-Particle Duality?

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    De broglie
In summary, the conversation discusses De Broglie's theory of wave-particle duality and the relation λ=h/(mu). The last line of the equation raises a question about the observer and the incorrect derivation of the De-Broglie Einstein relations. It is mentioned that the equation cannot be used for photons as they do not experience any time lapse and do not have any mass.
  • #1
Hi all,

De Broglie had proposed the theory of wave particle duality. But I don't understand how the relation λ=h/(mu) holds true. I will tell you why:

De Broglie's derivation:
E=mc2 and E=hv
So mc2=hv
Thus, λ=h/(mc) and for particles its h/(mu).

I have a problem in the last line. All of us know that according to the theory of relativity, speed of light c is a constant and is independent of the frame of reference. It remains c from all reference frames i.e. if you are to travel at 2*108 m/s, you will still find light travel at c (unlike other particles which would otherwise travel at 1*108 m/s for you.) This means that the velocity of light relative to everyone is c. So h/(mc) does not need a defined reference frame.

In the above equation, when I am replacing c with u (for particles) the expression lacks a defined frame of reference. u is not an independent velocity but it is a velocity with respect to some observer. Who is this observer?

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  • #2
Your derivation is incorrect. The (special-relativistic) De-Broglie Einstein relations are as follows
$$p = \hbar k$$
or in coordinates
E/c \\
\vec p
\hbar \omega/c \\
\hbar \vec k
\end{pmatrix} \, ,$$
which makes perfect sense for photons. The problem is that you cannot use
$$E= m c^2 \dot t \, ,$$
where the dot represents differentiation with respect to the proper time of the photon. This is nonsense, since photons (considered as points) travel with ##c## and thus do not experience any time lapse. On a principle level, photons do not have any mass, so you cannot divide by it to get the Compton-Wavelength.
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FAQ: What's the Flaw in De Broglie's Derivation of Wave-Particle Duality?

1. What is de Broglie's hypothesis and why is it considered to be wrong?

De Broglie's hypothesis states that particles, such as electrons, have both wave-like and particle-like properties. This is based on the idea that all matter has a wavelength associated with it, known as the de Broglie wavelength. However, this hypothesis is considered to be wrong because it conflicts with other well-established principles of physics, such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

2. How does de Broglie's hypothesis relate to the double-slit experiment?

The double-slit experiment is often used to demonstrate the wave-like properties of particles, as it shows interference patterns that are typical of waves. This led de Broglie to propose his hypothesis, as it suggests that particles can also exhibit wave-like behavior. However, the results of this experiment can also be explained by the wave nature of light, without the need for de Broglie's hypothesis.

3. Are there any experimental evidence supporting de Broglie's hypothesis?

There have been various experiments that seem to support de Broglie's hypothesis, such as the Davisson-Germer experiment which showed electron diffraction patterns. However, these results can also be explained by the wave nature of particles without the need for de Broglie's hypothesis. Additionally, other experiments, such as the Stern-Gerlach experiment, have provided evidence against de Broglie's hypothesis.

4. Why was de Broglie's hypothesis initially accepted by the scientific community?

De Broglie's hypothesis was initially accepted because it was able to explain some experimental results that were not easily explained by existing theories. It also provided a new perspective on the nature of particles and led to further research and discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics. However, as more evidence and theories emerged, it became clear that de Broglie's hypothesis was not a complete or accurate description of particles.

5. How has de Broglie's hypothesis influenced modern physics?

Although de Broglie's hypothesis has been proven to be incorrect, it has played an important role in the development of modern physics. It contributed to the establishment of the wave-particle duality concept, which is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics. It also sparked further research and experimentation, leading to new discoveries and theories that have greatly advanced our understanding of the universe.

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