What's the point of ATP synthesis from ADP + P?

ADP to ATP.In summary, the process of adding a phosphate group to ADP to create ATP involves various enzymes and energy sources. This includes glycolysis, which uses enzymes such as hexokinase and phosphofructokinase to bind phosphates to ADP, the citric acid cycle which uses GTP to generate ATP, and oxidative phosphorylation where ATP synthase converts ADP to ATP through chemiosmosis.
  • #1
Wouldn't you need an ATP to actually add the P to ADP?

...So then nothing would really be accomplished because you'd have to use an ATP to make a different ATP.

Or is there a different type of energy that can add P to ADP?

My book says that the ADP + P reaction uses energy from catabolism (energy-releasing processes)...
So what other type of energy makes ADP join with P?

...And now that I think of it, it doesn't really make sense that an ADP + P reaction could use ATP because then ADP would already be phosphorylated... and wouldn't need that P reactant.

Thanks for the help! :)
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  • #2
Which part of synthesis are you referring to, glycolysis?

Edit: Simply stated, glycolysis takes 2 ATP's and produces 4 ATP's.

How P gets added to ADP to make ATP:
Glycolysis- Enzymes (hexokinase,phosphofructokinase, ect) also play a role in binding phosphates to ADP.

Citric Acid Cycle- GTP is used to generate ATP in the

Oxidative Phosphorylation- Chemiosmosis step uses the ATP synthase (enzyme site)
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FAQ: What's the point of ATP synthesis from ADP + P?

1. What is ATP synthesis?

ATP synthesis is the process by which cells produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate (P). This process occurs in the mitochondria and is essential for providing energy for cellular processes.

2. Why is ATP synthesis important?

ATP synthesis is important because ATP is the primary energy source for most cellular processes. It is used to power reactions and transport molecules within the cell, and it is also necessary for muscle contraction and nerve impulses.

3. How does ATP synthesis occur?

ATP synthesis occurs through a process called oxidative phosphorylation. In this process, energy from the breakdown of glucose is used to create a proton gradient across the inner membrane of the mitochondria. This gradient is then used to power the synthesis of ATP from ADP and P.

4. What is the role of ADP and P in ATP synthesis?

ADP and P are the building blocks of ATP synthesis. ADP is a modified form of ATP that can be easily converted back into ATP when needed. P, or inorganic phosphate, is a crucial component for the formation of ATP, as it is used to bond with ADP to create ATP.

5. What factors can affect ATP synthesis?

There are several factors that can affect ATP synthesis, including the availability of oxygen, the levels of glucose and other nutrients, and the efficiency of the electron transport chain. Any disruption in these processes can lead to a decrease in ATP synthesis and a decrease in cellular energy production.
