What's Wrong with This Proof About Unions? (A Statement in Halmos)

  • Thread starter middleCmusic
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of proving a statement in Naive Set Theory (Halmos) and the mistake that was made in the proof. The solution is found to be a misunderstanding of Axiom 2.19 and a correction is made to the proof. The conversation also includes background information on Axioms and Theorems related to sets.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

So I'm finally reading through Naive Set Theory (Halmos) and I'm trying to prove one of the statements that he leaves for the reader. But in my attempt to prove it, I seem to have disproven it. Clearly, I've made a mistake somewhere, but I can't figure out where. I'm betting it's in my understanding of one of his previous statements, so I'm including a little background here. [strike]Can someone help me find the flaw(s)?[/strike]

Problem solved! (I think)

Solution: I was being sloppy with Axiom 2.19: it forms the union of the elements of the sets of the collection, not the union of the sets of the collection. The fixed proof is found below.

some background:

Axiom 2.10 (Axiom of Specification).
To every set [itex]A[/itex] and every condition [itex]S(x)[/itex], there corresponds a set [itex]B[/itex] whose elements are exactly those elements [itex]x[/itex] of [itex]A[/itex] for which [itex]S(x)[/itex] holds. The set [itex]B[/itex] is denoted by [itex]\{x \in A : S(x)\}[/itex].

Axiom 2.15 (Axiom of pairing)
If [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] are sets, there exists a set [itex]A[/itex] for which [itex]a \in A[/itex] and [itex]b \in A[/itex]. (Edited after error pointed out by HallsofIvy)

Theorem 2.16 (Existence of duple sets).
If [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] are sets, there exists a (unique) set [itex]B[/itex] which has as members only [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex].

Proof. By the axiom of pairing (2.15), we know that there exist a set [itex]A[/itex] containing [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex]. Then, apply the axiom of specification (2.10) to obtain the set [itex]B = \{x \in A : x=a \text{ or } x=b\}[/itex]. Clearly, this set contains just [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex]. We denote this set by [itex]\{a, b\}[/itex]. (The uniqueness of this set is guaranteed by the axiom of extensionality, for if any set contains different members than [itex]\{a, b\}[/itex], it will not satisfy the construction above.) [itex]\square[/itex]

Theorem 2.17 (Existence of singleton sets)
If [itex]a[/itex] is a set, then there exists a set containing only the set [itex]a[/itex], which is denoted by [itex]\{a\}[/itex].

Proof. Since [itex]a[/itex] is a set, there exists a set denoted by [itex]\{a, a\}[/itex] which contains only [itex]a[/itex] (and [itex]a[/itex]) by Theorem 2.16. We choose to denote this set by [itex]\{a\}[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex]

Axiom 2.19 (Axiom of unions).
For every collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] that contains all the elements that belong to at least one set of the given collection.

Theorem 2.20 (Existence of unions).

For every collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets, there exists a set that contains only all the elements that belong to at least one set of the given collection. We call this set the union of the sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex], and we denote the above set by [itex]\bigcup \mathscr{C}[/itex] or [itex]\bigcup \{X : X \in \mathscr{C}\}[/itex] or [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \mathscr{C}}X[/itex].

Proof. Let us be given some collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets. By applying the axiom of unions (2.19), we have some set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all of the sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex]. Then, we use the axiom of specification to obtain the set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \mathscr{C}\}.[/itex] It is clear that this set contains only all the elements that belong to at least one set of the collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex]

the proof in question:

[strike]Theorem 2.22 (Union of the elements of the set of a set). Let [itex]A[/itex] be a nonempty set. Then [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = A.[/itex]

Proof. Let [itex]A[/itex] be some nonempty set. Then, by the axiom of unions, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all the elements of [itex]\{A\}[/itex]. Further, by Theorem 2.20, there exists a set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \{A\}\}.[/itex] But what is [itex]\{A\}[/itex]? By Theorem 2.17, it is the set containing only [itex]A[/itex]. Thus, the only possible [itex]X[/itex] in the definition of [itex]U[/itex] above is [itex]A[/itex] itself. So we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in A\}[/itex]. But we also find that [itex]x \in V \Rightarrow x = A[/itex]. But since [itex]A \in A[/itex] is a contradiction, as no set can be a member of itself, we have that [itex]U = \varnothing[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex][/strike]

Theorem 2.22 (Union of the elements of the set of a set). Let [itex]A[/itex] be a nonempty set. Then [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = A.[/itex]

Proof. Let [itex]A[/itex] be some nonempty set. Then, by the axiom of unions, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all the elements of [itex]\{A\}[/itex]. Further, by Theorem 2.20, there exists a set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \{A\}\}.[/itex] But what is [itex]\{A\}[/itex]? By Theorem 2.17, it is the set containing only [itex]A[/itex]. Thus, the only possible [itex]X[/itex] in the definition of [itex]U[/itex] above is [itex]A[/itex] itself. So we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in A\}[/itex]. But since [itex]A \in \mathscr{C}[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex] contains all elements of sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex], the condition "[itex]x \in V[/itex]" is implied by the condition "[itex]x \in A[/itex]", so we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in A\}[/itex], and thus
[itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = U = \{x: x \in A\} = \text{ the set containing only the elements of } A = A. \square [/itex]​

EDIT: It would perhaps be prudent to write up two little lemmas for use in this proof:

1) If [itex]X = \{x: P(x) \text{ and } R(x)\}[/itex], and [itex]P(x) \Rightarrow R(x)[/itex], then [itex]X = \{x: P(x)\}[/itex], and

2) [itex]\{x: x \in A\} = A[/itex].
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  • #2
middleCmusic said:
Hi everyone,

So I'm finally reading through Naive Set Theory (Halmos) and I'm trying to prove one of the statements that he leaves for the reader. But in my attempt to prove it, I seem to have disproven it. Clearly, I've made a mistake somewhere, but I can't figure out where. I'm betting it's in my understanding of one of his previous statements, so I'm including a little background here. [strike]Can someone help me find the flaw(s)?[/strike]

Problem solved! (I think)

Solution: I was being sloppy with Axiom 2.19: it forms the union of the elements of the sets of the collection, not the union of the sets of the collection. The fixed proof is found below.

some background:

Axiom 2.10 (Axiom of Specification).
To every set [itex]A[/itex] and every condition [itex]S(x)[/itex], there corresponds a set [itex]B[/itex] whose elements are exactly those elements [itex]x[/itex] of [itex]A[/itex] for which [itex]S(x)[/itex] holds. The set [itex]B[/itex] is denoted by [itex]\{x \in A : S(x)\}[/itex].

Axiom 2.15 (Axiom of pairing)
If [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] are sets, there exists a set [itex]A[/itex] for which [itex]a \in A[/itex] and [itex]b \in B[/itex].

You mean [itex]b \in A[/itex], don't you?

Theorem 2.16 (Existence of duple sets).
If [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] are sets, there exists a (unique) set [itex]B[/itex] which has as members only [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex].

Proof. By the axiom of pairing (2.15), we know that there exist a set [itex]A[/itex] containing [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex]. Then, apply the axiom of specification (2.10) to obtain the set [itex]B = \{x \in A : x=a \text{ or } x=b\}[/itex]. Clearly, this set contains just [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex]. We denote this set by [itex]\{a, b\}[/itex]. (The uniqueness of this set is guaranteed by the axiom of extensionality, for if any set contains different members than [itex]\{a, b\}[/itex], it will not satisfy the construction above.) [itex]\square[/itex]

Theorem 2.17 (Existence of singleton sets)
If [itex]a[/itex] is a set, then there exists a set containing only the set [itex]a[/itex], which is denoted by [itex]\{a\}[/itex].

Proof. Since [itex]a[/itex] is a set, there exists a set denoted by [itex]\{a, a\}[/itex] which contains only [itex]a[/itex] (and [itex]a[/itex]) by Theorem 2.16. We choose to denote this set by [itex]\{a\}[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex]

Axiom 2.19 (Axiom of unions).
For every collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] that contains all the elements that belong to at least one set of the given collection.

Theorem 2.20 (Existence of unions).

For every collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets, there exists a set that contains only all the elements that belong to at least one set of the given collection. We call this set the union of the sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex], and we denote the above set by [itex]\bigcup \mathscr{C}[/itex] or [itex]\bigcup \{X : X \in \mathscr{C}\}[/itex] or [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \mathscr{C}}X[/itex].

Proof. Let us be given some collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex] of sets. By applying the axiom of unions (2.19), we have some set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all of the sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex]. Then, we use the axiom of specification to obtain the set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \mathscr{C}\}.[/itex] It is clear that this set contains only all the elements that belong to at least one set of the collection [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex]

the proof in question:

[strike]Theorem 2.22 (Union of the elements of the set of a set). Let [itex]A[/itex] be a nonempty set. Then [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = A.[/itex]

Proof. Let [itex]A[/itex] be some nonempty set. Then, by the axiom of unions, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all the elements of [itex]\{A\}[/itex]. Further, by Theorem 2.20, there exists a set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \{A\}\}.[/itex] But what is [itex]\{A\}[/itex]? By Theorem 2.17, it is the set containing only [itex]A[/itex]. Thus, the only possible [itex]X[/itex] in the definition of [itex]U[/itex] above is [itex]A[/itex] itself. So we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in A\}[/itex]. But we also find that [itex]x \in V \Rightarrow x = A[/itex]. But since [itex]A \in A[/itex] is a contradiction, as no set can be a member of itself, we have that [itex]U = \varnothing[/itex]. [itex]\square[/itex][/strike]

Theorem 2.22 (Union of the elements of the set of a set). Let [itex]A[/itex] be a nonempty set. Then [itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = A.[/itex]

Proof. Let [itex]A[/itex] be some nonempty set. Then, by the axiom of unions, there exists a set [itex]V[/itex] which contains all the elements of [itex]\{A\}[/itex]. Further, by Theorem 2.20, there exists a set [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in X \text{ for some } X \in \{A\}\}.[/itex] But what is [itex]\{A\}[/itex]? By Theorem 2.17, it is the set containing only [itex]A[/itex]. Thus, the only possible [itex]X[/itex] in the definition of [itex]U[/itex] above is [itex]A[/itex] itself. So we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in V \text{ and } x \in A\}[/itex]. But since [itex]A \in \mathscr{C}[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex] contains all elements of sets in [itex]\mathscr{C}[/itex], the condition "[itex]x \in V[/itex]" is implied by the condition "[itex]x \in A[/itex]", so we have [itex]U = \{x: x \in A\}[/itex], and thus
[itex]\bigcup\limits_{X \in \{A\}} X = U = \{x: x \in A\} = \text{ the set containing only the elements of } A = A. \square [/itex]​

EDIT: It would perhaps be prudent to write up two little lemmas for use in this proof:

1) If [itex]X = \{x: P(x) \text{ and } R(x)\}[/itex], and [itex]P(x) \Rightarrow R(x)[/itex], then [itex]X = \{x: P(x)\}[/itex], and

2) [itex]\{x: x \in A\} = A[/itex].
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
You mean [itex]b \in A[/itex], don't you?

Good catch! Thanks. I'll fix that.

Related to What's Wrong with This Proof About Unions? (A Statement in Halmos)

1. What is the main argument presented in "What's Wrong with This Proof About Unions?"

The main argument in "What's Wrong with This Proof About Unions?" is that the proof, as presented by Halmos, is flawed and does not accurately prove the theorem about unions.

2. What specific mistake does Halmos make in the proof?

Halmos makes the mistake of assuming that the union of two sets is equal to the first set, rather than the union of all sets in the sequence. This assumption leads to an incorrect conclusion.

3. How does this mistake affect the validity of the proof?

This mistake completely invalidates the proof as it leads to an incorrect conclusion. The proof cannot be considered valid if it does not correctly prove the theorem.

4. Can Halmos' proof be fixed to accurately prove the theorem?

Yes, Halmos' proof can be fixed by correcting the mistake and properly showing the correct relationship between the union of two sets and the union of all sets in the sequence. This would result in a valid proof of the theorem.

5. Why is it important for a proof to be accurate and valid?

A proof is a crucial aspect of scientific and mathematical research as it provides evidence and justification for a theory or claim. If a proof is not accurate and valid, it cannot be relied upon to support the conclusion or contribute to the body of scientific knowledge.

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