What's your biggest pet peeve right now?

  • Thread starter Schrodinger's Dog
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In summary: People who insist on standing at the top of the long set of stairs from the parking lot to the building I work in and smoke there...by the time I get to the top of the stairs, I'm breathing pretty heavily, and the last thing I need at the top is a...smoker?:mad:
  • #1
Schrodinger's Dog
Everyone has those little niggles that really p you off, spelling nazzis, people who listen to I-pods on trains at a volume whereby everyone can hear the music, the lyrics and anything else, I don't like hardcore dance at the best of times, but at 7 in the morning, I really could do without out it, really:mad: .

Wet weather, doesn't that just suck?

Anyway enough of my moaning what's your pet peev/hangup/niggle of the moment.
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  • #2
Last week I was reading a rant in another forum by a member that said he couldn't believe how many people couldn't spell or user proper grammer. Grammer. He wrote that several times in his rant. :smile:
  • #3
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Everyone has those little niggles that really p you off, spelling nazzis, people who listen to I-pods on trains at a volume whereby everyone can hear the music, the lyrics and anything else, I don't like hardcore dance at the best of times, but at 7 in the morning, I really could do without out it, really:mad: .

Wet weather, doesn't that just suck?

Anyway enough of my moaning what's your pet peev/hangup/niggle of the moment.

This reminds me, I was on my way to work one day about a year ago. Crappy weather, about 6am in the morning. And this guy is dancing around all over his chair on the bus and some amazingly loud dance music is coming out of his earphones. I couldn't possibly listen to dance at 6am.
  • #4
Two thumbs down for the mailperson who has walked across my lawn so many times, there is now a path:frown:
  • #5
hypatia said:
Two thumbs down for the mailperson who has walked across my lawn so many times, there is now a path:frown:

Lay a strategically camouflaged rake. They'll never do that again :smile:
  • #6
ICE! Unless it's in a drinking glass. We had an ice storm a week ago and it's been so cold that it won't melt. Now we're supposed to get more tomorrow.
  • #7
Rude people with no respect for the property of others. There is a snowmobile trail running 1/2 mile along my east boundary. There is a fairly steep hill going down to a brook running through the center of my property (with a nice timber bridge) and a very steep hill going up the back side. The hills have spring-holes, runoff from storms, etc, so the trail is often very soft in the summer. To prevent damage (rutting, mud and silt fouling the brook) the snowmobile club installed a large metal gate near the road to prevent ATV access, and also put up signs saying that the trail is off-limits to ATVs. The section of the trail across the road from me is also off-limits to ATVs, but it is not gated, so large groups of people riding ATVs showed up often during the summer. It is a sad commentary on human nature that each of these groups contained at least one person who rode right past the "No ATV" sign and tried to get the gate open so they could continue to trespass. Next summer, the other section of trail across from me will be gated, as well. The property owners across the road from me aren't real happy with the rutting and mud-holes, and signs don't stop the creeps - they have to be physically blocked out. I'm not going to pay to have my property repaired, and the snowmobile club has already spent a lot of time and money repairing erosion damage that was caused by ATVs before they put up the gate.
  • #8
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Wet weather, doesn't that just suck?

I love wet weather, but only if it isn't windy. I like to go out and stand in the rain or just walk in it :P provided it isn't too cold. :redface:

People who converse on phones on the bus/train annoy me, but sometimes its like having your own live TV soap to eavesdrop on and passes the time. o:)

I hate the cycle racks on trains, by the time you actually get your bicycle in the damn things, its time to take them out again.
  • #9
People who insist on standing outside the smoking shelters at work. In the doorway to my office. Grrrr.
  • #10
50 degree weather in January.. yuck. Hopefully that's over with.
  • #11
Saturday morning exams! :mad:
  • #12
Need to go to the bathroom.
  • #13
brewnog said:
People who insist on standing outside the smoking shelters at work. In the doorway to my office. Grrrr.

That's one of mine too!

The other one is when they stand at the top of the long set of stairs from the parking lot to the building I work in and smoke there...by the time I get to the top of the stairs, I'm breathing pretty heavily, and the last thing I need at the top is a lung-full of cigarette smoke that starts me coughing. Why can't they just stand away from doors and pathways, especially when there are shelters already provided that keep them out of the elements far enough away from where everyone else needs to walk?
  • #14
turbo-1 said:
Rude people with no respect for the property of others... ...I'm not going to pay to have my property repaired, and the snowmobile club has already spent a lot of time and money repairing erosion damage that was caused by ATVs before they put up the gate.

Where I lived before, there was a 4ft gap between the corner of my house and a big tree. Snowmobilers would rip across my driveway through that gap to get into the orchard behind us. Guess where I decided to place my clothesline. :devil:
They might very well be incredibly stupid, but they do learn from example. :biggrin:
  • #15
People like who have no niggle at the moment :mad: :smile:
  • #16
OK, two for me:
1) Neurotic types who base their entire self-worth on their GPA/IQ Score/SAT Score, or what age they were when they got some particular degree.

2) Crybaby types who start threads about "poor me, no one can understand me because I'm so incredibly smart, and I can't relate to ordinary people, and I don't have any social life, boo hoo hoo."

so that's my niggles. fo shizzles. peace.:cool:
  • #17
Math Is Hard said:
2) Crybaby types who start threads about "poor me, no one can understand me because I'm so incredibly smart, and I can't relate to ordinary people, and I don't have any social life, boo hoo hoo."
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Hey... why do the smilies move anyway?
  • #18
Mk said:
Hey... why do the smilies move anyway?

They get bored of standing around in one place all the time. Their niggle is people who keep poking them in the nose with a mouse pointer.
  • #19
Danger said:
Where I lived before, there was a 4ft gap between the corner of my house and a big tree. Snowmobilers would rip across my driveway through that gap to get into the orchard behind us. Guess where I decided to place my clothesline. :devil:
They might very well be incredibly stupid, but they do learn from example. :biggrin:
The snowmobilers tend to follow the rules, stay on the trail, etc, so they do not lose the privilege of passage across my property. I have not yet had one "exploring" my woodlot road from the trail and ending up in my back yard. The ATV crowd shows far less respect and in fact they trespass relentlessly. Any place that their machines are capable hauling their sorry butts to, they go, with or without permission of the landowners, and often in direct violation of the posted wishes of the landowners. It's pretty disgusting to listen to these creeps when you confront them while they're trying to open the gate or find a way to get around it. They never apologize, and they frequently act as if the trail is there for them and I am being a jerk for not letting them through to rut up my property and foul the brook.
  • #20
I don't know what it is with ATVs but it seems like the second most people get on one they turn into complete idiots and lose their respect for everything. I went on a dirtbiking trip once in the foothills where there are a ton of off roading trails. The trails had been degraded horribly from the ATVs because they apparently thought it was fun to spin donuts in the middle of the trail when it was muddy, making it a complete mess for everyone else. And 9/10 times when you saw tracks leading away from the trail into a wooded/ grassy area they were from ATVs.
  • #21
scorpa said:
I don't know what it is with ATVs but it seems like the second most people get on one they turn into complete idiots and lose their respect for everything. I went on a dirtbiking trip once in the foothills where there are a ton of off roading trails. The trails had been degraded horribly from the ATVs because they apparently thought it was fun to spin donuts in the middle of the trail when it was muddy, making it a complete mess for everyone else. And 9/10 times when you saw tracks leading away from the trail into a wooded/ grassy area they were from ATVs.
I own a Polaris ATP - an ATV with a little dump-body, and a dump-body trailer with high-flotation tires that I use to haul firewood from my woodlot and to spread fertilizer/manure/peat moss on my garden spot, and other chores. I have been up and down the snowmobile trail many times and have never caused a bit of damage to it because I am careful, and I only use the trail when it is dry enough to bear the load. Same with my retired neighbor on the other end of the trail. He didn't drop into visit on his ATV even once last summer (though he has permission to use the trails on my property) because he thought the main trail might be too soft and he didn't want to rut it or damage my property. So how does the trail across the road from my property get so rutted, muddy and fouled up? I know that it's intentional because I have seen those jerks spilling out onto the road covered with mud and yucking it up after they made a mess of the stream on that side of the road. My father's friend posted his land a couple of years back after a bunch of ATV hoodlums flattened large areas of his hay-fields. It's the irresponsible jerks who are causing decent, responsible people to lose access to public and private lands.
  • #22
People who walk incredibly slowly, usually the old, taking up the whole pavement so that there's a person traffic jam for miles!:mad: hurry up some of us have places to be!:devil: :mad:

People who drive SUV's, alone, when they have no need to drive anything that big or fuel greedy!:mad: you're not big and you're not clever.
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  • #23
Schrodinger's Dog said:
People who walk incredibly slowly, usually the old, taking up the whole pavement so that there's a person traffic jam for miles!:mad: hurry up some of us have places to be!:devil: :mad:

Grr...I was behind a group of people walking that slowly yesterday. They were so slow because two of them across pretty much filled the width of the hallway. They might have taken more notice if I had stepped on their heels I suppose. They were too immersed in their conversation to hear us asking to get past them. :rolleyes: Why can't slow people just stay to one side of the hallway so the rest of us can pass them?
  • #24
^^ That is so annoying! Or when people decide to stop in the doorway in a very busy hallway in between classes and have a conversation, pretty much resulting in a traffic jam.

Oh yeah and my biggest pet peeve? Well let's see...VANDALS! I just had the windows to my vehicle smashed while it was sitting in the freaking parking garage! I am absolutely fuming right now.
  • #25
scorpa said:
Oh yeah and my biggest pet peeve? Well let's see...VANDALS! I just had the windows to my vehicle smashed while it was sitting in the freaking parking garage! I am absolutely fuming right now.

No way! I can't believe it! :mad: Did anything get stolen?
  • #26
Math Is Hard said:
No way! I can't believe it! :mad: Did anything get stolen?

No, and it was pretty darn obvious there wasn't a thing of value in my vehicle either. I never keep anything in it. I feel like none of my stuff is safe anymore :cry:
  • #27
scorpa said:
No, and it was pretty darn obvious there wasn't a thing of value in my vehicle either. I never keep anything in it. I feel like none of my stuff is safe anymore :cry:

Insurance will cover it though surely?

Arrogant people, conciet of any kind really gets on my nerves :mad: what makes you so bloody special anyway!
  • #28
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Insurance will cover it though surely?

Nope, it will end up falling just under the deductible I'm sure.
  • #29
scorpa said:
^^ That is so annoying! Or when people decide to stop in the doorway in a very busy hallway in between classes and have a conversation, pretty much resulting in a traffic jam.
Yep, or stand in the middle of a stairwell. Oh, or when people at the airport stop at the bottom of a crowded escalator to start greeting their relatives. Where the heck do they think the rest of the people on the escalator are supposed to go if they're standing smack dab at the bottom of it?

Oh yeah and my biggest pet peeve? Well let's see...VANDALS! I just had the windows to my vehicle smashed while it was sitting in the freaking parking garage! I am absolutely fuming right now.
Oh, geeze! Not again! I think your landlord needs to improve security in that parking garage. For vandals to get in AFTER they already knew there was a problem with your car getting stolen out of there says they haven't done anything to address the security problems present. I wonder if you can get the landlord's insurance to pay for damages that happen on their property, especially since it's not the first time. How many other cars are getting broken into there?
  • #30
Moonbear said:
Yep, or stand in the middle of a stairwell. Oh, or when people at the airport stop at the bottom of a crowded escalator to start greeting their relatives. Where the heck do they think the rest of the people on the escalator are supposed to go if they're standing smack dab at the bottom of it?

Oh, geeze! Not again! I think your landlord needs to improve security in that parking garage. For vandals to get in AFTER they already knew there was a problem with your car getting stolen out of there says they haven't done anything to address the security problems present. I wonder if you can get the landlord's insurance to pay for damages that happen on their property, especially since it's not the first time. How many other cars are getting broken into there?

Yes security does need to be improved but the biggest problem is the people who live here who will let anyone into the buliding, leave doors open and not wait for the garage door to go down before they leave the parkade. :mad:
  • #31
scorpa said:
Yes security does need to be improved but the biggest problem is the people who live here who will let anyone into the buliding, leave doors open and not wait for the garage door to go down before they leave the parkade. :mad:
That's a bad situation! It's a pain in the butt, but can you find a more secure place to live in? It's evident that the tenants in your building are not going to change their ways.
  • #32
turbo-1 said:
That's a bad situation! It's a pain in the butt, but can you find a more secure place to live in? It's evident that the tenants in your building are not going to change their ways.

I think I am going to have to try, I cannot take this place anymore!
  • #33
Hypocrites who attack one artist for singing about violence, but then praise someone else for the same thing.
  • #34
I don't know what a lawyer or judge might say about it, but my own personal opinion is that having your vehicle stolen and then vandalized in the same parking garage that is supposed to be secure (it's not like you have it out in an open parking lot) is a darn good reason to break a lease agreement if you still have a lot of time left on it.
  • #35
scorpa said:
Yes security does need to be improved but the biggest problem is the people who live here who will let anyone into the buliding, leave doors open and not wait for the garage door to go down before they leave the parkade. :mad:

Where do you live btw, broadly speaking?