What's your favorite brief survey of modern cosmology?

There are also other online resources available for those interested in learning more about this exciting field of study.
  • #1
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Here is a good overview of cosmology describing the evidence for the present model, the open questions, and what ongoing observations can be expected to resolve over the next decade. The writing is rigorous and for fellow profesionals (no effort at popularization) but it is authoritative, broad-gauge, and concise, so it may be of use to some PF folk. The date is spring 2002 so it is fairly up to date.

If you know of a better recent survey article at this level, please let me know. Here (down to the asterisks) is a sample exerpt copied from the first page:


Michael S. TURNER
Center for Cosmological Physics
Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysics and of Physics
Enrico Fermi Institute, The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60637-1433, USA
NASA/Fermilab Astrophysics Center
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, IL 60510-0500, USA

Over the past three years we have determined the basic features of the Universe--spatially flat; accelerating; comprised of 1/3 a new form of matter, 2/3 a new form of energy, with some ordinary matter and a dash of massive neutrinos; and apparently born from a burst of rapid expansion during which quantum noise was stretched to astrophysical size seeding cosmic structure. The New Cosmology greatly extends the highly successful hot big-bang model.

Now we have to make sense of all this: What is the dark matter particle? What is the nature of the dark energy? Why this mixture? How did the matter--antimatter asymmetry arise?
What is the underlying cause of in ation (if it indeed occurred)?

*******end of quote*********

What's your idea of a concise summary of where cosmology stands at present----the main evidence, the main results, conjectures etc. the focus for future research?

The same view is available at various levels of sophistication. For example Ned Wrights cosmology tutorial covers a lot of the same ground but in a style that makes it highly accesible----certainly to undergrads and I would guess also to a lot of Highschoolers.
Maybe I will add some links to Ned Wright pages to this thread.

But mainly I would like to know what other people have found, at whatever level, that serves this purpose----especially if online and you give the links!
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Cosmology is currently a very active and exciting field of research. The current model of the Universe consists of a flat, accelerating space-time with 1/3 of its energy density in a "dark matter" particle, 2/3 in a "dark energy", and some ordinary matter and massive neutrinos. There are still many open questions such as what the dark matter particle is, what the nature of the dark energy is, how the matter-antimatter asymmetry arose, and what the underlying cause of inflation (if it occurred) was. Scientists are actively researching these topics as well as looking for evidence to support the current model. To learn more about the current state of cosmology, a good resource is Ned Wright's cosmology tutorial which covers the same topics in an accessible style for both undergraduate and high school students.

FAQ: What's your favorite brief survey of modern cosmology?

1. What is modern cosmology?

Modern cosmology is the scientific study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It combines principles from physics, astronomy, and mathematics to understand the universe on a large scale.

2. What are some key concepts in modern cosmology?

Some key concepts in modern cosmology include the Big Bang theory, dark matter and dark energy, cosmic inflation, and the expansion of the universe. These concepts help us understand how the universe began and how it has evolved over time.

3. How is modern cosmology different from traditional cosmology?

Traditional cosmology was based on philosophical and religious beliefs, while modern cosmology is based on scientific evidence and observations. Modern cosmology also incorporates advanced technology and mathematical models to study the universe.

4. What is the importance of studying modern cosmology?

Studying modern cosmology helps us gain a deeper understanding of the universe and our place in it. It also allows us to make predictions about the future of the universe and develop technologies that can further our exploration of the cosmos.

5. Can modern cosmology answer all of our questions about the universe?

No, modern cosmology is an ongoing field of study and there are still many unanswered questions about the universe. However, it has provided us with a framework for understanding the universe and continues to make new discoveries and advancements.
