When and Where Do Planetary Systems Form?

In summary, it takes about 2 years for a planetary system to form in our galaxy, and about 1 in every 100 galaxies has a planetary system.
  • #1
Hey guys so I'm kind of stuck on the second part of this question, here it is.

It’s possible to make a rough estimate of how often planetary systems form by making some basic assumptions. For example, if you assume that the stars we see have been born at random times over the last 10 billion years, then the rate of star formation is simply the number of stars we see divided by 10 billion years. The fraction of stars with detected extrasolar planets is at least 5%, so this factor can be multiplied into find the approximate rate of formation of planetary systems.

1. Using these assumptions, how often does a planetary system form in our galaxy? (Our galaxy contains at least 100 billion stars.)

answer was 2 year/planetary systems

2. How often does a planetary system form somewhere in the observable universe, which contains at least 100 billion galaxies?

(In seconds between planetary systems being born)

Need help with this second part, thanks!
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  • #2
Well, remember that plenty of stars die off in just a few million years, and that small dim stars, which are by far the most common stars, are very hard to detect. Also, current exoplanet research points to well over 5% and can be expected to increase as our detection methods improve.
  • #3
Correct on the 2 year/ planetary system(per 1 galaxy)--otherwise known as .5 planetary systems/year or 1 ps every 2 years.

That is for our galaxy.

Now, under the assumption that our galaxy is like the other 100 billion in the observable universe, then in each galaxy we expect to see .5 ps's per year(per galaxy). So how many per year do we expect to see for all galaxies?
  • #4
We must remember what we see is millions if not billions of years old and since then star formation may have slowed along with the formation of planetary systems. This paper http://www.naoj.org/Pressrelease/2012/11/05/index.html proposes that the universe has already made most of the stars it will and thus planetary formation could be slowing, just a thought.
  • #5
I agree, but I believe the question is just of a general type.
I went off the assumption that the OP is in a class that is assuming a constant rate at this point. Otherwise, we would need a proposed "deceleration rate".
  • #6
SpaceDreamer said:
We must remember what we see is millions if not billions of years old and since then star formation may have slowed along with the formation of planetary systems. This paper http://www.naoj.org/Pressrelease/2012/11/05/index.html proposes that the universe has already made most of the stars it will and thus planetary formation could be slowing, just a thought.

I'm never quite sure what to think in the light of that fact. Which is more relevant to us - what we see at present or what is actually 'going on' at the present? That's a nebulous thing too (jeez this topic is full of unintended puns). It stresses the brain to consider that what is happening at our limit of visibility at this time (i.e. what an observer, half way between us will observe at a time in our future that corresponds to half the time for light to get to us from that limiting distance) will only reveal itself to observers here (should there be any) in 46 billion years or so.

Humans are obsessed with the notion of intelligence 'out there' and that is one (possibly the main?) reason for interest in other planetary systems. But our innate grasp of the time scales involved is very limited (based only on experience of communications and exploration on Earth). Just how relevant would the detection of an intelligence be if it turned out to exist at a distance, say, of 1000LY - or 1,000,000LY? Unless there is someone out there within a few 'light decades' it would be very hard to build up any kind of relationship.

Otoh, I suppose it would be interesting to find evidence which would confirm that we are not unique. It would certainly spoil the day for a lot of religious organisations.
  • #7
The answer for the second part was 6.0*10^-4 seconds between planetary systems being born. Sorry for the late reply.

FAQ: When and Where Do Planetary Systems Form?

1. What is a planetary system?

A planetary system is a collection of celestial bodies, including planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects, that orbit around a central star. The planets in a planetary system are typically formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust surrounding the star, known as a protoplanetary disk.

2. How are planetary systems formed?

Planetary systems are formed through a process known as accretion, where the particles in a protoplanetary disk collide and clump together to form larger objects, eventually forming planets. This process is aided by the gravitational pull of the central star, which helps to shape and organize the disk.

3. What factors influence the formation of a planetary system?

The formation of a planetary system is influenced by several factors, including the mass and composition of the protoplanetary disk, the size and type of the central star, and the distance of the planets from the star. Other external factors, such as the presence of nearby stars or gravitational interactions with other objects, can also play a role.

4. How long does it take for a planetary system to form?

The time it takes for a planetary system to form can vary greatly, depending on the factors mentioned above. Some planetary systems may form relatively quickly, within a few million years, while others can take hundreds of millions of years to fully develop. The formation of our own solar system is estimated to have taken around 4.6 billion years.

5. Can we observe planetary systems being born?

Yes, we can observe planetary systems being born through various methods, including direct imaging of protoplanetary disks, detection of infrared radiation from the disks, and analysis of the chemical composition of the disk. Several ongoing and upcoming space missions, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, are expected to provide more insight into the process of planetary system formation.
