When can I substitute transformations into the Hamiltonian?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the old Hamiltonian ##H## and the new Hamiltonian ##K## in a canonical transformation. It is generally not true that ##H## and ##K## are equal, but for transformations where the coordinates do not depend on time and the canonical transformation has no additional time dependence, ##K## is equal to ##H## at the corresponding coordinates. There are four types of generating functions that can be used to find the form of ##K##, with the form depending on the type of generating function used. The distinctions between these four types of generating functions are strict and clear, and if one were to use a different form for the generating function, it may not result in the correct form for
  • #1
1. If I know that ##H(q_i,p_i,t)## is a valid Hamiltonian for which the hamilton equations hold. Now we are given that ##Q_j(q_i,p_i)## and ##P_j(q_i,p_i)## are canonical transformations. This means that there is a function ##K(Q_j,P_j)##, the new hamiltonian, for which the Hamilton equations hold in the new variables.

QUESTION : What is this new function ##K##? Can I just substitute the transformations into the old ##H## to find ##K##? If not, when is this allowed?

Reason for confusion: My notes from class tell me this is allowed. However any source on the net I find says that in general canonical transformations do not preserve the Hamiltonian and thus ##H## and ##K## are not always equal.
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  • #2
If P and Q depend only p and q, and the there is no additional time dependence in the coordinate transformation, then
$$K(Q, P) = H(q(Q,P), p(Q, P))$$

Otherwise it can take forms such as
$$K(Q, P) = H(q(Q,P), p(Q, P)) + \frac{\partial F_1(q(Q, P), Q, t)}{\partial t} $$
Where for this type of transformation
$$p = \frac{\partial F_1}{\partial q} $$
$$P = -\frac{\partial F_1}{\partial Q} $$
So in this case if ##F_1## has no time dependence then ##K ##is just ##H##at the corresponding coordinates.
  • #3
MisterX said:
If P and Q depend only p and q, and the there is no additional time dependence in the coordinate transformation, then
$$K(Q, P) = H(q(Q,P), p(Q, P))$$

Otherwise it can take forms such as
$$K(Q, P) = H(q(Q,P), p(Q, P)) + \frac{\partial F_1(q(Q, P), Q, t)}{\partial t} $$
Where for this type of transformation
$$p = \frac{\partial F_1}{\partial q} $$
$$P = -\frac{\partial F_1}{\partial Q} $$
So in this case if ##F_1## has no time dependence then ##K ##is just ##H##at the corresponding coordinates.

Thanks for the answer. This is exactly what I have thought up myself by now. One more question since you seem to know the subject if you don't mind?

I'm a bit confused on the 4 ''types'' of generating functions and how their forms are found. For example for ##F(q,Q,p)## the form makes sense because it's just ##F=F(q,Q,p)##, but how does one knows to add the ##-QP## when dealing with the ##F(q,P,t)## type? It seems to work out alright but I seem to not grasp how one can make these 4 distinctions so clear and so strict? What if I take ##F=F(q,P,t)## as the generating function without the ##-QP## part?

FAQ: When can I substitute transformations into the Hamiltonian?

1. When can I substitute transformations into the Hamiltonian?

The general rule is that transformations can be substituted into the Hamiltonian when they are canonical transformations, meaning they preserve the Poisson bracket structure and the Hamiltonian equations of motion. Additionally, the transformation must be time-independent and must not depend on the momenta.

2. Can I substitute any transformation into the Hamiltonian?

No, not all transformations can be substituted into the Hamiltonian. Only canonical transformations that are time-independent and do not depend on the momenta can be substituted. Other types of transformations may change the dynamics of the system and are not compatible with the Hamiltonian formalism.

3. What is the purpose of substituting transformations into the Hamiltonian?

Substituting transformations into the Hamiltonian allows us to simplify the equations of motion and find new, equivalent expressions for the Hamiltonian. This can be useful for solving problems or finding conserved quantities in a system.

4. How do I know if a transformation is canonical?

A transformation is canonical if it satisfies the condition that the Poisson bracket of the new coordinates with the Hamiltonian is equal to the Poisson bracket of the original coordinates with the Hamiltonian. This can be checked by calculating the Poisson brackets before and after the transformation.

5. Are there any limitations to substituting transformations into the Hamiltonian?

Yes, there are some limitations to substituting transformations into the Hamiltonian. For example, the transformation must not depend on the momenta or involve singularities. Additionally, the transformation must be valid for all time and must not introduce any new constraints or degrees of freedom into the system.
