When can the Ward Identity be used in quantum field theory?

In summary, the Ward identity is a quantum manifestation of Noether's first theorem and is more general. It corresponds to a conservation law for each continuous symmetry in classical field theory, but works for both on-shell and off-shell cases in quantum field theory. Examples of its use include constraining the form of a function and determining conditions for an external photon leg. In conformal field theory, it plays a significant role in constraining correlation functions and providing information about them.
  • #1
Gold Member
I don't understand from Peskin when can I use Ward Identity?
I mean I can see that this identity isn't always valid to use, but when it is?

Take for example equation (16.10) page 508 of Peskin's and Schroeder's.
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  • #3
Maybe I'm not the one who is knowledgeable, I will try giving you answer. I hope someone else can supplement or even correct me.

Some background: The Ward identity is a quantum manifestation of the Noether's first theorem, and it is more general. In classical field theory, the Noether's theorem tells us that each continuous symmetry correspond to a conservation law, and the conserved charge is the generator of that symmetry transformation. In quantum field theory, the Ward identity does more or less that same thing. The former works only for the on-shell case whereas the latter one works well for both on-shell and off-shell cases, because it does not rely on the equation of motion.

Examples: You can read p.186 of Peskin and Schroder to see how Ward identity is used to constraint the form of ##\Gamma## , and an example as you suggested on p.508. I think in a narrow sense, in QED if you have an external photon leg, then you will have ##\epsilon * M## , and then you can already use the condition of ##k * M = 0##. I think it is not the only situation that you can use the Ward identity.

FYI: In conformal field theory (at least in 2d), the Ward identity plays a much more important role as it highly constrain the form of correlation functions, and also tell much information among these correlators.

FAQ: When can the Ward Identity be used in quantum field theory?

1. What is a Ward Identity?

A Ward Identity is a mathematical equation that relates the Green's functions of a quantum field theory under a symmetry transformation.

2. What are the conditions for a Ward Identity to hold?

The conditions for a Ward Identity to hold are: the symmetry transformation must be continuous, the Lagrangian of the theory must be invariant under the transformation, and the fields involved must have well-defined transformation properties.

3. How is a Ward Identity derived?

A Ward Identity is derived using the Noether's theorem, which states that for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, there exists a conserved quantity associated with it. This conserved quantity is then related to the Green's functions through a mathematical derivation.

4. Why are Ward Identities important in quantum field theory?

Ward Identities play a crucial role in quantum field theory as they allow us to make predictions about the behavior of a system under symmetry transformations. They also provide a powerful tool for studying renormalization of quantum field theories.

5. Are there any other types of Ward Identities?

Yes, there are other types of Ward Identities such as Slavnov-Taylor identities, which are a set of equations that relate the correlation functions of gauge theories to their corresponding Green's functions.

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