When can we approximate General Relativity to Newtonian Gravity?

In summary, when spacetime is close to Minkowski, the limit corresponds to the case in which spacetime metric can be written as a small perturbation about Minkowski. But in General Relativity, what situation can make there an approximation to Newtonian Gravity (just like v<<c)?
  • #1
For example at very low speed (v<<c), in Special Relativity, we can approximate relativistic motion to Classical Newtonian motion.
But in General Relativity, what situation can make there an approximation to Newtonian Gravity
( just like v<<c ) ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
When spacetime is close to Minkowski: $$g_{\mu \nu} \approx \eta_{\mu\nu}$$

EDIT: More specifically, the limit corresponds to the case in which spacetime metric can be written as a small perturbation about Minkowski:$$g_{\mu\nu} = \eta_{\mu\nu} + h_{\mu\nu}$$ where $$|h_{\mu\nu}| \ll1$$
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  • #4
WBN's answer is the most general one, but perhaps in a simpler language, General relativity will reduce to Newtonian gravity in the two limits where the speeds in the system are small, and the gravitational fields in the system are weak.
  • #5
To expand on Matterwave's point a bit by example, note that in the weak field limit, light deflects twice as much in GR as it does in Newtonian theory. This extra defelction of light was in fact one one of the first experimental tests of GR. The extra deflection of light in GR is an example of why you need both low velocities and weak fields before GR will give the same answer as Newtonian theory. It's also an example whose experimental results are consistent with GR and inconsistent with Newtonian theory.
  • #6
pervect said:
To expand on Matterwave's point a bit by example, note that in the weak field limit, light deflects twice as much in GR as it does in Newtonian theory. This extra defelction of light was in fact one one of the first experimental tests of GR. The extra deflection of light in GR is an example of why you need both low velocities and weak fields before GR will give the same answer as Newtonian theory. It's also an example whose experimental results are consistent with GR and inconsistent with Newtonian theory.

I've always been confused on how the Newtonian deflection is derived. As light is mass less how is it affected at all by the Newtonian gravitational law?
  • #7
Matterwave said:
I've always been confused on how the Newtonian deflection is derived. As light is mass less how is it affected at all by the Newtonian gravitational law?

I haven't researched this in depth personally. Wiki credits the following:
Henry Cavendish in 1784 (in an unpublished manuscript) and Johann Georg von Soldner in 1801 (published in 1804) had pointed out that Newtonian gravity predicts that starlight will bend around a massive object. The same value as Soldner's was calculated by Einstein in 1911 based on the equivalence principle alone.

Einsten's paper appears to be "On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light"
http://www.relativitybook.com/resources/Einstein_gravity.html He first uses his (Einstein's) elevator thought experiment to determine the coordinate speed of light as a function of gravitational potential, then he uses Hughens principle to calculate the deflection of light.

The approach I would think of using the equivalence principle is to calculate the deflection of an object of mass m moving at the speed of light, and by making use of the equivalence principle saying that it holds even when m=0. But I haven't gone through the math, though I'm pretty confident it will agree with the above.

I don't really see how one can rule out the possibility of no deflection of light on purely theoretical grounds, for instance Nordstrom's theory is self consistent and has no deflection of light. I suspect that even the first crude experiments were accurate enough to make it unlikely that there was zero deflection, though.
  • #8
Matterwave said:
I've always been confused on how the Newtonian deflection is derived. As light is mass less how is it affected at all by the Newtonian gravitational law?

Another thing is Élie Cartan's work. He formulated a geometrical theory of Newtonian gravity. In such a theory, light will surely deflect.
I don't know much a about it, but it seems interesting.
  • #9
Matterwave said:
I've always been confused on how the Newtonian deflection is derived. As light is mass less how is it affected at all by the Newtonian gravitational law?

it's more like they are working with acceleration of the gravitational field [no particle's mass] rather than the gravitational force of Newton... Of course at first the [itex]0=0[/itex] thing wouldn't seem correct, but one can move Newton's second law with gravity one step further and start the definitions from that point on. Of course the final Newtonian results are not correct but whatever...
It's like once in SR I said that [itex] u= \frac{p}{E}[/itex] is also valid for massless particles (gives c, even by using [itex]E= \gamma m, ~~ p= \gamma m u [/itex] and not only -the more correct- [itex]E=p[/itex])...you first do that for massive, get rid of the mass, and then extend the definition to the massless as well..
Also you can check these:
Around 1784 Cavendish reached the same result by a more rigorous calculation, analyzing the actual hyperbolic path with varying speed, and in 1804 Soldner published the details of such an analysis.
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  • #10
I’m still not understanding how Newton’s theories predict light bending. Is there a simple way to think of it? (I’m not strong with math.)
  • #11
Imager said:
I’m still not understanding how Newton’s theories predict light bending. Is there a simple way to think of it? (I’m not strong with math.)
In Newtons theory the gravitational acceleration of a small test mass is independent of it's mass. So if you model light as mass-less particles they will accelerate down, just like anything else.

Related to When can we approximate General Relativity to Newtonian Gravity?

1. What is the difference between General Relativity and Newtonian Gravity?

General Relativity is a theory of gravity that describes the effects of gravity as the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of massive objects. Newtonian Gravity, on the other hand, is a theory that describes gravity as a force between two masses. General Relativity is a more comprehensive and accurate theory, while Newtonian Gravity is an approximation that works well in certain situations.

2. When does General Relativity break down and Newtonian Gravity become a better approximation?

General Relativity breaks down in extreme conditions, such as near black holes or during the early stages of the universe. In these situations, the curvature of space-time is too extreme for Newtonian Gravity to accurately describe, and General Relativity is a better approximation.

3. Can General Relativity and Newtonian Gravity be used interchangeably?

No, General Relativity and Newtonian Gravity are two distinct theories that cannot be used interchangeably. General Relativity is a more comprehensive theory that includes and extends on Newtonian Gravity, but it also makes predictions that differ from Newtonian Gravity in certain situations.

4. Are there any observable differences between General Relativity and Newtonian Gravity?

Yes, there are observable differences between General Relativity and Newtonian Gravity. For example, General Relativity predicts the phenomenon of gravitational lensing, where the path of light is bent by the curvature of space-time, while Newtonian Gravity does not. Additionally, General Relativity predicts a slight difference in the orbit of Mercury compared to Newtonian Gravity.

5. How can we determine which theory to use in a given situation?

The choice between using General Relativity or Newtonian Gravity depends on the level of accuracy required for the situation. In most everyday situations, Newtonian Gravity is a sufficient approximation. However, in extreme conditions or situations where high precision is needed, General Relativity should be used.

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