When can you not apply the alternating series test?

In summary, the alternating series test can only be applied to test for convergence. If the sequence does not converge to zero, the series does not converge. If the alternating series test fails, another test should be used to determine convergence or divergence, and the first test for divergence should be to check if the sequence converges to zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a series

Ʃ(1 to infinity) ((-1)^n*n^n)/n!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

apparently you cannot use the alternating series for this question, why is this? It has the (-1)^n, what else is needed to allow you to use the alternating series test?
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  • #2
hahaha158 said:

Homework Statement

I have a series

Ʃ(1 to infinity) ((-1)^n*n^n)/n!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

apparently you cannot use the alternating series for this question, why is this? It has the (-1)^n, what else is needed to allow you to use the alternating series test?

To apply the alternating series test you also need that the absolute value of the terms is decreasing. Yours aren't. E.g. (-1)^n*n doesn't converge.
  • #3
Dick said:
To apply the alternating series test you also need that the absolute value of the terms is decreasing. Yours aren't. E.g. (-1)^n*n doesn't converge.

Would that not fall under one of the rules for alternating series (lim An as n->∞ must equal to 0 for the series to be convergent)? How can you determine a series to be divergent from this part of the test if you are not even able to apply it?
  • #4
hahaha158 said:
Would that not fall under one of the rules for alternating series (lim An as n->∞ must equal to 0 for the series to be convergent)? How can you determine a series to be divergent from this part of the test if you are not even able to apply it?

If ##a_n## as a sequence does not converge to zero then the series ##\Sigma a_n## does not converge. Try that test.
  • #5
Dick said:
If ##a_n## as a sequence does not converge to zero then the series ##\Sigma a_n## does not converge. Try that test.

Is there any way to do it only using the alternating series test?

From what i understand this is the alternating series test

Consider Ʃ(n=1 to ∞) (-1)^(n-1)bn where bn>=0. Suppose
I) b(n+1)<= bn eventually
II) lim as n ->∞ bn=0
Then Ʃ(n=1 to ∞) (-1)^(n-1)bn converges.

It seems like what you are saying is that you cannot test for divergence using the alternating series test, only convergence?

The reason i am asking this is beccause of this


It has a choice where it can diverge and a choice where you can not apply alternating series test.

So is it true that for an alternating series test you can test for convergence, but if it does not follow the 2 conditions above, then you must take bn (or an) and apply it to a different test to see it if diverges or converges?
  • #6
Yes, the alternating series test can only be applied to test for convergence. Failure of the alternating series test doesn't prove anything. Try another test. As I said, if ##a_n## doesn't converge to zero the series does NOT converge. That's a good first test for divergence.
  • #7
Dick said:
Yes, the alternating series test can only be applied to test for convergence. Failure of the alternating series test doesn't prove anything. Try another test. As I said, if ##a_n## doesn't converge to zero the series does NOT converge. That's a good first test for divergence.

ok thanks for clarifying

FAQ: When can you not apply the alternating series test?

1. When is the alternating series test not applicable?

The alternating series test is not applicable when the series is not alternating. This means that the signs of the terms in the series do not alternate between positive and negative. In this case, the alternating series test cannot be used to determine the convergence or divergence of the series.

2. Can the alternating series test be used for series with non-monotonic terms?

No, the alternating series test can only be used for series with monotonically decreasing terms. This means that the absolute values of the terms must decrease as the series progresses. If the terms are not monotonically decreasing, the alternating series test cannot be applied.

3. Are there any other tests that can be used instead of the alternating series test?

Yes, there are several other convergence tests that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series. Some common ones include the ratio test, the root test, and the integral test. It is important to choose the appropriate test based on the characteristics of the series.

4. Is the alternating series test always conclusive?

No, the alternating series test is not always conclusive. In some cases, the series may satisfy the conditions of the test but still converge or diverge by other means. It is important to use caution and consider other tests or methods when using the alternating series test.

5. Can the alternating series test be used for infinite series?

Yes, the alternating series test can be used for both finite and infinite series. However, the series must still satisfy the conditions of the test in order for it to be applicable. It is important to note that the alternating series test is only a sufficient condition for convergence and does not guarantee convergence in all cases.

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