When did you know what Physics field you liked the most?

In summary, first year of college is too early to be worrying about what field you want to end up in. You should have a general idea about the time you start to apply for graduate schools, but you don't need to make a decision until you pick a research advisor, usually at the end of your first year in grad school.
  • #1
I'm currently in my first year of undergrad in Physics. From the past few months I've been feeling that I should already have a fixed idea of what field I want to end up in, so that I can start working towards it from now itself (make those specific knowledge areas my strong points, read up as much as I can, take advantage of any research opportunities etc).

So my question is, when did you PhDs know what you liked the most in physics - theoretical, experimental, particle, high energy, astrophysics etc etc? Is first year of college too early to be worrying about these things?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
dreamLord said:
Is first year of college too early to be worrying about these things?

Yes. You should have a general idea about the time you start to apply for graduate schools, but you don't need to make a decision until you pick a research advisor, usually at the end of your first year in grad school.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Yes. You should have a general idea about the time you start to apply for graduate schools, but you don't need to make a decision until you pick a research advisor, usually at the end of your first year in grad school.

I agree with Van. I'm also an Undergrad currently majoring in Physics and I'm not sure what I want to do with my degree yet, but I'm pretty mindset that I want to major in physics.

I do; however, have a general interest in Geophysics and Astrophysics. There's just a wide variety in both fields that it's hard to decide on. Which is why I'm just waiting to get deeper into the physics world and seeing what I want to do further down the road before Grad school. (If that makes any sense. :-p)
  • #4
First year is way too early. Wait til you are done with your 3rd year and spend that summer thinking about what you like. Hopefully by then you'll have landed some summer research opportunity or have done research for some prof at your university, take advantage of it if you can (I didn't get that chance).

When you actually apply to graduate schools you better have a clear idea of what the departments do. Expressing interests in fields they don't typically have their students doing theses on can lower your chances a lot, so when the time comes read up on what the subject matter of recent papers their grad students & advisers are putting out.
  • #5
What I liked the most changed with time, study, and opportunity. I didn't really know what my real passions were until I was actually well into my PhD.

As you progress through undergrad it's important to remember that your goal is to develop a solid foundation in physics (and even more broadly in science) itself that you can build on the more you go on. Balance learning the fundamentals with exploration. And on top of that, also remember to build in some work on marketable skills too. Deciding that you love string theory in your first year of undergrad is fine, but make sure you've got a realistic backup plan if that doesn't pan out for you.
  • #6
Thanks for the replies. Helped put my mind at ease quite a bit!

FAQ: When did you know what Physics field you liked the most?

1. When did you first become interested in Physics?

I have always been fascinated by the natural world and how things work, so I would say my interest in Physics began at a young age. However, it wasn't until high school when I took my first Physics class that I realized this was the field I wanted to pursue.

2. How did you decide on your specific field within Physics?

After taking introductory courses in various fields of Physics, I found myself drawn to the principles and applications of electromagnetism. I enjoyed the challenge of understanding the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and how they interact with matter. This led me to choose a concentration in electromagnetism for my undergraduate studies.

3. Did you have any mentors or influences that helped guide your decision?

Yes, I was fortunate to have a few professors and researchers who were passionate about their own fields of Physics and encouraged me to explore different areas. They also provided guidance and support as I narrowed down my interests and made decisions about my career path.

4. Have your interests in Physics changed over time?

While my overall interest in Physics has remained constant, my specific interests within the field have evolved. For example, during graduate school, I became more interested in the applications of electromagnetism in the field of medical physics and shifted my focus towards that area.

5. What advice would you give to someone trying to decide on a specific field within Physics?

I would encourage them to take a variety of courses and explore different areas of Physics to see what resonates with them. It's also helpful to speak with professors, researchers, and professionals in different fields to gain insight and ask questions. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to follow your interests and passion, and don't be afraid to change course if needed.

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