When Does Alpha Emission Peak in the Bi-210 to Po-210 to Pb-208 Decay Chain?

In summary, the question asks when the alpha emission peak occurs in a nuclear decay chain starting with pure Bi-210. The half-lives for Bi-210 to Po-210 and Po-210 to Pb-206 are 7.2 days and 200 days, respectively. To solve the problem, one must use the correct half-lives and develop two differential equations for the change in Bi-210 and the production and decay of Po-210. The peak alpha emission occurs when the rate of change of Po-210 is zero, or when production rate equals decay rate. This is known as transient equilibrium.
  • #1
Hi I'm trying to do a question on nuclear decay chains. The question is:

Bi-210 decays to Po-210 by beta decay (half life = 7.2 days), and this decays by alpha decay to Pb-208 (half life = 200 decays). If A substance is initially pure Bi-210, when does the alpha emmision peak?

So far I've got
Bi(0)=1, Po(0)=Pb(0)=o

Bi(t) = Bi(0)exp(-Lt) (L being the decay constant, t_1/2 = ln(2)/L)

and dPo(t)/dt = L(Bi(0)exp(-Lt)) -L'Po(t)

Obviously I just need to find when Po(t) is at a maximum, to find the corresponding maximum in alpha emmision, but I can't solve for Po(t)can anyone help?
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  • #2
Well, think on mean Bi-210 => to Po-210 => Pb-206. Half-lives are 7.2 and 200 days respectively, although reliable sources indicate half-life of Po-210 is 140 d (Hyperphysics) or 138.376 d (BNL NNDC).

This is at the bottom end of the U-238 decay series.

Also - apparently Bi-210 can decay to Tl-206, which beta decays to Pb-206, but it's almost 100% alpha.

To solve the problem, make sure one has the correct half-lives or decay constants.

One has to develop two differential equations. One deals with the change (decay) in amount of Bi-210, which is also the production rate of Po-210. The other equation deals with the production and decay of Po-210 (production of Pb-206). The peak alpha emission from Po-210 occurs when the amount of Po-210, or when the rate of change is zero (dP/dt = 0), or when production rate = decay rate.

This is called transient equilibrium.
  • #3

Sure, I can help! Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, we need to understand the decay processes involved. Bi-210 decays to Po-210 through beta decay, which means it emits a beta particle (an electron) and becomes Po-210. This process has a half-life of 7.2 days, which means that after 7.2 days, half of the original Bi-210 atoms will have decayed into Po-210.

Next, Po-210 decays to Pb-208 through alpha decay, which means it emits an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) and becomes Pb-208. This process has a half-life of 200 days, which means that after 200 days, half of the original Po-210 atoms will have decayed into Pb-208.

Now, let's look at the equation you've already started:

Bi(t) = Bi(0)exp(-Lt)

This equation represents the number of Bi-210 atoms at a given time t. Bi(0) represents the initial number of Bi-210 atoms, which in this case is 1 (since we have a pure sample of Bi-210). L is the decay constant, which is related to the half-life by L = ln(2)/t_1/2.

So, we can rewrite the equation as:

Bi(t) = exp(-0.693/t_1/2)t

Next, we need to find the number of Po-210 atoms at a given time t. Since Po-210 is produced from the decay of Bi-210, the number of Po-210 atoms at any time t is equal to the number of Bi-210 atoms that have decayed up to that time t. So, we can write the equation for Po(t) as:

Po(t) = Bi(0)(1 - exp(-0.693/t_1/2)t)

Now, we can differentiate this equation to find the rate of change of Po(t) with respect to time t:

dPo(t)/dt = Bi(0)(0.693/t_1/2)exp(-0.693/t_1/2)t

To find the maximum value of Po(t), we need to find the time t at which dPo(t)/dt = 0. We can solve for this time by setting dPo(t)/dt = 0 and solving for t:

0 = Bi

Related to When Does Alpha Emission Peak in the Bi-210 to Po-210 to Pb-208 Decay Chain?

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A decay chain is a series of radioactive decay events that occur in a specific order, resulting in the transformation of one element into another.

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The elements involved in the decay chain of Bi -> Po -> Pb are bismuth (Bi), polonium (Po), and lead (Pb).

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The decay chain of Bi -> Po -> Pb occurs through a series of alpha and beta decays. Bismuth decays into polonium through alpha decay, and polonium further decays into lead through alpha decay.

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The half-life of bismuth is approximately 1.9 x 10^19 years, the half-life of polonium is about 138 days, and the half-life of lead is stable and does not undergo radioactive decay.

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Understanding the decay chain of Bi -> Po -> Pb is important in nuclear physics and chemistry, as well as in medical applications such as radiation therapy and imaging. It also helps in understanding the effects of radioactive elements on the environment and human health.

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