When does Newton's Gravitation fail us?

  • Thread starter physicsdude30
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In summary: Without that, we couldn't even say that gravity exists at all.Then please enlighten us on how gravity interacts with massless particles. Are you sure light is assumed to be massless for that statement?
  • #1
I am trying to learn more about General Relativiity. We had Newton's Law of Gravitation. When does it not work? I heard at very high speeds, high mass bodies, and when the distance to a high mass body is very short (Mercury for example, I think)? How does Newton's Gravitation differ mathematically in these scenarios?
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  • #2
physicsdude30 said:
I am trying to learn more about General Relativiity. We had Newton's Law of Gravitation. When does it not work? I heard at very high speeds, high mass bodies, and when the distance to a high mass body is very short (Mercury for example, I think)? How does Newton's Gravitation differ mathematically in these scenarios?

The difference in acceleration for a vertical fall is discussed here:

But GR also predicts other effects, like gravitational time dilation and trajectories altered by the curvature of space (Mercury orbit precession), which are missing in Newtons theory.
  • #3
Also, the bending of light near a star is purely from GR. Newtonian physics would have light not bend at all near a star since light is mass-less. Even if you attribute a "pseudo mass" (using E=mc^2) to photons, Newton's predictions of the bending of light are only half the actual bending of light (as observed and predicted by GR).
  • #4
Matterwave said:
Also, the bending of light near a star is purely from GR. Newtonian physics would have light not bend at all near a star since light is mass-less.

Not so. Newtonian physics postulates acceleration independent of mass.

Matterwave said:
Even if you attribute a "pseudo mass" (using E=mc^2) to photons, Newton's predictions of the bending of light are only half the actual bending of light (as observed and predicted by GR).

That is true.
  • #5
Can you kindly refresh my memory on why Newtonian physics would predict a bending of light even if we say that it is massless?

I only remember F=GMm/r^2 which would obviously be 0 if one of the m's were 0.
  • #6
Matterwave said:
Can you kindly refresh my memory on why Newtonian physics would predict a bending of light even if we say that it is massless?

I only remember F=GMm/r^2 which would obviously be 0 if one of the m's were 0.

Bending of a trajectory is a result of acceleration, and there is no m in the formula for that: g = GM/r^2
  • #7
Sounds very iffy to me.

Getting that formula g=GM/r^2 is done by doing: mg=GMm/r^2 is it not? In which case, you cancel the two lower case m's and you get g. You can't do that if the lower case m is 0, that's dividing by zero and is a classic way of getting ridiculous results.

I suppose you could justify it using limits...

g=GMm/mr^2 and then take the limit as m goes to 0. But it still looks iffy to me. I mean, how can you even apply F=ma if m=0?
  • #8
Nothing iffy about it. If you have a massless particle then any non-zero force will give it an infinite acceleration. If you want a finite acceleration the force must be 0.
  • #9
Matterwave said:
Sounds very iffy to me.

Getting that formula g=GM/r^2 is done by doing: mg=GMm/r^2 is it not?

You can get the acceleration by directly observing the trajectories, which turn out to be independent of m. The formula for the gravitational force is derived from this. You have to keep in mind that force is rather an abstract concept, while trajectories/acceleration are observed directly.
  • #10
A.T. said:
You can get the acceleration by directly observing the trajectories, which turn out to be independent of m. The formula for the gravitational force is derived from this. You have to keep in mind that force is rather an abstract concept, while trajectories/acceleration are observed directly.

You can't bend a trajectory without a force. The acceleration is just the result of the force between the bodies attracting each other. Gravity doesn't affect massless particles in the classical mechanics.
  • #11
P3X-018 said:
Gravity doesn't affect massless particles in the classical mechanics.

Pierre-Simon Laplace would be very surprised to read that. He proposed black holes - bodies so massive that even light could not escape - and his argument relied on the universal acceleration of bodies in free fall.

This was in 1799.
  • #12
Vanadium 50 said:
Pierre-Simon Laplace would be very surprised to read that. He proposed black holes - bodies so massive that even light could not escape - and his argument relied on the universal acceleration of bodies in free fall.

This was in 1799.

Then please enlighten us on how gravity interacts with massless particles. Are you sure light is assumed to be massless for that statement?
"Bodies in free fall" already assumes mass.
  • #13
A.T. said:
You can get the acceleration by directly observing the trajectories, which turn out to be independent of m. The formula for the gravitational force is derived from this. You have to keep in mind that force is rather an abstract concept, while trajectories/acceleration are observed directly.
This really is the key point.
  • #14
P3X-018 said:
You can't bend a trajectory without a force.
So how much force do I need to bend the trajectory of a massless particle?
P3X-018 said:
The acceleration is just the result of the force between the bodies attracting each other.
Acceleration is an observed quantity. Force is just a derived concept that makes sense for massive particles only.
P3X-018 said:
Gravity doesn't affect massless particles in the classical mechanics.
Newtonian gravity accelerates objects independently of their mass. That is the observed reality. From that you can derive F=GMm/r^2 via F=ma, but only for massive objects. For massless objects F=ma is not applicable, and so neither is F=GMm/r^2. Therefore you cannot use F=GMm/r^2 to show that massless objects are not affected by Newtons gravity.
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  • #15
Matterwave said:
Sounds very iffy to me.

Getting that formula g=GM/r^2 is done by doing: mg=GMm/r^2 is it not? In which case, you cancel the two lower case m's and you get g. You can't do that if the lower case m is 0, that's dividing by zero and is a classic way of getting ridiculous results.

I suppose you could justify it using limits...
Yes, it's natural to justify it using limits--since an object's acceleration in a gravitational field can be shown to be independent of its own mass for any nonzero mass, this is obviously going to be true in the limit as a particle's mass approaches zero.
  • #16
If you put a heavy bowling ball on a trampoline it will roll to its center and sink in a way that if you put some tennisballs on the trampoline that they will roll to the bowling ball, this we experience as gravity. Is this a valid comparision? The author says the example is in 2D, but if the ball sinks, isn't that 3D? (Is that perhaps why a fourth dimension is added in relativity?)
  • #17
JanClaesen said:
If you put a heavy bowling ball on a trampoline it will roll to its center and sink in a way that if you put some tennisballs on the trampoline that they will roll to the bowling ball, this we experience as gravity. Is this a valid comparision?
For Newtonian gravity, with rubber sheet representing the gravitational potential, this works as an analogy. But it doesn't' explain the gravity model of General Relativity. See this thread:
JanClaesen said:
The author says the example is in 2D, but if the ball sinks, isn't that 3D? (Is that perhaps why a fourth dimension is added in relativity?)
The rubber sheet represents 2 spatial dimensions, omitting 1 spatial and 1 time dimension. But the time dimension is crucial to explain gravity in GR. So it is better to omit 2 spatial dimensions:
You need a 3rd dimension to visualize the curvature of the reduced 2D space-time. In reality this space-time is 4D, and you would need even higher dimensional pictures to visualize it's curvature.

FAQ: When does Newton's Gravitation fail us?

1. When does Newton's gravitation fail us?

Newton's gravitation fails us when dealing with extremely large or extremely small objects, or when dealing with objects moving at very high speeds.

2. Can you give an example of when Newton's gravitation fails us?

An example of when Newton's gravitation fails us is when trying to explain the orbit of Mercury around the Sun. Newton's laws cannot fully account for the observed discrepancies in Mercury's orbit, which were later explained by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

3. How does Einstein's theory of general relativity improve upon Newton's theory of gravitation?

Einstein's theory of general relativity takes into account the effects of gravity on the fabric of space-time, while Newton's theory only considers the force of gravity between objects. This allows for a more accurate explanation of the motion of objects in extreme conditions.

4. Why is it important to understand when Newton's gravitation fails us?

Understanding when Newton's gravitation fails us is important because it allows us to accurately describe and predict the behavior of objects in the universe. It also helps us to develop more advanced theories and technologies, such as space travel and GPS systems.

5. Is Newton's theory of gravitation still relevant in modern science?

Yes, Newton's theory of gravitation is still relevant in modern science. It is still used in many practical applications and provides a good approximation for most everyday situations. However, it has been expanded upon and improved by more advanced theories, such as Einstein's theory of general relativity, to explain phenomena that Newton's theory cannot.
