When does the photon splits in 2 on the Two Slit Experiment?

In summary, the Two Slit Experiment demonstrates the wave-particle duality of photons and electrons. The interference pattern observed is the result of many photons or electrons passing through the slits, with their wave functions adding up to create the pattern. The idea of a photon splitting in two or taking multiple paths is not necessary to explain the phenomenon. Quantum Field Theory provides a more comprehensive understanding of the experiment.
  • #1

I have questions in regards to the Two Slit Experiment. If the photon splits in two and passes through both slits at the same time and interferes with itself on the other side of the screen and then it hits on the second screen thereby creating the interference pattern. At what point does the photon splits in two before it hits the two slits? After it leaves the laser or a few nanometers before hitting the slits? If the distance of the laser is 5 inches, or 6 inches from the two slits, can it be calculated when it will split in two before hitting the two slits? Is it possible that the photon is already split in two way before the photon is release from the laser? Or immediately just after it is release from the laser? Or is it that we just don't know?Would you please be so kind to tell me your insights of this Quantum Physics behavior referring to the questions above?Very appreciatively,

Arthur Hernandez
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The photon doesn't "split in two" and an interference pattern isn't created by a single photon. In the classic two slit experiment, the photon has an equal chance of passing through either slit. The interference pattern is the result of many photons passing through the slits. The odds of the photon landing in anyone place describes the pattern that is seen when many photons pass through the slits.

Note that I only explained this with regards to the particle nature of photons that you were asking about. Photons exhibit a wave-particle duality that I didn't explain.
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  • #3
Borg said:
Note that I only explained this with regards to the particle nature of photons that you were asking about. Photons exhibit a wave-particle duality that I didn't explain.

Nice answer - but the so called wave-particle duality is a left over from the early days of QM and isn't really part of modern quantum physics:

At the risk of getting into controversy because some have issues with it the following gives a fully quantum explanation of the double slit not involving the wave-particle duality:

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  • #5
bhobba said:
Nice answer - but the so called wave-particle duality is a left over from the early days of QM and isn't really part of modern quantum physics
Out of shear curiosity: what would you define as modern quantum physics out of curiosity (since quantum physics is just defined broadly as the study of phenomenon of things as small or smaller than atoms)? Simply things currently researched today (or within some time frame?) or some other way?
  • #6
Dembara said:
Out of shear curiosity: what would you define as modern quantum physics out of curiosity (since quantum physics is just defined broadly as the study of phenomenon of things as small or smaller than atoms)? Simply things currently researched today (or within some time frame?) or some other way?

What Dirac came up with in 1926 called the transformation theory, which is basically what we call QM today.

Here is the history:

It consigned to the dustbin of history old ideas like De-Broglie's matter waves etc.

I would call modern QM that branch of science based on the following two axioms (or equivalent ones) found in Ballentine - QM - A Modern development:

Axiom 1
Associated with an observation we can find a Hermitian operator O, called the observations observable, such that the possible outcomes of the observation are its eigenvalues.

Axiom 2 - called the Born Rule
Associated with any system is a positive operator of unit trace, P, called the state of the system, such that expected the value of the outcomes of the observation is Trace (PO).

We are having an interesting discussion in another thread about if they are the only axioms because a strange, beautiful, baffling and very interesting thing is the dynamics is determined by symmetry considerations ie Scrodingers equation follows from the invariance of probabilities between inertial frames as required by the POR and assuming the Galilean transformations. But are such symmetries separate axioms or do they in fact define our region of applicability? See the thread if such interests you:

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  • #7
Borg said:
The photon doesn't "split in two" and an interference pattern isn't created by a single photon. In the classic two slit experiment, the photon has an equal chance of passing through either slit. The interference pattern is the result of many photons passing through the slits. The odds of the photon landing in anyone place describes the pattern that is seen when many photons pass through the slits.

Note that I only explained this with regards to the particle nature of photons that you were asking about. Photons exhibit a wave-particle duality that I didn't explain.
Thank You!
  • #8
The photon doesn't split in two, in fact the statement is meaningless. A photon is an excitation of the electromagnetic field which by definition cannot be split as it's already the fundamental quanta of the field. Instead it's wave function is scattered through the slits which adds up as an interference pattern on the receiver. In terms of electrons this means that a single electron will interfere with itself just like a photon will.
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  • #9
I like Feynman's take. The photon takes all paths each with a probability weighted by the exp of the delta of the action from the min action. So no need to answer your question it always takes all paths.
  • #10
Thoros said:
The photon doesn't split in two, in fact the statement is meaningless. A photon is an excitation of the electromagnetic field which by definition cannot be split as it's already the fundamental quanta of the field. Instead it's wave function is scattered through the slits which adds up as an interference pattern on the receiver. In terms of electrons this means that a single electron will interfere with itself just like a photon will.

Indeed looking at it through the lens of Quantum Field Theory removes many misconceptions.

If you are just starting out in QM check out:

  • #11
bhobba said:
Indeed looking at it through the lens of Quantum Field Theory removes many misconceptions.

If you are just starting out in QM check out:
And after that, for a sense of just how different the quantum field theory picture of a photon is from what you're imagining, give Feynman's "QED: The strange theory of light and matter" a try... no hard math required.
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  • #12
Borg said:
The photon doesn't "split in two" and an interference pattern isn't created by a single photon. In the classic two slit experiment, the photon has an equal chance of passing through either slit. The interference pattern is the result of many photons passing through the slits. The odds of the photon landing in anyone place describes the pattern that is seen when many photons pass through the slits.

Note that I only explained this with regards to the particle nature of photons that you were asking about. Photons exhibit a wave-particle duality that I didn't explain.
Thank you!
  • #13
Thoros said:
The photon doesn't split in two, in fact the statement is meaningless. A photon is an excitation of the electromagnetic field which by definition cannot be split as it's already the fundamental quanta of the field. Instead it's wave function is scattered through the slits which adds up as an interference pattern on the receiver. In terms of electrons this means that a single electron will interfere with itself just like a photon will.
Thank you!
  • #14
edpell said:
I like Feynman's take. The photon takes all paths each with a probability weighted by the exp of the delta of the action from the min action. So no need to answer your question it always takes all paths.
Thank you!
  • #15
Nugatory said:
And after that, for a sense of just how different the quantum field theory picture of a photon is from what you're imagining, give Feynman's "QED: The strange theory of light and matter" a try... no hard math required.
Thank you!

Related to When does the photon splits in 2 on the Two Slit Experiment?

1. What is the Two Slit Experiment?

The Two Slit Experiment is a fundamental experiment in quantum mechanics that demonstrates the wave-like behavior of particles, specifically photons.

2. How does the Two Slit Experiment work?

In the Two Slit Experiment, a beam of light, or a stream of photons, is directed towards a barrier with two small slits. On the other side of the barrier, a screen is placed to detect the pattern of light that passes through the slits. The photons exhibit an interference pattern, indicating their wave-like behavior.

3. When does the photon split in 2 on the Two Slit Experiment?

The photon does not technically split in two in the Two Slit Experiment. Instead, it behaves as a wave and passes through both slits simultaneously, creating an interference pattern on the screen.

4. Why is the Two Slit Experiment important?

The Two Slit Experiment is important because it demonstrates the duality of particles, showing that they can behave as both waves and particles. This has significant implications in understanding the nature of matter and the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

5. What other experiments demonstrate the wave-particle duality of particles?

The Double-Slit Experiment is not the only experiment that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of particles. Other experiments, such as the Davisson-Germer Experiment, the Stern-Gerlach Experiment, and the Compton Effect, also show the dual nature of particles.

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