When electronics engineer design/construct circuits?

In summary: For most practical purposes, the time constant (or delay) of an RC or RL circuit is not that important. Most problems can be solved using simpler circuits with shorter delay times.
  • #1
Do they have to know advanced math to design and construct circuits? What kind of math goes into design and construction of a circuit? Can you let the software simulation take care of that? Do you really need to know the voltage across a capacitor? How about the time constant of an RL Circuit or Natural response of an RL Circuit? Is it simpler than that to design and construct circuits?

I am wondering if I can take short cuts here instead of learning stuff I don't need to really know.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Do they have to know advanced math to design and construct circuits? What kind of math goes into design and construction of a circuit? Can you let the software simulation take care of that? Do you really need to know the voltage across a capacitor? How about the time constant of an RL Circuit or Natural response of an RL Circuit? Is it simpler than that to design and construct circuits?

I am wondering if I can take short cuts here instead of learning stuff I don't need to really know.
Wait, you want to become an EE, but you don't want to learn all about circuits?
  • #3
It depends on the complexity of the circuit. You can (and likely will) design a basic circuit in your first EE class using nothing but basic algebra.

AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Can you let the software simulation take care of that?

You'll be the one deciding which components to place, how to connect them, the details of the power source, etc. A computer can help you solve the unknowns and makes it easier to design large, complex circuits, but it doesn't replace the Mark I brain. :wink:

AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Do you really need to know the voltage across a capacitor? How about the time constant of an RL Circuit or Natural response of an RL Circuit? Is it simpler than that to design and construct circuits?

In general, no, it's not simpler than that. If you want to build non-trivial useful circuits for the real world you'll need to know all the stuff they teach in EE. The experience you gain while learning the basics, along with tools and techniques you'll learn about, will make things easier, but they won't replace an actual understanding of the components.

AchillesWrathfulLove said:
I am wondering if I can take short cuts here instead of learning stuff I don't need to really know.

Don't ever try to take short cuts when learning the basics of a subject. Learn as much as you can. If you skimp on the basics, it will bite you on the backside later on.
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Likes sophiecentaur
  • #4
Drakkith said:
Don't ever try to take short cuts when learning the basics of a subject. Learn as much as you can. If you skimp on the basics, it will bite you on the backside later on.


Simplification can occur when you can interconnect special purpose circuits with well define functions or characteristics for which you know how a signal is transferred/generated through/by the circuit. Thus you have amplifiers, oscillators, filters, regulators, comparators, power supplies, for analog electronics and gates, analog to digital converters,latches, timing circuits, synchronizers for digital circuits for example. It is not surprising that electronic texts are 1000 or more pages long.

I must mention that electronic design is not just application of certain laws but requires rules of thumb or tricks to get circuits to work the way you want and requires you to develop an intuition for their functioning for example what does a capacitor or inductor due in DC or AC circuits.

I have heard stories of prototype circuits (for research) that were designed and functioning on a bread board which when cleaned up and neatly organized and soldered did not work because inter component capacitances changed too much. Electrons is both a combination of science and art.
  • #5
AchillesWrathfulLove said:
I am wondering if I can take short cuts here instead of learning stuff I don't need to really know.

You are forgetting the threat of automation. You don't want your employer to replace you with a machine. Employees who take short cuts will be the first to be fired.
  • #6
AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Do they have to know advanced math to design and construct circuits? What kind of math goes into design and construction of a circuit? Can you let the software simulation take care of that?

Depends on the circuit. For some digital circuits very little or no maths is required. For some analogue circuits a lot of maths is required. Sometimes software can help with the maths but not always.

Do you really need to know the voltage across a capacitor?

You almost always need a rough idea of the voltage as capacitors have a maximium voltage rating. For some circuits you may need to know the exact voltage and how it changes with time or even temperature.

How about the time constant of an RL Circuit or Natural response of an RL Circuit? Is it simpler than that to design and construct circuits?

I am wondering if I can take short cuts here instead of learning stuff I don't need to really know.

You definitely need to know that stuff.
  • #7
anorlunda said:
Employees who take short cuts will be the first to be fired

They also have a more difficult time becoming employees in the first place.
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Likes jrmichler
  • #8
Consider this Achilles. Would you go to a surgeon who skipped most of of medical school and only learned how to cut you open, but not where or why?
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Likes anorlunda and berkeman
  • #9
Also, if you don't understand the math, how can you possibly interpret the simulation results? The output of a simulator is only as good as the thinking that went into setting the simulation up.
  • #10
Tell why you would need to know Natural response of an RC/RL Circuit when constructing or designing a circuit with Capacitors/Inductors?
  • #11
AchillesWrathfulLove said:
Tell why you would need to know Natural response of an RC/RL Circuit when constructing or designing a circuit with Capacitors/Inductors?

So you can design just about every kind of circuit that deals with non-steady current/voltages.This is a crucial concept that you must understand, as it underlies an enormous number of electrical and electronic components.
  • #12
You would definitely need to know the usefulness of the time constant when designing a timing circuit.

FAQ: When electronics engineer design/construct circuits?

1. What is the process for designing and constructing circuits?

The process for designing and constructing circuits typically involves several steps. First, the engineer will start with a schematic diagram, which outlines the components and connections needed in the circuit. Then, they will select the appropriate components and determine their placement on a printed circuit board (PCB). Next, they will use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a layout of the circuit and design the PCB. The engineer will then assemble the components onto the PCB and test the circuit to ensure it functions correctly.

2. What factors are considered in the design of a circuit?

When designing a circuit, engineers consider factors such as the intended use of the circuit, the available budget, the required size and complexity, and the desired performance and functionality. They also take into account the types of components needed, the power requirements, and the need for any special features or protections.

3. How do engineers troubleshoot and fix issues with a circuit?

If a circuit is not functioning properly, engineers will use various techniques to troubleshoot and identify the issue. This may include using multimeters to measure voltages and currents, checking for loose connections or damaged components, and using simulation software to analyze the circuit. Once the issue is identified, engineers can make necessary repairs or adjustments to fix the problem.

4. What tools and equipment are needed for circuit design and construction?

To design and construct circuits, engineers use a variety of tools and equipment. This may include soldering irons, wire cutters and strippers, oscilloscopes, multimeters, and various types of testing equipment. CAD software and PCB design software are also commonly used to aid in the design process.

5. How do engineers ensure the safety and functionality of a circuit?

Engineers follow strict safety standards when designing and constructing circuits. This may include using appropriate components and materials, following proper wiring and grounding techniques, and incorporating safety features such as fuses and circuit breakers. Testing and quality control processes are also used to ensure the functionality and reliability of the circuit.

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