When is classical mechanics valid for describing motion of atoms?

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of Newton's equation of motion in Molecular Dynamics simulations and the justification for using classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics. It was mentioned that deriving the Newton equations solely from Schroedinger's equation is not easy, as the latter is a probabilistic description while the former directly describes trajectories. The simplicity and adequacy of the Newton equations were also mentioned, along with the connection to classical mechanics through the Ehrenfest theorem.
  • #1
Hello. In Molecular Dynamics simulations, the Newton's equation of motion is used to calculate the time evolution of system. Once, I read in an introductory text that when the thermal de Broglie wavelength $$\Lambda=\frac{h}{\sqrt{2\pi mkT}}$$ is much smaller than the interparticle distance, using classical mechanics is justified and it can be used instead of quantum mechanics. Why? I mean I'd like to start from the Schrodinger equation or a theorem which is based on it (e.g. Ehrenfest's theorem) and using the above criterion obtain the Newton's equation of motion.

May you help me?
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  • #2
It is not easy to derive the Newton equations of motion from Schroedinger's equation alone, because the latter is usually though to be only a probabilistic description of the motion of the particles, while the Newton equations are direct description of trajectory. It is like with diffusion equation - you can't use it to derive trajectory of a Brownian particle.

The reason why the Newton equations are used is rather that they are simple and there are good reasons to think they are adequate - kinetic theory of gases...
  • #3
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FAQ: When is classical mechanics valid for describing motion of atoms?

1. When can classical mechanics be used to describe the motion of atoms?

Classical mechanics can be used to describe the motion of atoms when the atoms are large and move at speeds significantly slower than the speed of light. This is typically the case for macroscopic objects and everyday phenomena.

2. Can classical mechanics accurately describe the motion of atoms in all situations?

No, classical mechanics is not accurate in all situations. It breaks down at the atomic and subatomic levels, where quantum mechanics is needed to accurately describe the behavior of particles.

3. How does classical mechanics differ from quantum mechanics in describing atomic motion?

Classical mechanics is based on Newton's laws of motion and assumes that particles have definite positions and velocities. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, describes particles as having wave-like properties and their behavior is described by probabilities rather than definite values.

4. Can classical mechanics and quantum mechanics be used together to describe atomic motion?

Yes, in some cases classical mechanics and quantum mechanics can be used together. This is known as semi-classical mechanics and is often used to describe the motion of particles in a strong external field.

5. Are there any limitations to using classical mechanics to describe atomic motion?

Yes, there are limitations to using classical mechanics to describe atomic motion. It cannot accurately describe the behavior of particles at very high speeds, such as those found in nuclear reactions or particle accelerators. In these cases, relativistic mechanics is needed to accurately describe the motion of particles.
