When is the Maximum Angle for Viewing a Tower from an Airplane?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the maximum distance at which a tower of height $h$ can be seen from an airplane flying at a height $H$ above it. The participants consider using elementary geometry and the derivative of the arctan function to solve the problem. They also discuss the use of tangents and various triangles to find the solution. Finally, they determine that the maximum angle at which the tower can be seen is given by $\arctan \left(\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right)$, and can be found by setting the derivative of this function equal to 0.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :giggle:

An aeroplane flies over a tower of height $h> 0$ at height $H> h$. At what distance $x$ is the angle $\alpha$ at which the tower is seen from the aeroplane, maximum?
(You can use elementary geometry and that $\arctan'(x)=\frac{1}{1+x^2}$.)

From Pythagorean Theorem for the larger triangle we have that $H^2+x^2=:y^2$.

Do we apply for the smaller triangle law of cosine? But the upper side of that triangle is not known,and not related to the other triangle.

From the hint... Do we have to use somehow $\tan(\alpha)$ ?

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  • #2
Hey mathmari!

Suppose we use only tangents.
Which rectangular triangles can we find to apply the tangent to? 🤔
  • #3
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Suppose we use only tangents.
Which rectangular triangles can we find to apply the tangent to? 🤔

We have the below rectangular triangle $ABC$ :


So we get $\tan (\phi)=\frac{x}{AB}$, right?

But we have to relate it with angle $\alpha$, right? Or do we have to consider an other triangle?

  • #4
mathmari said:
So we get $\tan (\phi)=\frac{x}{AB}$, right?

But we have to relate it with angle $\alpha$, right? Or do we have to consider an other triangle?
AB is the same as H isn't it? :unsure:

And yes, can we find another rectangular triangle? 🤔
  • #5
Klaas van Aarsen said:
AB is the same as H isn't it? :unsure:

And yes, can we find another rectangular triangle? 🤔

Do we take a line that passes through $C$ and the intersection point with the upper horizinal line is say $D$ (then $|CD|=H$) and we get the triangle $ACD$ ?

  • #6
mathmari said:
Do we take a line that passes through $C$ and the intersection point with the upper horizinal line is say $D$ (then $|CD|=H$) and we get the triangle $ACD$ ?
That triangle $ACD$ is congruent with $ABC$ isn't it? :unsure:

Can we find another rectangular triangle?
Perhaps if we draw extra help lines? 🤔
  • #7
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Can we find another rectangular triangle?
Perhaps if we draw extra help lines? 🤔

I suppose that we have to use the two line that have the angle $\alpha$ in between, or not? :unsure:
  • #8
mathmari said:
I suppose that we have to use the two line that have the angle $\alpha$ in between, or not?
How about these triangles:
\coordinate[label=left:A] (A) at (0,3);
\coordinate[label=left:B] (B) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:C] (C) at (4,0);
\coordinate[label=T] (T) at (4,1);
\coordinate[label=above right:T'] (Ta) at (0,1);
\draw[thick] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw[thick] (A) -- (T) -- node[ right ] {h} (C) (Ta) -- (T);
\path (A) -- node[ left ] {H} (B) -- node[below] {x} (C) -- (A) (B) -- node[ right ] {h} (Ta);
  • #9
Klaas van Aarsen said:
How about these triangles:
\coordinate[label=left:A] (A) at (0,3);
\coordinate[label=left:B] (B) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:C] (C) at (4,0);
\coordinate[label=T] (T) at (4,1);
\coordinate[label=above right:T'] (Ta) at (0,1);
\draw[thick] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw[thick] (A) -- (T) -- node[ right ] {h} (C) (Ta) -- (T);
\path (A) -- node[ left ] {H} (B) -- node[below] {x} (C) -- (A) (B) -- node[ right ] {h} (Ta);

Considering the triangle $AT'T$ we get $\tan (\angle T'AT)=\frac{x}{H-h}$.
Considering the triangle $ABC$ we get $\tan (\angle BAC)=\frac{x}{H}$.

We have that $\alpha=\angle T'AT-\angle BAC$. So we get $$\tan (\alpha)=\tan \left (\angle T'AT-\angle BAC \right )=\frac{\tan (\angle T'AT)-\tan (\angle BAC)}{1+\tan (\angle T'AT)\tan (\angle BAC)}=\frac{\frac{x}{H-h}-\frac{x}{H}}{1+\frac{x}{H-h}\frac{x}{H}}=\frac{\frac{xH-xH+xh}{H(H-h)}}{\frac{H(H-h)+x^2}{H(H-h)}}=\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}$$

Then we have that $\alpha(x)=\arctan \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )$.

To get the maximum $\alpha$ we calculate the roots of the first derivative :
$$\alpha'(x)=0 \Rightarrow \arctan' \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )=0\Rightarrow \frac{1}{1+\left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )^2}=0$$

From thatequation we get the desiredvaluefor $x$. Is that correct? :unsure:
  • #10
Shouldn't we apply the chain rule? 🤔

Alternatively we might also observe that $\alpha(x)$ takes on its maximum value iff $\tan\alpha(x)$ does.
Then we don't need the derivative of $\arctan$ at all. 🤔

Btw, we can also write $\alpha = \arctan \angle T'AT - \arctan \angle BAC$. 🤔
  • #11
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Shouldn't we apply the chain rule? 🤔

Ahh yes.. So we have $$\alpha'(x)=0 \Rightarrow \arctan' \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )=0\Rightarrow \frac{1}{1+\left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )^2}\cdot \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )'=0 $$ right? :unsure:
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Btw, we can also write $\alpha = \arctan \angle T'AT - \arctan \angle BAC$. 🤔

How do we get that? :unsure:
  • #12
mathmari said:
Ahh yes.. So we have $$\alpha'(x)=0 \Rightarrow \arctan' \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )=0\Rightarrow \frac{1}{1+\left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )^2}\cdot \left (\frac{xh}{H(H-h)+x^2}\right )'=0 $$ right?
Yep. (Nod)

mathmari said:
How do we get that?
Oops. I meant $\alpha = \angle T'AT - \angle BAC = \arctan \frac x{H-h} - \arctan\frac x H$. :oops:
  • #13
Klaas van Aarsen said:
Yep. (Nod)Oops. I meant $\alpha = \angle T'AT - \angle BAC = \arctan \frac x{H-h} - \arctan\frac x H$. :oops:

Thank you! 🤩

FAQ: When is the Maximum Angle for Viewing a Tower from an Airplane?

1. When is the angle maximum?

The angle is maximum when it reaches its highest point or value in a given situation.

2. How do you calculate the maximum angle?

The maximum angle can be calculated using various mathematical formulas, depending on the specific situation. For example, in a right triangle, the maximum angle would be 90 degrees, while in a circle, the maximum angle would be 360 degrees.

3. What factors affect the maximum angle?

The maximum angle can be affected by various factors such as the shape and size of the object, the point of reference, and external forces acting on the object.

4. Can the maximum angle be exceeded?

In most cases, the maximum angle cannot be exceeded as it represents the highest possible value in a given situation. However, there may be some situations where external forces or factors can cause the angle to exceed its maximum value.

5. How can the maximum angle be useful in real-life applications?

The concept of maximum angle is used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics to analyze and solve problems involving angles and their maximum values. For example, in architecture, the maximum angle of a roof is considered to ensure its stability and functionality.
