When should you create sprocs? As often as possible?

  • Thread starter SlurrerOfSpeech
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In summary: MVC is that it separates controllers, views, and models from each other, with the model handling the database connectivity and business logic.
  • #1
I really don't get ASP.NET MVC because the entire point of the Model is to interact with the database through C# code (or any other language that gets compiled to the CLR) and yet I know it's possible to, and considered good practice to, write all your business logic in the database to the point where the only thing your C# code does is say "Go!", making LINQ and all that fancy jazz pointless.

Let me give a real-life example. I'm writing an application that has a table representing comments in a comment thread and another table representing ancestor-descendant relationships of said comments. When a new comment is created, a new ancestor-descendant relationship is created as well (If the comment is at the top-level, it's ancestor is itself). When a comment is deleted, all its ancestors are deleted as well as the map of their relationship in the other table.

I can make all this logic possible with sprocs, triggers, etc. when I set up my database. Or I can just create the tables in as static a form as possible and use my C# model to handle the aforementioend logic. By doing as much on the database as possible, the problem is that if I decide to revise or add anything to the database, including sprogs/triggers/cascades/etc., my C# model is out of sync and I have to regenerate it based on the updated database and rewrite all the C# code that was handling the logic. The advantage is (supposedly) efficiency from not having raw queries thrown at the database. On the other hand, if I keep all that complicated in the C# code then it's less work to maintain when the database is changed because I don't have to do all this again.

In short, I don't know how to justify an MVC model if I'm a SQL expert (which I'm not but hope to be some day). It's like a reversal of traditional roles: The database handles the programming logic and the language of the model (C#, VB, etc.) acts as a talker that sets the logic in flow.
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  • #2
SlurrerOfSpeech said:
...On the other hand, if I keep all that complicated in the C# code then it's less work to maintain when the database is changed because I don't have to do all this again..
In short, I don't know how to justify an MVC model if I'm a SQL expert (which I'm not but hope to be some day). It's like a reversal of traditional roles: The database handles the programming logic and the language of the model (C#, VB, etc.) acts as a talker that sets the logic in flow.
What if your site has to handle up to hundred thousands of transactions per some hours? It's an overloaded work for db server then.
On the business side, the employer has to hire a DB programmer for the design and making such scripts and a C# programmer to work as the site's back-end developer.
Plus, DB scripting is difficult and error-prone.
  • #3
SlurrerOfSpeech said:
I really don't get ASP.NET MVC because the entire point of the Model is to interact with the
In short, I don't know how to justify an MVC model if I'm a SQL expert (which I'm not but hope to be some day). It's like a reversal of traditional roles: The database handles the programming logic and the language of the model (C#, VB, etc.) acts as a talker that sets the logic in flow.

First, I think you're right about logic in the database, disagreeing with many around here. The other great thing is DB functions lend themselves to massively parallel processing easily, letting you use GPUS and such.

The main thing about MVC is controller handles safe and secure routing of requests, view handles the processing of the data into the appropriate medium for the request, and model handles the database connectivity, and they are separate. Model can and should be simple, but the key is to separate it from view: The information pulled from the database should be independent from the view medium. If a model query provides user account info, it should give the same data whether it renders it as PDF or JSON or HTML in the view. Last time I was working in Visual Studio, I remember bypassing a lot of the built in stuff to do my own complex queries, because it was more efficient than learning it all, but don't throw out the MVC paradigm just for that reason, it really is best.
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #4
You may not really need to justify the pattern itself because it is designed or invented to resolve your specific software architecture under development already. What you would need to do is follow the standards and what are best practices to implement your software requirements in accordance with your business needs.

Fooality said:
The main thing about MVC is controller handles safe and secure routing of requests, view handles the processing of the data into the appropriate medium for the request, and model handles the database connectivity, and they are separate. Model can and should be simple, but the key is to separate it from view...
I think ASP.NET's MVC follows this interactive workflow.
View <==> Controler <==> Model
Some people also reason that Model can connect or disconnect to View e.g in case of authorized and unauthorized users access but this sounds to me like a violation of data access or encapsulation rule. You can make your components as fat as you would want to, which is contradictory to such misconceptions about fat model and skinny controller as a rule of thumb people often spread during product development phases. All are beautiful to me as long as the outcome is functional, optimized, and above all matches with what have been required.
  • #5
Silicon Waffle said:
You may not really need to justify the pattern itself because it is designed or invented to resolve your specific software architecture under development already. What you would need to do is follow the standards and what are best practices to implement your software requirements in accordance with your business needs.I think ASP.NET's MVC follows this interactive workflow.
View <==> Controler <==> Model
Some people also reason that Model can connect or disconnect to View e.g in case of authorized and unauthorized users access but this sounds to me like a violation of data access or encapsulation rule. You can make your components as fat as you would want to, which is contradictory to such misconceptions about fat model and skinny controller as a rule of thumb people often spread during product development phases. All are beautiful to me as long as the outcome is functional, optimized, and above all matches with what have been required.
Yeah, there are different frameworks with different interpretaions of view and controller i think django does it that way too, with separate logic for routing. I think the paradigm comes from gui programming, so how its mapped to web is a bit open to interpretation. For me and other frameworks, controller connects requests to model via views, controller is top level handling routes and requests. It doesn't matter though, the key thing is that database functionality is abstracted and kept separate from the rest by models, and some separate mechanism ( i call controller) is handling decisions about different views for different media (pdf json etc).
  • #6
It doesn't really matter where your business logic resides unless there is a performance constraint--but for maintenance purposes, you'll want it all in the SAME place, written with best practices so that there is information-hiding and no side effects, for example. And the business logic should be separated from the presentation. Say you want to change all the colors or look and feel of your website (or application)--can you do it without changing the business logic?

I've never warmed up to the MVC framework; it was developed by someone else, and my mind doesn't easily wrap around it. But I've warmed up very much to the idea of separation of concerns, which is what the conception model-view-controller pattern intends to accomplish. So--think separation of concerns, and keep your look and feel completely detached from your biz. logic. At all costs. You won't regret it.

Requiring use of MVC is just a way to try and enforce this good design principle.

Related to When should you create sprocs? As often as possible?

1. What are sprocs and when should they be used?

Sprocs, or stored procedures, are pre-written SQL statements that are stored on a database server and can be executed with a single call. They are typically used to improve performance and security of database operations. Sprocs should be used when there are complex or frequently used SQL statements that can benefit from being pre-compiled and stored on the server.

2. What are the benefits of using sprocs?

Sprocs can improve database performance by reducing network traffic and optimizing query execution plans. They can also improve security by limiting direct access to tables and data. Additionally, sprocs can simplify database maintenance by centralizing commonly used or complex queries.

3. When is it not necessary to use sprocs?

If the database operations are simple and not frequently used, it may not be necessary to use sprocs. Additionally, if the application has many dynamic queries or requires flexibility in the queries, using sprocs may not be the best approach.

4. How often should sprocs be created?

Sprocs should be created as often as necessary to improve performance and security of database operations. However, it is important to carefully consider the need for a sproc and not create them unnecessarily. Creating too many sprocs can lead to maintenance and performance issues.

5. What are some considerations when deciding whether to create a sproc?

When deciding whether to create a sproc, it is important to consider the complexity and frequency of the SQL statements, as well as the potential benefits of using a sproc. It is also important to consider the impact on database maintenance and performance, as well as any security implications. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the specific needs and requirements of the application and database.

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