When will the induced current in the loop be maximal during acceleration?

In summary, a rectangular loop with constant speed v enters and exits an area of constant magnetic field B. The loop is then accelerated with constant acceleration a, starting at rest. The induced current in the loop will be maximal at two moments: when the loop is just about to completely enter the area and when it is just about to completely leave the area. This is due to the BLv formula and the opposing emf on the front and back sides of the loop.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rectangular loop moves with constant speed v towards an area in space with constant magnetic field B (As shown in the attachment). The loop enters this area and leaves it from the other side. Also given: d>c. Assume that t=0 when the left edge of the loop is just on the right edge of the magnetic field area. Assume positive induced emf when it generates induced current clock-wise in the loop.

Homework Equations

Well I'm asked to calculate 4 things in this problem, I'm interested in one of them:
Now, instead of moving with constant speed v, the loop is accelerated with constant acceleration a. The loop starts at rest when its left edge is just on the right edge of the magnetic field area. When will the induced current in the loop will be maximal?

The Attempt at a Solution

According to the solution the induced current will be maximal in two moments (and equal in both of them): When the loop is just about to completely enter the area of magnetic field and when the loop is just about to completely leave this area. Two questions:
1. As the loop leaves the area - its area that's subjected to the magnetic field decreases with time - so wouldn't we expect that the induced current will be maximal just as it starts to leave the area?
2. Why would the maximal induced current be the same in these 2 cases? Time is increasing as the problem starts - and since the induced emf is a function of t in the case of acceleration - how does it make sense that the induced emf will be equal like the solution states?


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  • #2
Rather than approach this problem via d(phi)dt, use the BLv formula on both sides of the coil perpendicular to the velocity vector. Realize that the emf of the back (right) side of the coil will counter the emf developed on the front (left) side.

FAQ: When will the induced current in the loop be maximal during acceleration?

1. What is Faraday's Law?

Faraday's Law, also known as Faraday's Law of Induction, is a fundamental law of electromagnetism that describes the relationship between a changing magnetic field and an induced electric field. It states that the induced electromotive force (EMF) in a closed loop is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the loop.

2. How is Faraday's Law used in practical applications?

Faraday's Law is used in various practical applications, such as generators, transformers, and electric motors. It is also used in the production of electricity from renewable sources like wind and hydro power.

3. What is the difference between Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law?

Faraday's Law states the relationship between a changing magnetic field and an induced electric field, while Lenz's Law states the direction of the induced current in response to the changing magnetic field. Lenz's Law is a consequence of Faraday's Law.

4. How can Faraday's Law be expressed mathematically?

Faraday's Law can be expressed mathematically as:
∮E•dl = -dΦ/dt
where E is the induced electric field, dl is the differential length along the path of integration, Φ is the magnetic flux through the loop, and t is time.

5. Can Faraday's Law be applied to non-closed circuits?

Yes, Faraday's Law can also be applied to non-closed circuits by using the concept of self-inductance, which is the ability of a circuit to produce an induced EMF in itself due to a changing magnetic field. This is the basis of how transformers work.
