When would a wooden barrel implode? (sinking under water)

  • Thread starter James3355
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In summary, a wooden barrel, sealed with just air, would implode at a depth of 50 metres due to the high pressure, while a wooden barrel, also sealed, but filled with water, would not implode.
  • #1
Two scenarios for you...
A) A wooden barrel, say 50 litres, is sealed with just air inside.
B) A wooden barrel, also 50 litres, is sealed but is completely full with water.

If you weighted both of them and sunk them in the ocean, at what depth would they implode from the pressure at depth? Is the water-filled barrel going to survive longer because it is less compressible?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
James3355 said:
water-filled barrel going to survive longer because it is less compressible?
Yes. Next --- what wood? What stave thickness and radius? What length to diameter?
  • #3
Water is very hard to compress. As you take the water-filled barrel deeper and deeper, the sides will 'give' a bit but the internal pressure will always be high enough (until you are sooo deep that water ceases to behave like water on Earth (I suspect)) but the sides would not actually fracture. (The displacement would be so small)
Otoh, if the barrel were filled with air, the water pressure on the weakest sections of the barrel would soon push it in because the internal pressure would follow that of the gas laws and, basically, hardly change at all by the time the barrel was crushed. At what depth? No idea but I suspect a very few atmospheres of pressure would do it (thinking in terms of the early Atmospheric Engines which had a problem even withstanding one atmosphere.
  • #4
Bystander said:
Yes. Next --- what wood? What stave thickness and radius? What length to diameter?
I've not crunched any numbers, even on a napkin, but I'd bet the ends would implode before the walls. I'm thinking the staves would tend to behave as an arch and support each other.
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  • #5
jackwhirl said:
I've not crunched any numbers, even on a napkin, but I'd bet the ends would implode before the walls. I'm thinking the staves would tend to behave as an arch and support each other.
Yes, I think that is what would happen, exactly as you say.
  • #6
jackwhirl said:
I've not crunched any numbers, even on a napkin, but I'd bet the ends would implode before the walls. I'm thinking the staves would tend to behave as an arch and support each other.
Yes. I think you are right about the flat ends going first. I can't imagine the amount that the water inside would be enough to distort the wood past fracturing. But I guess the wood itself could become compressed so much as to destroy its internal structure. No use as a barrell after the experiment.

FAQ: When would a wooden barrel implode? (sinking under water)

1. When would a wooden barrel implode under water?

A wooden barrel would implode under water when the pressure on the outside of the barrel becomes greater than the pressure inside the barrel. This typically occurs when the barrel reaches a certain depth in the water.

2. What factors contribute to a wooden barrel imploding under water?

The size and thickness of the barrel, the material it is made of, and the depth and pressure of the water all contribute to a wooden barrel imploding. Additionally, any cracks or weak spots in the barrel can also make it more susceptible to imploding.

3. How deep can a wooden barrel sink before imploding under water?

The depth at which a wooden barrel will implode depends on its size, thickness, and the pressure of the water. Generally, larger and thicker barrels can withstand greater depths before imploding. However, it is difficult to determine an exact depth as there are many variables at play.

4. Can a wooden barrel be reinforced to prevent implosion under water?

Yes, a wooden barrel can be reinforced with additional wood or metal bands to help prevent implosion. However, this may only delay the inevitable if the pressure on the outside of the barrel becomes too great.

5. Are there any precautions that can be taken to prevent a wooden barrel from imploding under water?

To prevent a wooden barrel from imploding under water, it is important to choose a barrel that is sturdy and well-made. Additionally, monitoring the depth at which the barrel is submerged and avoiding extreme depths can also help prevent implosion. Regular inspections and maintenance can also help identify any weak spots in the barrel before they become a problem.

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