Where Am I Going Wrong in Sakurai's Quantum Spin Eigenvalue Problem?

In summary, the problem asks to find an eigenket with a specific eigenvalue for the matrix \vec S\cdot\hat n, defined by a unit vector \hat n with polar angle alpha and azimuthal angle beta. The solution involves using the Pauli sigma matrices and converting to Cartesian coordinates. However, there appears to be an issue with the system of equations, as it leads to cosines equaling 2, which is impossible.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am currently working on a seemingly straightforward eigenvalue problem appearing as problem 1.8 in Sakurai's Modern QM. He asks us to find an eigenket [itex]\vert\vec S\cdot\hat n;+\rangle[/itex] with [tex]\vec S\cdot\hat n\vert\vec S\cdot\hat n;+\rangle = \frac\hbar 2\vert\vec S\cdot\hat n;+\rangle[/tex] where the unit vector n is defined by polar angle alpha and azimuthal angle beta.

Homework Equations

The definitions of the Pauli sigma matrices, along with the formula [tex]\hat n = (\sin\alpha\cos\beta,\sin\alpha\sin\beta,\cos\alpha)[/tex] for conversion to Cartesian coordinates.

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]\vec S\cdot\hat n = \frac\hbar 2\sin\alpha\cos\beta\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix}+\sin\alpha\sin\beta\begin{pmatrix}0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix}+\cos\alpha\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix} = \frac\hbar 2\begin{pmatrix}\cos\alpha&\sin\alpha e^{-i\beta}\\\sin\alpha e^{i\beta}&-\cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}.[/tex] Thus we have the [itex]\lambda=1[/itex] eigenvalue problem for the matrix [tex]\begin{pmatrix}\cos\alpha&e^{-i\beta}\sin\alpha\\e^{i\beta}\sin\alpha&-\cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}.[/tex] This becomes the system of equations [tex]\begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}x\cos\alpha+ye^{-i\beta}\sin\alpha-x\\-y\cos\alpha+xe^{i\beta}\sin\alpha-y\end{pmatrix}.[/tex] Thus beta appears to be completely arbitrary, and alpha = n*pi, however this appears to have no solutions as we get cosines equaling 2 which is nonsense. The characteristic polynomial predicts a lambda=1 eigenvalue - where am I going wrong?
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  • #2
Theage said:
Thus we have the [itex]\lambda=1[/itex] eigenvalue problem for the matrix [tex]\begin{pmatrix}\cos\alpha&e^{-i\beta}\sin\alpha\\e^{i\beta}\sin\alpha&-\cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}.[/tex]
This looks good to me.

This becomes the system of equations [tex]\begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}x\cos\alpha+ye^{-i\beta}\sin\alpha-x\\-y\cos\alpha+xe^{i\beta}\sin\alpha-y\end{pmatrix}.[/tex]

I don't understand your matrix on the right hand side. How did you get the ##-x## and the ##-y## terms on the far right of the matrix?

##\alpha## and ##\beta## are fixed by the choice of ##\hat{n}##. You need to find ##x## and ##y##.
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FAQ: Where Am I Going Wrong in Sakurai's Quantum Spin Eigenvalue Problem?

1. What is quantum spin?

Quantum spin is an intrinsic property of elementary particles, such as electrons and protons, that describes their angular momentum. It is not the same as classical spin, but rather a quantum mechanical property that can have discrete values.

2. How is quantum spin measured?

Quantum spin is measured using a device called a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, which can detect the orientation of a particle's spin. This measurement can yield one of two possible outcomes, depending on the direction of the spin relative to the magnetic field of the apparatus.

3. What is the significance of Sakurai in relation to quantum spin?

Sakurai is the author of the textbook "Modern Quantum Mechanics," which is a widely used resource for learning about quantum spin and other topics in quantum mechanics. The book provides a thorough explanation of quantum spin and its applications in various physical systems.

4. How does quantum spin affect the behavior of particles?

The orientation of a particle's quantum spin can affect its interactions with other particles and its behavior in a magnetic field. For example, particles with the same spin can exhibit attractive or repulsive forces, depending on their relative orientations.

5. Can quantum spin be altered or controlled?

Yes, quantum spin can be altered or controlled through various methods, such as applying an external magnetic field or using quantum gates in quantum computing. However, the exact mechanisms for manipulating quantum spin are still an active area of research in the field of quantum physics.

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