Where Are the Neutral Points in a Square Configuration of Four Point Charges?

In summary, four point charges, Q, -Q, Q, -Q, are placed at the four ends of a horizontal square of side a in the XY-plane. The neutral points are points where the electric field due to the charges is zero. The center of the square is not a neutral point, but there are three other neutral points located along the z-axis where the potential is zero. The electric field at these points is constant and all three components are zero.
  • #1

Four point charges, Q, -Q, Q, -Q, are placed at the four ends of a horizontal square of side a as shown in the figure above. What are the neutral points? The attempt at a solution
The square is not exactly aligned parallel in its plane, say XY.
So, the center is not a neutral point.

I can not calculate the dipole moments. I would really appreciate any hint.


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  • #2
Hello VSayantan, :welcome:
You erased the second item: relevant equations ! PF culture wants you to provide them -- it also helps us help you

So what equation describes a 'neutral point' ? (And, for that matter: what exactly is a neutral point ?)
VSayantan said:
I can not calculate the dipole moments
Why not ? Isn't that something like ##\sum q_i\vec r_i## ?
  • #3
BvU said:
Hello VSayantan, :welcome:
You erased the second item: relevant equations ! PF culture wants you to provide them -- it also helps us help you

So what equation describes a 'neutral point' ? (And, for that matter: what exactly is a neutral point ?)
Why not ? Isn't that something like ##\sum q_i\vec r_i## ?
Thanks BvU.
Sorry I did not know that!

A neutral point is one where the electric field due to all the contributing charges cancel out.
So, if the square were placed parallel in its plane, the field at the center would have been zero. But it is not. Which I think strains the configuration giving a dipole moment.

I know expression for dipole moments, but I don't know what the coordinates of the two lower charges.
Do you think the orientations of the axes do not matter in this case?
  • #4
VSayantan said:
A neutral point is one where the electric field of all the contributing charges cancel out.
Fine with me. The reason I asked is that for some folks neutral means V = 0. But in your case you want ##\vec\nabla V = 0##, right ?

VSayantan said:
So, the center is not a neutral point.
What makes you write that ? With your definition I would claim it is !​

So you can either write the four contributions to ##\vec E## and require the sum to be zero, or write the four contributions to ##V## and require the derivatives to be zero.

VSayantan said:
I don't know what the coordinates of the two lower charges
If you know them for the upper two, you also know them for the lower two !?However, the more I look at the wording of the problem statement
a horizontal square
, the more I fear that the picture is a poor man's 3D attempt and the charges are simply located at $$(a/2,a/2,0)\quad (a/2,-a/2,0)\quad (-a/2,-a/2,0)\quad (-a/2,a/2,0)$$what do you think of that ?

  • #5
BvU said:
Fine with me. The reason I asked is that for some folks neutral means V = 0. But in your case you want ##\vec\nabla V = 0##, right?
I want to find the points where ##\vec E=-\vec\nabla V = 0##

BvU said:
What makes you write that ? With your definition I would claim it is !.
So you can either write the four contributions to ##\vec E## and require the sum to be zero, or write the four contributions to ##V## and require the derivatives to be zero.
BvU said:
However, the more I look at the wording of the problem statement , the more I fear that the picture is a poor man's 3D attempt and the charges are simply located at $$(a/2,a/2,0)\quad (a/2,-a/2,0)\quad (-a/2,-a/2,0)\quad (-a/2,a/2,0)$$what do you think of that ?

So, if I understand correct it is a simple square, sitting nicely on the XY-plane.

But, the potential at a point z above the plane is
##V(z)=\frac 1 {4\pi\epsilon_0} [\frac Q b - \frac Q b + \frac Q b - \frac Q b]##,
where ##b=\sqrt(z^2 + \frac {a^2} 2)##

Which is zero.
There is another like point below the plane, where the potential is zero.
But these two points give ##\vec E=constant##

Thus there is no other neutral point apart from the center. Am I right?
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  • #6
Hehe, you typed your reply within the [quote] ... [/quote] tags. never mind.

I agree that ##V(0,0,z)= 0\ .\ \ ## I don't see why that would give ##\vec E= {\rm constant} \ne 0\ ##.
  • #7
will also give ##\frac {dV} {dz}=0##
Of course!
So, there are three neutral points for this configuration.

But the question does not provide such an option!

Thanks @BvU a lot, for helping.
  • #8
Not done yet. ## V(0,0,z)= 0 \ ## for all ##z## only leads to the conclusion that the ##z## component of ##\vec E ## is zero on the entire ##z## axis (not just 3 points but a whole line !).

ToDo: show that the ##x## and ##y## components are zero there too
  • #9
BvU said:
Not done yet. ## V(0,0,z)= 0 \ ## for all ##z## only leads to the conclusion that the ##z## component of ##\vec E ## is zero on the entire ##z## axis (not just 3 points but a whole line !).

ToDo: show that the ##x## and ##y## components are zero there too

Along the ##z##-axis there are no other components i.e., ##E_x = 0## and ##E_y =0##.
So, ##\vec E ## is zero for all points on the ##z##-axis!
  • #10
VSayantan said:
there are no other components
In the sense that individual contributions from the four charges cancel, I agree. Well done !

(You picked up on ##\ \LaTeX\ ## too ! very good !)

FAQ: Where Are the Neutral Points in a Square Configuration of Four Point Charges?

1. What is electrostatics?

Electrostatics is the study of stationary electric charges and the forces they exert on each other. It also includes the behavior of electrically charged objects and how they interact with electric fields.

2. What are neutral points in electrostatics?

Neutral points are locations in an electric field where the net electric force on an object is zero. This means that the object experiences no acceleration and remains stationary at that point.

3. How do neutral points affect charged objects?

Neutral points can affect charged objects by exerting a force on them. If the charged object is placed at a neutral point, it will experience no net force and will remain stationary. However, if the charged object is not at a neutral point, it will experience a force that will either attract or repel it from the neutral point.

4. What factors affect the location of neutral points?

The location of neutral points depends on the strength and distribution of electric charges in the surrounding area. The distance between charged objects, the magnitude of their charges, and the dielectric constant of the medium also play a role in determining the location of neutral points.

5. How can neutral points be calculated or determined?

Neutral points can be calculated or determined by using mathematical equations that take into account the electric charges and distances between them. Alternatively, they can also be determined experimentally by observing the behavior of charged objects in an electric field and identifying the point where the net force on the object is zero.

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