Where are you on the political compass this election?

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  • Thread starter Pythagorean
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In summary: Not at all, it's not about who's not racist. It's about the ideology of racism; that race should dictate policy. Anarchists don't believe in any policy; racism or not has nothing to do with their platform.

What was your result of the test?

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  • #1
Gold Member
http://www.politicalcompass.org/testI guess I'm not terribly surprised by my results; I'm registered libertarian, but kind of distanced myself from political parties since joining the circus... er, I mean academia:
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Guess I'm not too surprised either, but I think this test isn't very fair for people on the true fringes. I'm actually quite a moderate leftist (if one considers "far left" to be raw, actual socialism), yet I scored much more left-wing than François Hollande - pretty silly, really.
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  • #3
No surprise here either:

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  • #4

I might get bit to left if I do it again.
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  • #5
Mine has shifted a bit from the last time.

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92



  • pcgraphpng.png
    1.1 KB · Views: 879
  • #6
OMG! I'm Gandhi!

Well, pretty close.


  • ghandiaxeswithnames.gif
    5.4 KB · Views: 663
  • #7
Evo said:
OMG! I'm Gandhi!

Well, pretty close.

I don't think Gandhi would hurt his dog...
  • #8
micromass said:
I don't think Gandhi would hurt his dog...
It was an accident! :cry:
  • #9
Evo said:
It was an accident! :cry:
Don't throw flashlights! That can hurt!
  • #10
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  • #11
Good to see physicists are lefties :)
  • #12
I've seen this site before, questions are a bit random and seem biased towards the left IMO. Still this is my result;

  • #13
Green square. Not that I am surprised.

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  • #14
Many of these questions are stupid and cannot possibly be used to pick a political position. For example, the question about abstract art has nothing to do with politics.

Nevertheless, here is my graph:

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  • #15
Libertarian left, unsurprisingly.

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  • #16
Jack21222 said:
Many of these questions are stupid and cannot possibly be used to pick a political position. For example, the question about abstract art has nothing to do with politics.
I didn't answer the quiz. The first question was too silly for me.
stupid quiz said:
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for serving humanity. It's just that if the interests of trans-national corporations are also served, then count me out.
  • #17
Around about (2,6) in the green, near Gandhi. (Don't have time to work out how to paste an image in).
  • #18
cobalt124 said:
(Don't have time to work out how to paste an image in).

Right-click on the image, select the option that let's you view the image in a separate window or tab. Then copy the URL, and paste it here in the image tag. Just for future reference. (There might also be a "copy URL" option when you right click on the image, depending on your browser).
  • #19
I'm just a notch below Ghandi. Not surprising, since I am a pacifist.
  • #20
Jimmy Snyder said:
I didn't answer the quiz. The first question was too silly for me.

Yeah, for a lot of those questions my true answer would be, "That's a stupid question!"

Yet I muddled through someohow:

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  • #21
Wow, quite a crowd in the upper right quadrant:

  • #22
Quiz said:
Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races.
I'd like to know where this ranks on the scale. Last I checked, racism isn't the purview of any side of this graph.
  • #23
Decimator, may want to look into authoritarian and Hitler.
  • #24
Yeah, some of the questions need a "case by case" button where ideologies don't make sense.
  • #25
Pythagorean said:
Decimator, may want to look into authoritarian and Hitler.

Do you think people living in anarchist communes can't be racist?
  • #26
I don't hold too much stock in questionnaires like this. Whilst they can be correct they tend to bias in favour of one side or another simply by the flawed way questions are asked, questions that are flawed and bias/stereotypical scores for answers.

Here's a different quiz that gave me a slightly different score on a chart

  • #27
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  • #28
I wouldn't take it too seriously, but it still has some accuracy to it.

Decimator said:
Do you think people living in anarchist communes can't be racist?

Not at all, it's not about who's not racist. It's about the ideology of racism; that race should dictate policy. Anarchists don't believe in any policy; racism or not has nothing to do with their platform.

You're rushing to the conclusion that A -> B means not B -> not A. That's not really how it works.
  • #29
I'm pretty close to Mandela

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  • #30
http://www.politicalcompass.org/charts/crowdgraphpng.php?Greg_B=-2.1%2C-2.97&Barack_Obama=7.5%2C6&aquitaine=1.12%2C-3.08&Lisab=-3.5%2C-4.46&Ryan_m_b=-8%2C-7.7&EricVT=-5.25%2C-3.54&Borek=-3.62%2C-3.69&Jack21222=-4.12%2C-6.10&Andre=-2.4%2C-3.3&sixnein=-6.62%2C-6.36&Evo=-4%2C-0.9&Rootx=1.38%2C-0.46&MicroMass=-4.75%2C-6.46&Angry_Citizen=-8.12%2C-6.15&Pythagorean=-6.12%2C-4.21&Gad=-2.5%2C-1.33&Decimator=7.0%2C-0.41&Azdavesoul=3.88%2C-2.87&Mentalist=-3.5%2C-4.26<div style=[/PLAIN]

Greg and Borek are on top of me. All Dalai Lama's and Mandela's
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  • #31
Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.33
  • #32
Andre said:
http://www.politicalcompass.org/charts/crowdgraphpng.php?Greg_B=-2.1%2C-2.97&Barack_Obama=7.5%2C6&aquitaine=1.12%2C-3.08&Lisab=-3.5%2C-4.46&Ryan_m_b=-8%2C-7.7&EricVT=-5.25%2C-3.54&Borek=-3.62%2C-3.69&Jack21222=-4.12%2C-6.10&Andre=-2.4%2C-3.3&sixnein=-6.62%2C-6.36&Evo=-4%2C-0.9&Rootx=1.38%2C-0.46&MicroMass=-4.75%2C-6.46&Angry_Citizen=-8.12%2C-6.15&Pythagorean=-6.12%2C-4.21<div style=[/PLAIN]

[STRIKE]Unfortunately that's the limit of the site, it takes no more names so to see.[/STRIKE] fixed

Greg and Borek are on top of me. All Dalai Lama's and Mandela's

in other words, Physicsforums is full of a bunch of anarcho-socialists.
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  • #33
Despite my dislike of the test, I took it anyway. I find the difference in my placement on the two charts interesting.


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  • #34
Pythagorean said:
in other words, Physicsforums is full of a bunch of anarcho-socialists.

I'm curious of how some of our more conservative members would show up.
  • #35
SixNein said:
I'm curious of how some of our more conservative members would show up.
Me too.