Where Can I Find a Free Equation Editor for Microsoft Word?

  • Thread starter Mag|cK
  • Start date
In summary: Square root :\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}...will give you a standard square root symbol (check out the preview below this window to see how it looks).Indices :x_{a_1}^2...will give you a subscripted index followed by a superscripted index (x with a subscripted a subscript and a superscripted 2).Don't be afraid to play around with the commands until you get the hang of them. You can't break anything, and you'll only learn through experimentation. Make sure you have the latex command "preview" turned on (it's a toggle button on the tool bar) then you can quickly
  • #1
Hello, do anyone know a website where we can download for free 'equation editor' or any program to write math equations easily, which can be used on microsoft word? Thank you..:smile:
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Just write in LaTeX and forget word entirely. The results are so much better.

  • #3
Hello Mag|cK,

An easy to follow instruction on how to install Latex on Windows can
be found http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_About.php

Just in case you're using Adobe Reader 8.0 together with
the Latex editor "TexnicCenter", read https://www.physicsforums.com/blogs/edgardo-22482/texniccenter-adobe-reader-8-0-bugfix-876/
for a bugfix.

Instead of "TexnicCenter", you can also use WinEdt as
Latex editor.

After installing the MikTex and TexnicCenter (or WinEdt),
read this good tutorial:
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  • #4
All you need to create LaTeX is the LaTeX installation and a *good* text editor. That would mean Vim or Emacs. TexnicCenter is truly awful: it is quite clearly a programming IDE that has been hacked to work for LaTeX and it shows (to compile the latex source is non-obvious, try the build menu. To view the output is even more non-obvious since that too is on the 'build' menu, and not the 'view' menu - that would be too sensible).

WinEDT is better, but still pointless, and has license issues (it is not 'free', though you can keep installing the trial perioid 'free' version).

Heck, you can even just use word to create LaTeX documents if you're really mad.

(These are just personal opinions - others will disagree and say WinEdt is the best thing since sliced bread. Buying a good manual is worth far more than getting a license for WinEdt.)
  • #5
Mag|cK, you should take a look at Abiword ( http://www.abisource.com ). It's a free word processor available for both Windows and Linux and it has a fairly nice latex based equation editor.
  • #7
TexAide is very good, but creating the wordprocessing document depends on what the word processor will accept. Microsoft Word and WordPad seem to not accept the equations nor expressions copied from TexAide; only the TexAide code become pasted. The wordprocessing program called Jarte WILL ACCEPT the actual equations or expressions. Jarte comes as a freeware version and a shareware version is also available. (See http://www.jarte.com)
  • #8
matt grime said:
All you need to create LaTeX is the LaTeX installation and a *good* text editor. That would mean Vim or Emacs. TexnicCenter is truly awful: it is quite clearly a programming IDE that has been hacked to work for LaTeX and it shows (to compile the latex source is non-obvious, try the build menu. To view the output is even more non-obvious since that too is on the 'build' menu, and not the 'view' menu - that would be too sensible).

TC may not be very well-designed, but it's not buggy and it works as advertised. A few minutes will get you used to its quirks. I don't use any of its "helper" functionality, but I wouldn't use that with any sort of IDE. It's certainly far preferable to writing TeX in Word!
  • #9
  • #10
Data said:
TC may not be very well-designed, but it's not buggy and it works as advertised.

And so does Emacs (or Vim). Still, if people want to use unnecessarily complicated pointless interfaces good luck to them. Personally, I can't think of any editor that is better than Vim with the LaTeX extension. Just think of all the nice features:

delete x numbers of characters, delete the next word, delete the next line, delete the next x words/lines, transpose these two letters, latex document, view latexed document, complete reference, close tag, `g auto-extends to \gamma,

all on a couple of key strokes.
  • #11
I've actually never used vim with the extension. I'll have to give it a try.
  • #12
Lyx is free and works well. I've used it to write the odd paper, and you can also cut and paste formulae from it into this forum.
  • #13
uart said:
Mag|cK, you should take a look at Abiword ( http://www.abisource.com ). It's a free word processor available for both Windows and Linux and it has a fairly nice latex based equation editor.

Thx, uart. I have downloaded abiword, but i can't find any equation editor in it. Where is it? or do i have to download extra file?
  • #14
I have downloaded the plugin for equation editor. But how to make roots or fractions? like 1/2 or x^0.5 to appear with the appropriate symbols
  • #15
As pointed out by others, your best bet is to install a TeX distribution. If you're running Windows, MiKTeX is the best way to go. For an introduction to LaTeX and the TeX system, you can't go wrong if you read the Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX.
  • #16
Mag|cK said:
I have downloaded the plugin for equation editor. But how to make roots or fractions? like 1/2 or x^0.5 to appear with the appropriate symbols

Ok here's the part where you actually have to learn some basic latex commands. Don't be discouraged if it looks complicated at first, just concentrate on learning the most basic features like fractions, square-root, indices (superscripts) and subscripts for now. You'll soon find it becomes very fast and easy to use.

Essentially what you're doing with AbiWord is using latex only for the equation environment while maintaining a more familiar word processor type environment for the main body of the document. This is really an easy way into latex, which is much more powerful than just an equation editor, it's a full text setting program. After you become more familiar with using Latex for just the equations in your documents you may even decide to try using full latex for entire documents. At least AbiWord gives you any easy way to get started on learning some Latex maths commands.

BTW. If you click on any of the formatted equations in these forums then you'll see the latex commands which generated them. This can be a good way to get some ideas on how to do various things in Latex. Start with simple equations first and you'll soon get the hang of it.Some examples

Fractions :

[tex] \frac{a+b}{c} [/tex]

[tex] \pi \neq \frac{p}{q}[/tex]

Indices :

[tex] E = m c^2 [/tex][tex] e^{a+b} = e^a e^b [/tex]


[tex]y_1 = x_1 + x_0 [/tex]

[tex] A_{k2} = A_{k1} + 1 [/tex]

Square Root (and putting a few of the above things together) :

[tex] \lambda = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c} } {2a} [/tex]

Make sure you learn the meaning and usage of the the special symbols "{", "}" and "\" as an absolute priority before starting ok.
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  • #17
As an aside, you can also click on the equations in this forum to reveal the latex code used to general them.
  • #18
It is remarkable how nobody mentioned Scientific... :P

Anyways, LaTeX is by far the best, and if you are interested in becoming a mathematitian, sooner or later you should learn to use it.
  • #19
AiRAVATA said:
It is remarkable how nobody mentioned Scientific... :P

"Scientific... Word"?
  • #20
AiRAVATA said:
It is remarkable how nobody mentioned Scientific... :P

Well not really that remarkable considering that the OP specifically asked for a free program and Scientific Word is up to $630.00 USD for a single user licence.
  • #21
Thank you everyone for your help :smile: .. I'll try those programs
  • #22
Mag|cK said:
Thank you everyone for your help :smile: .. I'll try those programs

Just wondering Mag|cK, did you get the latex equation editor in Abiword working?
  • #23
no. currently i use openoffice.org, and perhaps switch to latex for more complicated equations..
  • #24
Mag|cK said:

Does that mean
1. Couldn't actually make it work at all?
2. Didn't suit your needs?
3. Didn't want to have to learn latex math codes at this time?
  • #25
i think it doesn't work with more complicated equations such as the 'abc formula' \lambda = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c} } {2a} The abiword can't produce this equation properly, for instance.
  • #26
Mag|cK said:
i think it doesn't work with more complicated equations such as the 'abc formula' \lambda = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4 a c} } {2a} The abiword can't produce this equation properly, for instance.

Ok well that means that you haven't properly downloaded the equation editor or the maths fonts or something else is wrong, because I have absolutely no problems with equations like that here.


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FAQ: Where Can I Find a Free Equation Editor for Microsoft Word?

1. What is an equation editor?

An equation editor is a software tool that allows users to create mathematical equations and expressions using symbols, functions, and other mathematical notations. It is commonly used in scientific and academic fields, as well as in word processing programs for creating technical documents.

2. Is there a free equation editor available?

Yes, there are several free equation editors available online. Some popular options include MathType, LaTeX, and Microsoft's Equation Editor. These editors offer a range of features and compatibility with different platforms and document types.

3. Can I use a free equation editor for complex equations?

Yes, most free equation editors have the capability to handle complex equations and expressions. However, the level of complexity may vary depending on the specific editor and its features. It is best to research and compare different options to find the one that best suits your needs.

4. Do I need programming skills to use a free equation editor?

No, you do not need programming skills to use a free equation editor. Many of these editors have user-friendly interfaces and offer a variety of tools and templates to make creating equations easier for non-programmers.

5. Are there any limitations to using a free equation editor?

While free equation editors offer a range of features, they may have limitations compared to paid versions. These limitations can include a smaller selection of symbols and functions, or less advanced formatting options. However, for basic equations and expressions, a free equation editor should suffice.

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